Wednesday, May 30, 2012



7時前に、ガイドがやって来て「キャンセルです」と告知する。耳を疑った。ええっ! こんな素晴らしい日に? 朝早く起きたのに。気球に乗る気が全身にみなぎっているのに。中止とは! どっと疲れが出た。みんながっかりし、唇を噛んで、ウンウンうめき声をあげた。



でも、運がいいことに、ガイドが来て「飛びますよ」とうれしい声。またバスに乗って打ち上げ場所に移動する。到着して気球を見るとその巨大なこと。みんなカゴに乗り始めたが、カゴが背が高くて、またいで乗込むなんて芸当は出来ない。カゴの側面に切りこんである階段になったいくつもの穴に足を突っ込んで慎重によじ登るのだ。巧く登れば拍手喝采。みんなが登る人にあれやこれやと足の置き場を指示する。「そう、それでいいのよ。今度は右足をこの穴に入れて。そう。OK。じゃあ今度は左足をここに入れて、そうじゃなくって! 身体の向きを変えてよ。もうじれったい!」









May 16, 2012

The morning call rang at 5:15. It was a beautiful day with no wind and no clouds. I was sure we could ride a balloon. Ten sleepy people including me gathered at the hotel lobby at 6:00, and got on a microbus to go to the balloon-flight office. From the bus windows we saw dozens of balloons floating in the beautiful blue sky. How exciting it would be to float in a balloon! How wonderful it would be to look down at the landscapes! Just imagining made me excited.
After arriving at the office, we ate bread and drank coffee. We waited for our turn at seven o’clock hoping that we could ride one. Our tour guide had said that ballooning would be canceled when it was windy or cloudy. In some unlucky cases, she said, immediately after your balloon began to lift off, the flight could be canceled. On this day, however, the sky was a perfect blue and there was not even a breeze.
Just a few minute before seven, the guide came to announce that the flight had been cancelled. I couldn't believe my ears. Why? Cancelled? On such a beautiful fine day? I woke up so early and was more than 100 percent ready to ride in a balloon, but oh, the cancelation! Suddenly I was exhausted. We all muttered disappointment, bitterness, and groans.

only God knows
what’s around 
the corner

May 17, 2012

Again I woke up at 5:15. The sky was blue. It was not windy, but I did not expect that I would be able to ride a balloon. I knew the flight might be canceled at the last moment. I prepared myself for the worst. Even when I saw dozens of balloons floating above our bus on the way to the office, I was not sure that we could fly. The tables could be turned at the last moment.
Luckily, however, the guide came to tell us that we would fly as scheduled. We took a bus again and rushed to the flight-site. When we reached it, the balloon was enormously huge. We began to climb into the basket. Everyone had great difficulty getting into it because the sides of the basket were so high that you couldn’t stride over them. You had to climb it by carefully putting your foot in the holes notches in the side of it. Everybody suggested to each other how to climb over it. “Easy. All right, put your right foot here. Good, then put your damn foot in this hole. No, you must first turn around.”
When all were aboard, the pilot shot the fire into the center of the balloon several times. My head felt the heat. When the balloon absorbed enough heat, it gently took off from the ground. First, it was only 10 centimeters above the earth, but in a few minutes it was floating about 10 meters above it.


smoothly floating balloon
the endless panorama view
100 meters above the ground
300 meters, and the highest 600 meters

innumerous cone-shaped rocks and
weirdly-shaped pillars down below
above tall trees and green fields,
in and over the vast valleys

hear the chirp of birds
look! a fox is running, the pilot says
a toy truck is running along a narrow road
other balloons drifting far and near

misty blue mountains far away
the shadow of our balloon on the ground
suddenly dozens of white worms into view
a soundless dog driving the sheep

floating and drifting
floating and driftiing
feel nature
you are one with nature


After a 50 minute flight, the balloon landed softly on a grassy land. We climbed out of the basket onto the ground. They had prepared a champagne bottle and a table to celebrate a happy landing.
Pop the cork! Cheers and Kanpai!

Thursday, May 10, 2012










Comics and Novels

Recently I read a series of comic books titled Monster written by Naoki Urazawa, a prominent Japanese comic writer. As I was reading them, I realized similarities and differences between comics and novel writing.

1. Appearance
The appearances of the characters must be distinct from each other in both genres. Each character has to have his or her peculiar bodily characteristics. In novels, the writer depicts them by describing their bodily features like: stout, skinny, round faced, big eyed, or bold headed, while in comics the writer does not have to explain their features in words but must draw them. Each character in Monster is so skillfully drawn that the readers can easily identify each character the moment they see them in the page. For example, the police officer who pursues Dr. Tenma, the protagonist, has an inverted triangular face with a bold head and sharp sloe eyes.

2. Clothes
The novel writer describes what the characters are wearing such as a black jacket, yellow long sleeves, dark boots, golden bracelets, or white hats, while the comic writer shows the characters’ wears from top to toe such as the shape, size, and design of a hat. A novelist does not have to show all the details of the clothes. All he has to do is to describe their striking features. In this respect, the comic writers have to pay more attention to the details of the clothing. However, the novelist must choose what to describe and what not to describe. Unnecessary description confuses the reader. The novelist must know that even a slight description of the clothes can play the role of foreshadowing.

3. Background scenery
A novelist depicts the background scenery of the character by writing some of the characteristics like: George was confined in an old dark room, The moon above him began to hide behind the clouds, or The wooden front door was decayed, while the comic writer shows them. Sometimes the comic writer shows the whole background scenery in detail. For example, if the character is standing in front of a house, the comic writer draws the whole house including the windows, walls, roofs, roof tiles, fences, grass, trees, and the sky. The novelist, however, doesn’t have to describe all the details of the background. If the novelist describes them, he has to spend pages and pages. Effective description is expected of a novelist.

4. Psychology
A novelist describes what the character is thinking like: Tom looked happy, but at heart he was crying with vexation; Nancy was talking quietly but she just wanted to scream out of jealousy. The comic writer cannot describe the character’s state of mind. All she can do is to show the character’s psychology by drawing the character’s face paying attention to all the muscles on his face: the shape of eyebrows, lips, eyes, and wrinkles in the forehead. She should draw them so well so that the reader can grasp the character’s psychology at a glance. This requires skillful technique.

5. Appearance of the page
All a novelist can do about the appearance of each page of his book is to fill it with many words or not. Some novelists fill each page with so many words like academic papers that the reader doesn’t feel like reading it. Others leave so much room by writing a lot of dialogue and using many line breaks that each page looks like a blank page with scattered words. The reader of such a scant-word novel might suspect that the novelist is trying to earn the number of pages.
Another thing a novelist can do is choose the number of each sentence. Some writers prefer a long sentence embedded with commas, semicolons, and hyphens. I remember I was suffocated by reading Charles Dicken’s Nicholas Nickleby because there were a lot of sentences, each of which lasted more than 20 lines. The skillful writer knows the right number of words in the right situation.
The comic writer cannot use such a technique. She uses the page effectively. She sometimes draws the whole one page with a shocking scene on a new page aiming at the reader’s surprise as he turns the page. She can also divide the page into any number of frames, some big, some small. Sometimes the character pops out of the frame to give the reader a three dimensional feeling. In this point, comics are more dynamic.

6. Plot
The plot is the most important for both novels and comics: the beginning, conflicts, the climax, and the ending. If the plot is superb, the reader is, without even noticing, involved in the story and turns the pages to satisfy the anxiety to reach the ending as fast as possible. While the reader is turning pages, he pays little attention to the characters’ appearances, surrounding sceneries, or the look of the page. Whether a comic or a novel succeeds or not depends on the plot, I should say.