Monday, December 28, 2020

「自由への遠い道」から A Passage from “Long Walk to Freedom”








 A Passage from “Long Walk to Freedom”

  I have found a thought-provoking passage in “Long Walk to Freedom” written by Nelson Mandela. He was an attorney in Johannesburg, in South Africa when the following incident happened. He was at that time around 37 years old. It illustrates how black people were looked down on by whites. The woman must have thought Mandela moved her car because he wanted change in return.


   “One day, near our office, I saw an elderly white woman whose motorcar was sandwiched between two cars. I immediately went over and pushed the car, which helped free it. The English-speaking woman turned to me and said, 'Thank you, John”—John being the name whites used to address an African whose name they did not know. She then handed me a sixpence coin which I politely refused. She then pushed it toward me, and again I said no thank you. She then exclaimed, “You refuse a sixpence. You must want a shilling, but you shall not have it!” and then threw the coin at me, and drove off. 

Note: one shilling equals 12 pence

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

フランス・モダン・ポスター展  France Modern Poster Exhibition


フランス・モダン・ポスター展(於 パラミタ・ミュージアム 三重県三重郡菰野町)に女房と行ってきた。テレビもラジオもない19世紀末から第一次世界大戦勃発までに創られたポスター約100点の展示があった。ポスターは当時の産業、舞台、オペラ、小説、食品、酒類、鉄道、観光等の宣伝ポスターで、どれも趣向を凝らしていた。





France Modern Poster Exhibition

I visited Paramita Museum in Mie Prefecture with my wife. There were about 100 French posters that were made between the end of the 19th century and the breakout of World War I when there was no radio or television. They promoted industrious products, stages, operas, novels, food, liqueur, railways, tourist spots. Every poster was eye-catching.

   Some of the most interesting ones were: promotion of a bicycle (a beautiful woman riding a bicycle), a stage performance (a beautiful dancing girl), and a mystery novel (a fleeing beautiful woman clad in a torn shirt with two fierce dogs beside her).

   Today, television commercials last for only one minute or so, but the posters do not disappear. You can enjoy their designs and words as long as you want. Today’s promotion pictures on TV changes too quickly to follow.

   My wife seemed to have enjoyed the French posters because she had been studying French.

   I was exhausted.


Monday, December 7, 2020

転んでもただでは起きない Turn Everything into Profit



「これだけ広ければ着陸が狙える」。チームメンバーは喜びの声をあげた。(中日新聞 2020127日朝刊より)

Turn Everything into Profit

The indicators [of Hayabusa 2] started to malfunction when it reached an altitude of 50 meters above the surface of the asteroid Ryugu to prepare for landing. It automatically made an emergency ascent to avoid a crash. While ascending, however, it took an unscheduled course. At that instance, the camera accidentally took some pictures of a flat, 6-meter square area, suitable for landing. It was accumulated with ideal rocks.

“Enough space for landing!” a team member cried with joy. (translation of a quote from December 7, 2020 edition of the Chunichi-Shinbun newspaper)