Sunday, December 29, 2024

いま蒔いている種  The Seed You Are Planting


 先日、地下鉄に座っていたら、目の前に若者が立った。フリースの胸に、”the seed you are planting" (あなたが蒔いている種)と書いてある。何の事かと思って、もう一度、英語を見ると、the seedの上に単語が一語あるようだ。残念ながら、若者の腕が単語を覆っている。しかし、最後の文字がだと分かった。で終わる動詞だと推測し「蒔いている種を~せよ」と書いてあると思った。が、その動詞が分からない。いらいらしていると、若者の腕が下がり、Trust (信頼する)という単語が現れた。英文は "Trust the seed you are planting"だ。これならわかる。「あなたが蒔いている種を信頼せよ」の意味だ。今、蒔いている種は将来きっといい花を咲かせる。






The Seed You Are Planting

The other day, I was sitting on a subway train seat when a young man stood in front of me. I noticed an English phrase on the chest of his fleece. It read, “the seed you are planting.” Not understanding its meaning, I looked at it again carefully and saw that one word was written above the phrase. However, his arm covered it, so I couldn't see it. After a careful watch, I noticed a letter “t” at the end of the word. I thought it might be a verb ending in “t.” I conjectured the meaning of the phrase: do something about the seed you are planting. Unable to see the verb, I felt irritated. Then, he lowered his arm, revealing the verb. It was ‘Trust.’ So, the whole phrase read: “Trust the seed you are planting.” It is a good phrase, meaning that the seed you are planting will surely bloom into a flower in the future.

I am 81 years old and have a limited life expectancy. Yet, I want to plant a good seed for the future, even though it may be five or ten or more years from now.

Yesterday, I watched a recorded NHK program, “Chieizu” (Source of Wisdom), which featured the famed film star Sessue Hayakawa. His words were similar to the seed phrase: “Plant the best seed, and it will bear the best fruit.”

PS. An English program on You-tube said as follows:

"You've planted a good seed which will benefit humanity for a long time."

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

鉄道馬車とエレベーターと  A Horsecar and an Elevator and ...







A Horsecar and an Elevator and...

One of the scenes in “Sakano-ue no Kumo” (Clouds above the Slope) written by Ryotaro Shiba takes place on a busy street in Tokyo. The protagonist, Saneyuki Akiyama, had quit high school and went to Tokyo with his cousin, Naoe Uchiyama, from their hometown in Matsuyama, Shikoku, in 1886 (Meiji 19). Shiba writes:

“Arriving in Tokyo, they were surprised to see a horsecar. They had never seen a tram drawn by a horse along tracks laid in the streets. […] Uchiyama’s face turned blue, unlike Masayuki’s big brother. They wanted to cross the tracks to go to the other side but wondered whether it was allowed to step across them. […] Would they be scolded for crossing them or looked down on as countrymen?”

This is unbelievable. However, I understand how embarrassed they were to see the horsecar for the first time.

My father was born in 1910 (Meiji 43). He once said to me, “I don’t know how to ride in an elevator.” I thought he was kidding, but he was serious.

That said, smartphones and AI have been introduced. I can’t imagine what strange things will be used in the near future. I will probably be embarrassed by them, too.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

国宝「瓢鮎図」 National Treasure "Hyonen-zu" (Calabash and Catfish)


 谷崎潤一郎の小説『猫と庄造と二人のをんな』に「...追い詰められるまでは瓢箪鯰に受ケ流してゐて」と書いてある。瓢箪鯰とは、辞書によれば(「瓢箪で鯰を押える」から ) ぬらりくらりとして要領を得ないさま、と定義。





National Treasure "Hyonen-zu" (Calabash and Catfish)

A passage in “Neko to Shozo to Futari no Onna” (A Cat, Shozo, and Two Women) written by the famed Japanese author, Junichiro Tanizaki (1886-1965), reads: “[The protagonist] was pretending to be listening to her like a ‘hyotan-namazu’ (a calabash-catfish) until he was driven into a corner.” A dictionary defines ‘hyotan-namazu’ as a catfish that is slippery and difficult to catch because it is impossible to capture one with a calabash.

The other day, I saw an ink wash painting named Hyonen-zu (a calabash-catfish picture) in a sub-temple, Taizo-in, when I visited Myoshinji Temple in Kyoto. It was painted in 1415 and is a National Treasure.

In the painting, a man holding a bottle gourd is trying to catch a catfish. The inscription above the painting poses a Zen question: you catch a bird flying in the sky with an arrow attached to a thread; you catch a creature swimming in the water with a net. These are orthodox ways to catch birds or fish. However, how can you possibly hold down a slippery and scale-less catfish in muddy water with a round and empty gourd?

Each of the 31 Zen monks wrote a poetic inscription in an attempt to answer the question. The scroll painting of the Zen question and answers is called Hyonen-zu. I borrowed “The Mysteries of Hyonen-zu” written by Katsuhiro Yoshizawa from a library.

I read a dozen poetic inscriptions, but they were all Zen riddles. They were too difficult for me to understand.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

桃太郎の家来はなぜ猿雉犬か  Why are Momotaro’s Followers Monkey, Pheasant, and Dog?








Why are Momotaro’s Followers Monkey, Pheasant, and Dog?

The Japanese folk tale "Momotaro" is well known throughout Japan. Some people criticize it, saying: "Momotaro is a bad guy because he invades Onigashima, or Devils’ Land, and robs them of their fortune."

However, the devils must be vanquished. Why? The reason is connected to the ancient Chinese philosophy called Inyo Gogyo.

According to Inyo Gogyo, the northeast direction is called Kimon, or Demon’s Gate. It is the evil direction that causes disasters in human lives. Look at the diagram above. Ushi (bull) and Tora (tiger) in red letters indicate the evil direction. That’s why the devil has two horns like a bull and wears shorts made of tiger skin.

The opposite direction of Kimon is called Ura-kimon, which is the direction of the monkey. Look at the blue letter in the diagram. Therefore, Demon and Monkey are adversarial. Eto goes around in a clockwise way, so the closest neighbors of the monkey are the bird and the dog. Therefore, Momotaro took a monkey, a pheasant, and a dog as his followers and went to Onigashima to conquer the demons.

I studied this when I attended Prof. Masahiro Fukakusa’s lecture at Nagoya Citizen College the other day. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

映画『八犬伝』  A Movie, "Hakkenden"









A Movie, "Hakkenden"

I saw “Hakkenden” yesterday. Koji Yakusho performed the role of Kyokutei Bakin, an Edo era novelist (1764-1848).

The movie consists of two narratives. One depicts Bakin writing the story, with Katsushika Hokusai illustrating it. The other showcases eight young swordsmen, each possessing a bright, transparent ball representing virtues such as Humanity, Righteousness, Courtesy, Wisdom, Loyalty, Trust, Filial Piety, and Brotherly Love. They battle the evil spirit of Tamazusa. The movie alternates between these two narratives, resulting in about an hour and a half of fighting scenes.

Bakin spent 28 years writing the story which consisted of 98 volumes. The film condenses this long tale into just an hour and a half, which feels somewhat inadequate. 

Despite this, the film effectively introduces the eight swordsmen one by one. In the end, they defeat Tamazusa and restore the Satomi Clan. While it was well summarized, it inevitably felt superficial. This was perhaps unavoidable given the constraints.

Historical Inaccuracies:

The illustrator of "Hakkenden" is not Hokusai. The appearances of Turuya Nanboku and Watanabe Kazan in the movie are also fictional.

Moving Scenes:

   Bakin’s son, Sohaku, dies young. This scene resonated with me as my elder brother also passed away at the age of 18. I believe my parents felt immense sorrow. Watching this part of the movie brought tears to my eyes.

   In his later years, Bakin became blind and could no longer continue writing. Omichi, his daughter-in-law transcribed his words. Although she initially did not know how to write kanji characters, she learned with his patient guidance, eventually helping him complete his great work.

This film has sparked my interest in reading the original story.

Sunday, October 13, 2024








Visiting Tesshin’s Grave

I am writing a novel about Ohara Tesshin, a chief retainer for the Ogaki-han Domain in the 1830s during the Edo era.

On October 10, I visited Tesshin’s grave at Zensho-ji Temple and the graves of the Toda clan, the lords of the domain, at Entsu-ji Temple to gather materials for my novel.  

Fortunately, the priest guided me around the graves. The temple was burned down in 1945 during WWII Ogaki air raids. He showed me the graves of Ogaki-han’s samurai warriors who were killed in the Boshin War (Japan's last civil war) as well as the grave of Kuki, a descendant of the naval force chief in the Seto Inland Sea. 

I paid my respects at Tesshin’s grave, lighting incense sticks and a candle.

On my way back to Ogaki Station, I visited Ogaki Historical Museum and Ogaki Castle. The materials I saw today will definitely help me write the novel.

Pictures are: from the top, Ogaki Castle model, Entsuji-Temple, Zensho-ji Temple, and Ohra Tesshin's grave.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

富士河口湖コンサート  Fuji Kawaguchi Lake Concert







Fuji Kawaguchi Lake Concert

I enjoyed listening to Tsujii Nobuyuki’s piano performance at the Kawaguchi Lake Stellar Theater on September 21. The theater resembles an ancient Roman amphitheater and accommodates 3,000 people. The seats are made of stone and lack backs, so you need to borrow a cushion for comfort.

This was the third time I had the pleasure of hearing him play. Each time, the keys he strikes seem to convey his delicate emotions.

However, I was annoyed by the clickety-clack noise during the encore, caused by the theater’s ceiling moving to reveal the magnificent Mt. Fuji.

Some suggested improvements:

  • The stone seats can be uncomfortable for elderly people with backaches.
  • Avoid moving the ceiling during the performance. If necessary, ensure it moves silently.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

串団子土星  Skeweredーdumpling Saturn 




 Skeweredーdumpling Saturn 

I attended a star-viewing event at a hotel in Yatsugatake, Nagano Prefecture, on September 20. The viewing site was a grassy field about a 10-minute walk from the hotel. With over 90 percent of the moon illuminated, it was almost as bright as a full moon. Clouds covered about one-third of the night sky, but the southern sky was clear. Each star-gazer lay on their back on a small mat on the grass, surrounded by eerie black bushes.

The woman in charge pointed her flashlight at various constellations in the dark sky, such as Cassiopeia, Cygnus (the Swan), the North Star, the Big Dipper, and Orion. Most of these constellations were obscured by clouds, but Orion and the Winter Triangle were visible. After a 20-minute talk about the stars, each participant had the chance to view Saturn through an astronomical telescope. I was disappointed because I couldn’t see Saturn’s rings clearly; instead, I saw a skewered-dumpling shape. The Saturn I saw in high school was unforgettable because the rings were tilted at a favorable angle towards Earth. The woman explained that this year, the rings appear edge-on and are nearly invisible due to their extreme thinness relative to their diameter. According to her, Saturn’s rings reach their maximum tilt towards Earth approximately every 15 years. The Satrun I saw when I was a boy had the rings tilted in a good angle.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

大山鳴動して鼠一匹  Much Ado about Nothing







Much Ado about Nothing

A TV news announcer warned, “One of the largest typhoons in recent years is approaching Japan. Please keep a close watch on it.” Typhoon No. 10 had reached Kagoshima Prefecture four days earlier. Since then, the news has been dominated by reports on the typhoon, detailing the damages and early countermeasures. The weather forecast predicted it would hit Nagoya within a day or so.

However, the typhoon moved very slowly and did not reach Nagoya even after four days had passed. TV news continued to broadcast updates on how people were coping with the bad news: scarce rice supplies, emergency evacuations, mudslides, unavailable shelter kits, and stoppages of Shinkansen bullet trains and airplanes. My head was overwhelmed with too much information about the not-yet-arrived typhoon. This happens every year. Finally, today, it rained rather heavily, but not as much as expected. TVs, radios, and phones made too much noise. Much ado about nothing.

I was supposed to go to the YWCA to attend a Shakespeare class this afternoon, but I didn’t, because the weather forecast predicted heavy rain. However, it turned out to be just ordinary rain.

I envy the people of the Edo era. They never heard about approaching typhoons. They judged the weather themselves. They might have looked at the sky and thought, “It will probably rain in the afternoon.” They didn’t have to worry about the weather for four days.

I am exhausted from worrying about the typhoon for the past four days. I have had too much incorrect information. Enough is enough.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

断腸の別離  Heartbreaking Separation








Heartbreaking Separation  

Sunday, August 4, 2024

イエオスト Gjetost



I recently read The Witches, a children’s story by Roald Dahl. The tale follows a young Norwegian boy who, while staying at a hotel in London with his grandmother, stumbles upon a secret gathering of witches disguised as kindly old ladies.

Their leader, the Grand High Witch, who masquerades as a stunning young woman, uses a special potion called Formula 86 Delayed Action Mouse-Maker to transform the boy into a mouse. However, with the help of his resourceful grandmother, the boy manages to turn the tables, using the same potion to turn all the witches into mice, which are eventually devoured by cats.

After this thrilling adventure, the boy and his grandmother return home. Now in his mouse form, the boy indulges in his favorite treat: a slice of Gjetost, the brown goat cheese from Norway.

Curious, I picked up some Gjetost at the supermarket, just like the boy’s. As I took a bite, I noticed its sticky, caramel-like texture and the slight bitterness in its taste.

 “This is the cheese the boy ate,” I thought, savoring each bite.


Here’s an excerpt from the book:

“For supper that evening my grandmother had a plain omelette and one slice of bread. I had a piece of that brown Norwegian goat’s-milk cheese known as Gjetost, which I had loved even when I was a boy. We ate in front of the fire, my grandmother in her armchair and me on the table with my cheese on a small plate.”


Here’s a revised version of your passage:

 I recently read The Witches, a children’s story by Roald Dahl. The tale follows a young Norwegian boy who, while staying at a hotel in London with his grandmother, stumbles upon a secret gathering of witches disguised as kindly old ladies.

 Their leader, the Grand High Witch, who masquerades as a stunning young woman, uses a special potion called Formula 86 Delayed Action Mouse-Maker to transform the boy into a mouse. However, with the help of his resourceful grandmother, the boy manages to turn the tables, using the same potion to turn all the witches into mice, which are eventually devoured by cats.

 After this thrilling adventure, the boy and his grandmother return home. Now in his mouse form, the boy indulges in his favorite treat: a slice of Gjetost, the brown goat cheese from Norway.

 Curious, I picked up some Gjetost at the supermarket, just like the boy’s. As I took a bite, I noticed its sticky, caramel-like texture and the slight bitterness in its taste.

 “This is the cheese the boy ate,” I thought, savoring each bite.

 Here’s an excerpt from the book:

 “For supper that evening my grandmother had a plain omelette and one slice of bread. I had a piece of that brown Norwegian goat’s-milk cheese known as Gjetost, which I had loved even when I was a boy. We ate in front of the fire, my grandmother in her armchair and me on the table with my cheese on a small plate.”


What’s Good About This Passage:


            •           Clarity and Flow: The revised passage reads smoothly, with a clear progression of events.

            •           Descriptive Language: The description of the cheese is vivid and relatable, helping to create a sensory connection.

            •           Narrative Integration: The mention of the book’s excerpt ties the story and your experience together effectively.




            •           Emotional Engagement: You might delve a bit deeper into how the connection to the story made you feel. Did the taste of the cheese evoke a sense of nostalgia, or did it make the story feel more real?

            •           Personal Insight: Consider expanding on why this particular detail—the cheese—stood out to you. This can add a layer of depth and personalize the narrative further.


Overall, your passage does a great job of linking a literary experience to a real-life moment, making the story come alive in a tangible way.




Friday, July 26, 2024

美観より健康   Health Is More Important Than Beauty








Friday, June 28, 2024

喧しいにもほどがある Fed up with Noise


Fed up with Noise    

In Japan it is said that three women make an unbearable chattering noise. In my case, the number was seven. That means I suffered from more than double unbearable noises.

   The cause of the intolerable buzz was seven old women, all seemingly more than 75 years old. All my four-day trip with my wife to Komagane Highlands in Nagano prefecture were ruined by their clattering, chattering, irritating noises. They talked about everything and anything. Things they saw, things they bought, things they missed, things they ate, places they visited, and all the other things in the world.

   The irritation continued during the hour-and-a-half bus ride, supper and breakfast times, coffee times, at the corridors and the hotel lobby. They monopolized the bus and the hotel. Other customers, I believe, were totally annoyed by them.

   They were nuisance; they were the enemy of peaceful society; they destroyed the quiet atmosphere. The merrier they were, the more irritated I became. I hated to get on the bus with them. I dreaded to eat supper in the dining room with them. I was unable to read a newspaper at the lobby.

   The trip over, I am so relieved. Without them, the world is filled with tranquility. I have got back on my feet.

None of them realized even a bit that I was so annoyed.

Damn them.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

陰翳礼讃 谷崎潤一郎    ”On Prazing Darkness” by Jyunichiro Tanizaki

『陰翳礼讃』 谷崎潤一郎







”On Prazing Darkness” by Jyunichiro Tanizaki

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

映画「オッペンハイマー」 ”Oppenheimer”



I saw Oppenheimer directed, and produced by Christopher Nolan.

It consists of three themes: his success of the atomic bomb experiment, his relationship with two women (wife and lover), and the security hearing.

His success was brought about under the stress that Germany would make an atomic bomb earlier than the United States. He was also concerned with the idea that the Soviet Russia would make one. The process to the successful explosion of the bomb was intriguing. I was excited when the countdown began. Later he stands on the stage to say words in front of many excited scientists in Los Alamos Laboratory. I thought, “This is his best time, but the beginning of the worst.”

The movie depicts his relation with his lover. He was not faithful to his wife. The movie not only shows his hardship to develop the bomb but also his private life, which distracted me from the main theme.

The movie mainly centered around his relation with the communist and the red purge. He was prosecuted for being a spy. The debates in the hearing scene is so quick and difficult that I failed to understand the scene well.

As a whole, the movie reveals enemies that attack too famous a man, “father of atomic bomb.”

Sunday, May 19, 2024

スマート眼鏡 Smartglasses








now under construction


Saturday, April 27, 2024

陽が当たらない  Deprived of Sunlight









Deprived of Sunlight

Saturday, April 13, 2024

狭くなる空 The Sky Is Getting Narrower





The Sky Is Getting Narrow 

The sky is getting narrow, but the expanse of the sky does not change, but it is actually getting small because tall buildings and condominiums are being built one after another around the apartment I live in. They interrupt my view of the sky.

A tall building is now under construction to the west of my condominium garden, making incessant noise all day from morning till evening. Up until now they have finished building an eight-story building, but they will add more stories to it. Owing to the stupid obstacle, the beautiful sunset view is obstructed. I had seen the foliage of the big cherry tree in front of my garden shining beautifully against the sinking red sun.

However, the reddish clouds in the sunset is obstructed, I cannot see the glittering leaves. The taller the condominium becomes, the less I can enjoy the beauty of the sunlit foliage. I want to see the beautiful sunset in the unlimited west sky, but I can’t. I want the sun to shine my garden until it sinks, but I can’t.

The city life is getting worse and worse.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

おめでたい奴  A Simple-minded Man














A Simple-minded Man

Man tends to interpret his environment as he wishes. He even worries about the consequence he has deducted from the interpretation.

    In fact, I am ashamed to confess that I myself suffered from such a situation.

My hobby is writing stories that covers novels, short stories, and children’s tales. Mind you, I am not boasting about my writing, for a great number of my pieces have been rejected so far.

I applied for the Andersen’ Fairy Tale Contest this January. I thought my piece was excellent. The protagonist is the Earth. She envies other planets such as Saturn, Jupiter, Comet, and the moon. She wants to be as beautiful as those celestial bodies. Comet approaches her and declares, “You are the most beautiful stars in the universe.” She first does not believe what Comet says because she cannot look at herself from a distance. Later, however, she thinks it may be true. In the end she does not envy them, but is proud of herself.

If I win the first prize, the organizer, the Andersen Group, will give me 300,000 yen an airline pair tickets to fly to Denmark.

Here, my imagination got the better of myself and wondered what if I won the first prize. I said to myself, “I am 81 years old and my wife 77. Can I endure the long-distance flight? Since Russia is invading Ukraine, the airplane cannot use Moscow Airport. Therefore, the flight may take more than 14 hours to fly to . The prize tickets are economy class. So, my wife and I cannot fly for such a long time squeezed in narrow economy class seats. I should ask the Andersen Group to change the economy class seats to business class ones. I am ready to pay for the balance amount.”

I continued to wonder day after day for three months until the prize winners’ announcement. I thought I had to strength my muscles for the severe flight to Denmark. I began to walk more than 5000 steps a day, climbed stairs in subway stations, and took daily exercise.

The official announcement date was April 2, but the other day, earlier than the announcement, I received an envelope from the selection committee. Usually, the envelop that announces rejection is thin, but it was thick. So, I thought I might have won the prize.

My heart pounding, I opened it.

And alas, I was rejected. The envelope contained five picture post cards that showed the pictures of a scene in the last year’s winners’ fairy tales.

I was sorry not being selected, but I enjoyed myself for three months during which my imagination ran wild.

I am going to apply for the next year’s contesMan tends to interpret his environment as he wishes. He even worries about the consequence he has deducted from the interpretation.

    In fact, I am ashamed to confess that I myself suffered from such a situation.

My hobby is writing stories that covers novels, short stories, and children’s tales. Mind you, I am not boasting about my writing, for a great number of my pieces have been rejected so far.

I applied for the Andersen’ Fairy Tale Contest this January. I thought my piece was excellent. The protagonist is the Earth. She envies other planets such as Saturn, Jupiter, Comet, and the moon. She wants to be as beautiful as those celestial bodies. Comet approaches her and declares, “You are the most beautiful stars in the universe.” She first does not believe what Comet says because she cannot look at herself from a distance. Later, however, she thinks it may be true. In the end she does not envy them, but is proud of herself.

If I win the first prize, the organizer, the Andersen Group, will give me 300,000 yen an airline pair tickets to fly to Denmark.

Here, my imagination got the better of myself and wondered what if I won the first prize. I said to myself, “I am 81 years old and my wife 77. Can I endure the long-distance flight? Since Russia is invading Ukraine, the airplane cannot use Moscow Airport. Therefore, fhe flight may take more than 14 hours. The prize tickets are economy class. So, my wife and I cannot fly for such a long time squeezed in narrow economy class seats. I should ask the Andersen Group to change the economy class seats to business class ones. I am ready to pay for the balance amount.”

I continued to wonder day after day for three months until the prize winners’ announcement. I thought I had to strength my muscles for the severe flight to Denmark. I began to walk more than 5000 steps a day, climbed stairs in subway stations, and took daily exercise.

The official announcement date was April 2, but the other day, earlier than the announcement, I received an envelope from the selection committee. Usually, the envelop that announces rejection is thin, but it was thick. So, I thought I might have won the prize.

My heart pounding, I opened it.

And alas, I was rejected. The envelope contained five picture post cards that showed the pictures of a scene in the last year’s winners’ fairy tales.

I was sorry not being selected, but I enjoyed myself for three months during which my imagination ran wild.

I am going to apply for the next year’s contest. The dead line date is January 10 in 2025. The dead line date is January 10 in 2025. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

君たちはどう生きるか(映画) The Boy and the Heron (animation)









The Boy and the Heron

I did not go to see this movie because I thought it told how young people should live.

Recently I learned that the film won the Academy award for the best animated feature. I went to see it for I thought it would be worth seeing.

The graphics and the sounds were excellent. The characters and the animals were also well made.

However, I did not understand the whole plot.  It was not a film where the protagonist works hard to attain his goal. It does not describe the conflict he faces against his step mother.  I did not understand the meaning of the speaking strange spooky crane. Nor I understood the meaning of his great grandfather. What does the melting mother mean? What are the floating objects in the air? It is not antiwar film, either.

Since the film did not attract me at all, I often thought I would quit seeing it. But I paid a lot of money for the ticket. So, I endured till the end. It was worth 10 points out of 100.  The movie was waste of money and time.