Friday, August 30, 2019

サツマイモの生命力 A Sweet Potato's Vitality



A Sweet Potato's Vitality

Because a few sprouts came out from the surfaces of the pieces of a sweet potato in the kitchen, I put them in a small dish and continued to watch them, sometimes giving a few drops of water to them. Soon, the sprouts turned into tiny, tiny green leaves as are shown in the picture. I was amazed to see such wonderful leaves that grew from such insignificant pieces of a sweet potato. Since I have never grown vegetables including sweet potatoes, I was moved by their vitality. They produce new sweet potatoes in this way!             

Sunday, August 25, 2019

美女の夢 A Dream of a Beautiful Woman



昨夜の夢に現れた美女は「ハーネス、ハーネス」と言っていたが、なんだろう。「しっかり結びつける」“to tie together”という意味がある。こんな夢なら毎晩見てもいい。



A  Dream of a Beautiful Woman

Last night I saw a dream in which a beautiful singer stepped down onto the floor, walked through the audience to me, and said clasping my hand:
“Let’s get married as soon as possible.”
I had never dreamed such a wonderful dream. Usually, I had had bad dreams: I had to teach mathematics (I am an English teacher); I couldn’t reach the classroom; I couldn’t find test papers; or I was very late for the class.
The beautiful woman in my dream said, “Harness, harness.” Why did she say so? It means to tie together. I always welcome such dreams.
 I wondered why I saw such a dream. Yesterday I went to Toyota Art Museum to see Klimt’s paintings. He seems to have been always surrounded by women. He painted a lot of their nude pictures. Judith’s face in Judith and the Head of Holofernes was so ecstatic that it impressed me strongly. That is probably why a beautiful woman appeared in my dream.
 It is said that if you put a picture of a treasure ship under your pillow, you will dream a wonderful dream. I should put Judith’s picture under my pillow tonight.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

父親の思い出 Memories of My Father


Memories of My Father

I attended my high school reunion yesterday. The participants were all either 76 or 77 years old. When I was talking about WWII with my neighbor at the table, he said: “I don’t have any memory about my father, because I was a baby when he was killed during the battle in China—in Koyo City in Hunan. He passed the physical examination as a first-grade coscript and entered the army. Soon he was chosen as a member of the Palace Guard. Only a few men were chosen from each prefecture as the palace guardsmen. They had superior brains and strongly-built bodies.”

He repeated the words “only a few men were chosen” and sounded as if he wanted to say, “My father and my family are superior to your father and your family.” I felt frustrated and just pretended to be listening to him.

Since my father was small, he was ranked as a third-grade man in the body check. Because of that he was not assigned to battlefields aboard and lived to be 82 years old. I have a lot of his memories.

Monday, August 5, 2019

アルキメデスの大戦 The Great War of The Great War of Archimedes

