Friday, June 30, 2017

テネシー・ウイリアムズTennessee Williams

次回(7月9日)の講座ではテネシー・ウイリアムズTennessee Williamsの「あるマドンナの肖像」Portrait of a Madonnnaと「ロング・グッドバイ」The Long Good-byeを読むことになっている。早速、原文を入手して読み始めた。
テネシー・ウリリアムズといえば、映画「欲望と言う名の電車」A Streetcar Named Desireや「熱いトタン屋根の猫」Cat on a Hot Tin Roofで有名な作家だ。早速、両方の映画のビデオを見た。
両方とも展開が激しく、食い入るようにして、呼吸もできないぐらい緊張して見た。葛藤がドラマでドラマが葛藤だと思うが、この両作品は人間の葛藤のすざましさを描いている。「欲望と言う名の電車」のブランチBlanche とスタンリーStanleyのいがみ合い。「暑いトタン屋根の猫」のマギー(Maggie)とブリック(Brick)の壊れかかった夫婦関係。特にビビアン・リー Vivien Leighが演ずるブランチの狂気がかったロマンチストは真に迫るものがあった。

Tennessee Williams

  I have been attending an Asahi Culture Center class, “Tanpen o kaku, yomu” (Reading and writing of short stories) for nearly 20 years. The teacher usually gives the students stories written by Japanese writers, but sometimes gives foreign stories translated into Japanese. In such cases, I have read both the original stores (mostly written in English) and the translated ones.
  The class is going to read the translations of “Portrait of a Madonna” and "The Long Good-bye” written by Tennessee Williams on July 9. I went to a library and began to read the original stories.
Tennessee Williams is a famous writer, who wrote “A Streetcar Named Desire” and “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” both of which were made into movies. So, I saw them.
  The plots of both of the movies were superb. I felt so excited and tense that I was not able to breathe normally. My eyes were nailed in the screens. A drama is a conflict and vice versa. Both movies depict the deep conflict: the conflict between Maggie and Brick in “A Streetcar Named Desire” and the near-collapse conflict between Blanche and Stanley in “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.” The romantic and almost-mad Blanch starring Vivien Leigh was realistic and touching.
  I was amazed at the writer’s excellent description of the agony that lies deep in human nature.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017




   I won a prize in the Japanese-English translation contest given by "the NHK Business Communication In Action." The following is my translation of the Japanese passage above:

  In 1912, Vesto Slipher, an American astronomer, discovered that the galaxies he observed were receding from the earth. In those days people did not fully understand the implications of the discovery. In later years, however, it was revealed that galaxies were moving away from the earth in all directions. Moreover, it was observed that the farther galaxies were, the faster they were traveling away from the earth. What this implies is clear. The universe is expanding. Georges-Henri Lemaître, a Belgian astronomer, proposed the expansion theory in 1927. Edwin Hubble, an American astronomer, put forward the same theory in 1929. 
  In the 1977 American film “Annie Hall” directed by Woody Allen, the protagonist, a boy named Alvy Singer, has apparently learned about Hubble’s theory from a book. Losing all interest in life, he says in despair something like this:
  “The universe is expanding. Everything is expanding. Someday it will break apart and that would be the end of everything! What’s the point of doing homework?”
  His mother screams at him in utmost irritation.
“What has the universe got to do with it? You’re here in Brooklyn! Brooklyn is not expanding!”
  “Mom doesn’t get it,” he looks as if he were saying to himself, but he does not say a word.

Saturday, June 3, 2017









  I went to Nara to see Kaikei Exhibition held at the Nara National Museum on June 1, because I wanted to improve my short story, which depicts how Unkei and Kaikei, two 13th century Buddhist statue sculptors, carved Guardians of Buddha in Todaiji Temple. More than 80 items including statues and scrolls were exhibited. Here are some of the most impressive ones:
1. Seated Statue of Priest Chogen
  I visited Shunjyo-bo Temple, where the Chogen statue was preserved, but since it was closed, I failed to see the statue. This time I saw it before my nose. The statue is said to have been carved by Unkei immediately before Chogen's death at the age of 85. Look at his sunken eye-sockets and round shoulders. His right eye is slightly larger than the left one.

2. Unkei Gankyo
  “Unkei Gangyo” are the eight volumes of Hokke-kyo Sutra transcribed under the direction of Unkei. I did not refer to the sutra in my short story. So, I will have to study about how Unkei devoted to Buddhism and how other Buddhist sculptors including Kaikei were connected with the sutra.

3. Standing Statue of Jizo Bosatsu Buddhist
  Just looking at this statue comforts you. Besides carving soothing statues, Kaikei carved outraged statues such as a Shiten-no Guardian and Nio-Guardian in Todaiji Temple.

  I would like to go to Tokyo to see Unkei Exhibition to be held in Tokyo this Septmeber.