Tuesday, February 28, 2012




  I saw a movie “In Time” yesterday. The story consists of two features. First, it depicts a world where time is literally money. You buy, lend, or borrow time. You just touch your wrist to a tool that supplies or deducts your time. Your salary is paid with time; you give your time at a toll gate; and you pay one minute of your time for making a public phone call.
  Another feature is that all people die at the age of 25 when your time expires. If you want to live longer, you buy time at a time bank. As long as you continue to buy time, your body does not get old, but stays as young as a 25-year-old person's. The wealthy people, therefore, can buy a lot of time, say 100 years or 1000 years, but poor people like Will Salas, the protagonist in the movie, live day to day by buying only 10 hours or, at most, a day.
  The plot is similar to “Titanic,” where a wealthy girl falls in love with a low class man. In “In Time,” Will Salas falls in love with a daughter of a billionaire. They steal time-supplying tools from her father’s banks. Timekeeper chases them. After robbing a tool that supplies a million years from the billionaire’s safe, they donate the time to the slum people.
  The story gives a message that longevity does not necessarily bring happiness. At the outset of the movie, a man who has more than 100 years to live commits a suicide by giving his time to Salas because he is tired of living such a long a life.
  The movie reminded me of a world-famous Japanese painter, Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849), who influenced the impressionist painters including Monet, Degas, and Gogh. His paintings of fish, plants, animals, people, and landscapes are amazingly real. He had a genius level talent. In his final years, however, he repented that he was not able to paint even a cat satisfactorily. It is said that his last words at the age of 89 were: “If I had 10 more years or even 5 more years to live, I could be a master.” If he had lived in the “In Time” world, he could have bought 10 years. I wonder what the master’s paintings would be like.
  My mother died at the age of 46, and my brother at the age of 18. They should have lived longer, till at least 70 years old. I wish I had the tool and could give 24 years to her and 52 years to him.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


 半分水が入っているコップを見て、楽観主義者は「まだ半分ある」と思い、悲観主義者は「もう半分しかない」と思うそうだ▼英語にフィジカリー チャレンジドという言い回しがある。「身体的に挑戦されている」という意味だ。足が不自由な人は、足がその人に対して「俺と勝負しようじゃないか。俺に勝てるか」と挑みかかっている。その人は「お前なんかに負けてたまるか(「天声新語」応募作品につき、以下読みたい方は、mhiroshi62@yahoo.co.jpまでメールを下さい。)


  Looking at a glass which is half full of water, an opportunist says, “The glass is half full” and the pessimist says, “The glass is half empty.”
  There is an English expression: “physically challenged.” It stirs my imagination. One's crippled leg challenges one saying, “Can you compete with me? I don’t think you will win.” One shoots back, “All right. I accept your challenge. I do not mind my limping. I will overcome the disability.”
  Compared with the expression, "physically challenged," I deplore the insensitive Japanese expression "shintai-shogai-sha," which is literally translated into “physically obstructed and harmed person.” What a cruel expression! No one wanted to be born this way. Recently, since the word “gai” (obstruct) gives a negative image, they write “gai” not in hieroglyphic Chinese character (害), but in phonetic character of hiragana (がい), which gives a soft and graceful impression. Such a cheap trick, however, shows the arrogance of an able-bodied person.
  Concerning “able-bodied,” there is an eye-opening expression in English: “temporary able-bodied.” It means that since an able-bodied person might lose his leg in a traffic accident the next day, he is ‘temporarily’ able-bodied. He should be careful not to be too complacent.
  Of course, however differently you may describe the same phenomenon, the essence does not change, but a different description may give you a totally different view of the world. I want to live my life with a glass-half-full approach free from stereotypes and with flexible viewpoints.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012




  The day before yesterday I dreamed a strange dream. When I come out of the school after a day’s work, one of my ex-students, whose face I do not recognize, is waiting for me.
  “I will drive you home, Mr. Matsuoka,” he says.
  “Thank you,” I say and follow him. Soon we come to a porta potty about 2 meters tall and one meter deep.
  “Please take a ride in it,” he says.
  Remembering that I have driven this kind of toilet before, I step in it. The ex-student sits on the shelf inside the toilet and I stand on the bottom. There is a beveled rectangle wooden pedal on the bottom. I push it with my foot and the toilet floats and moves forward.
  “You’re good at driving,” he says.
  The toilet runs along a wide white road about 10 centimeters above the ground. To turn right, all I have to do is just lean my body to the right. To gain speed, I just push the pedal hard.
  Soon the toilet deviates from the road and flies above a pond surrounded by trees alongside the road. I see the toilet flying over the pond from outside it. Feeling scared, I lean left hard to put the toilet back on the road. After a long curve, I succeed in getting it back on the track. Then I continue driving the toilet on a long white wide road. What fun it is to ride in a toilet!
  Then I awake, to my disappointment.
  The next morning when I talked about the dream to my wife, she said, “I envy you. You are enjoying life even in a dream.”