Friday, December 25, 2009



 突然、黒っぽい服を着た、30歳ぐらいの、骨ばった男が私たちに近づいてきた。街路灯が少なく、辺りが暗くて男の顔はよく見えなかった。暗がりの中で男は何か異様に思えた。男はいきなり私たちに「モシ」と話しかけてきた。私は身構えた。全然知らない男だ。一体誰だ、この男? 私達は男を不審に思っているのに、男は親友に話すように「こっちへ」と言って、私達と男の間に、特に変わったことがないかのように、私たちの前を歩きだした。一瞬わたしは男の跡をついて行くのをためらった。しかし、男は私達の1、2メートル前をずんずん歩いて行く。私達は不審に思いつつ気が進まないまま、男の後をついて行った。約20メートル歩いたが、その間、男は後ろを振り返ったり話をしたりしなかった。黙々と歩いていくから返ってその分不審に思えた。一体この男は私達をどこへ連れて行こうと言うのか。この男は何者だ。ごろつきか。いかがわしい所に連れて行くのだろうか。諺に「人を見たら泥棒と思え」と言うのがある。疑いの念が最高潮に達した時、男は「ここだよ」と言って立ち去って行った。なんと、そこは道後温泉行きの路面電車の停留所だった。先ほど私達はその停留所を探していたのだ。男の人は親切に停留所まで私達を連れてきてくれたのだ。


  What you think is abnormal can turn out to be normal. I underwent such an experience about ten years ago.
  My wife and I went to Dogo-onsen Hot Spa in Shikoku. When we arrived at Matsuyama Station, the sun had already sunk. It was getting dark. We went out through the ticket wicket and stood on the station plaza wondering where to catch the streetcar bound for Dogo-onsen Station.
  Suddenly, a bony man in dark clothes, around thirty years old, approached us. I couldn’t see his face clearly because of the scanty street lights in the dusk. He looked weird and strange in the dark street. He abruptly said to us, “Hi.” I became tense. I didn’t know him. Who on earth is this man? Despite my suspicion, he said to us as if we were his close friends, “Follow me.” He began to walk before us as if nothing strange had happened between him and us. For a moment I hesitated to follow him, but since he walked steadily keeping a distance of one or two meters from us, we followed him with reluctance and suspicion. He walked on and on for about 20 meters, during which time I think he did not look back at us nor talk to us. His silent walk made me feel all the more suspicious of him. I was wondering where he was taking us. Who was this stranger? He might be a ruffian. He might take us to a questionable place. “The proverb says,” I remembered. “When you see a man, regard him as a thief.” When my suspicion reached its peak, he said, “This is it,” and left us. It was the streetcar stop bound for Dogo-onsen Station. We had been looking for the stop just a moment ago. He had kindly guided us to the station.
  I felt as if I had been bewitched by a fox. My suspicion was completely unfounded. I was too suspicious. We should have said to him, “Thank you very much for taking us to the stop.”
  What he did for us was normal for him. He saw a middle-aged couple in front of the station wondering which way to go. So, he gave them a helping hand. I guess he had often offered a kind hand to those tourists in need.
  What was normal for him turned out to be abnormal for us. We had never experienced such kindness from a stranger. In a big city like Nagoya where I live, few people will ever give a helping hand to a total stranger unless he or she is in a critical situation. Giving a helping hand to a stranger might involve some trouble. “Never trust a stranger” is the golden rule when living in a big city, but this inhumane attitude does not apply to life in the countryside.
  I realized that my innocent heart from childhood had been badly polluted by living in Nagoya for more than 35 years. It’s a pity that I instinctively became defensive and suspicious of the kind man. What I thought about him was abnormal and what he did to us was normal.

why do some tourists
look suspicious of me,
I don’t understand


Wednesday, November 4, 2009



  After innumerous failures and trials, a neurologist, Dr. Ichiro Sato, succeeded in inventing a cap that could record dreams. If you put on the cap before you went to bed, the SD card inserted in the rim of the cap recorded the dream you had dreamed during your sleep. All you have to do to see the dream is just insert the card in a dream player drive and play it.
  Three days later after the invention, Dr. Sato dreamed he was flying in the sky hand in hand with someone he knew. He sometimes had the same dream, but he failed to figure out exactly who the person was that was flying with him. The next morning he played the dream player and saw that he was flying together with Doramon, a famous Japanese manga character. Both he and Doraemon were flying with a bamboo copter cap on their heads. He remembered that when he was a boy he was a great fan of Doraemon. He understood why Doraemon sometimes appeared in his dream.
  A week later, Dr. Sato dreamed he was running along an airport runway away from something dreadful, but he failed to identify what he was running away from. The next morning he played the dream player and knew that he was running away from a giant shark as big as the one in “Jaws.” “Oh, I was running away from it. The movie was so shocking that I still dream about the scary shark,” he thought. At the same time, however, he wondered why he was running along the runway and not in the sea. When he replayed the player and saw the runway, he saw the Narita Airport Control Tower in the background of the runway. “Ah, that’s Narita Airport,” he thought. “I used it last week when I flew to London. My brain mixed the shark and the airport in the dream.”
  One night, he dreamed a wonderful dream. He was sitting on a bench in a park with a beautiful woman, around 30 years old. Her voice, face, and manner of talking were familiar to him. He was feeling at home with her. She was a comfort and encouragement for him. In the dream he thought he knew a lot about her and she seemed to know a lot about him. They loved each other very much, yet the next morning when he awoke, he failed to identify her. He desperately wanted to know who she was.
  As usual, he played the dream player, but something went wrong. The dream player screen showed only his face, and not both of them. It showed her hand caressing his cheek, but not her face. He was sitting on her left side. The dream camera eye shot only his left side and not his right side where she was. He wondered, “Why didn’t it shoot the whole picture of both of us? Why did it shoot only the left side?”
  The next day, he had the same dream, but the dream camera only shot the left side and showed only his face again. He thought, “If only the dream camera eye moved 50 centimeters to the right!”
  For several days he continuously dreamed the same dream and the dream screen showed only his face, and not her face. Impatiently he checked every part of the dream cap but failed to detect any cause of the malfunction. He was desperate. He wanted to know who she was. She was so beautiful, so congenial, and so familiar.
  One night he put on the cap, but before he went to bed, he thought, “If the dream camera does not shoot the right side, then why not move my bed to the left? It may work.” So he pulled the bed 50 centimeters to the left and went to bed.
That night he had the same dream. The next morning he played the player. Lo! It was successful. The woman was his mother, who had died of leukemia at the age of 35.



Monday, November 2, 2009





  The other day I read in a newspaper that two raccoon dogs (Japanese tanuki) had appeared in the garden of an old couple’s house. When they gave the animals some food, they ate it happily. Since then they began coming to the garden for food almost every day. The couple continued to feed them for two months.
  One day, however, a public health worker came and told the couple not to feed them. They felt sorry for the raccoons, but hardened their heart and did not give any food to them for several days, until at last the animals stopped visiting them.
  They missed the animals very much, but one night a year later, they saw the same raccoons drinking water in the garden. The old couple felt as if their children had returned to them. The old woman said to them, “Drink as much water as you want. They can’t punish us because we are not feeding you.”
  The story is touching, isn’t it? The problem is, however, not limited to the raccoons alone. It has become a global problem.
  I read an Internet article that bears in British Columbia, Canada were coming closer to town looking for garbage just before hibernation time because there were less and less salmon in the streams. It said that a bear eats 700 salmon to get ready for hibernation, but the number of salmon returning to the Fraser River, the longest river in British Columbia, is drastically decreasing.
  In July this year, the Canadian Fisheries Department forecasted 10.6 million sockeye salmon would return to the Fraser, but only 1.37 million did. The reasons include sea lice from fish farms, warming waters, and pollution.
  The Japanese are surrounded by superabundant gourmet food while wild animals are starving.
 Something is wrong, isn’t it? I'm afraid the Japanese will be punished sooner or later.

have you eaten enough salmon
my dear bear





Sunday, October 18, 2009


A woman is sitting opposite me in a train.
She kills me with her attractive eyes.
I just can't take my eyes off her.
Alas! Her beauty is covered with a GIANT mask.
I hate the mask.

The fox says to me, "She is covering up her swine-face."
“That can't be," I say.
"She is a sour grape," he continues.
"Get off it," I say.
I hate the fox.

The train stops.
A fat man stands between me and her.
His shorts expose his wiry leg hair.
Go away, Man, go away.
I hate the man.

I tilt my head and look at her.
The man sways left and right.
Be steady, Man! 
Then she removes the mask.
She is Swine Influenza.
what does a mask cover?
beauty, ugliness, and...
the truth




彼女の正体? 豚インフルエンザ


Sunday, September 13, 2009



  In 2030 a neuroscientist, Dr. Yamada, invented a device which “read” the human brain. If he pointed the antenna of the device at a subject, the device spoke to him through the earphones in a computerized voice, “The subject is thinking of her boyfriend.” The accuracy of the device was, however, 80 percent.
  In 2035, Dr. Yamada increased the accuracy to 90 percent. The machine was able to “read” a fairly complicated matter. When Dr. Yamada got on a train and secretly pointed the gadget in his bag at a man sitting on the seat opposite from him, he heard through the earphones, “The middle aged man with a beard sitting on the seat in front of you is thinking about marrying his girl friend, but the problem is that he is married.” Dr. Yamada worked hard to improve the accuracy to more than 90 percent, but in vain. He said to himself in despair,
  “I have improved every part of the machine. There is nothing more to do. How can I upgrade it? How?”
  One day an idea flashed in his head while he was washing his chest in the bath. He jumped out of the tub and ran around naked in his house, crying with a loud voice, “Eureka! Eureka!” He realized that the heart played an important role in human thinking. He said to himself, “The expressions such as ‘My heart aches,’ ‘My heart leapt for joy,’ ‘a coldblooded heart,’ and ‘a warm heart’ are the proof that the brain and the heart are closely interrelated. Studying only the electric current in the brain will never reach perfection.”
  Dr. Yamada began to study the current in the heart. He discovered that electric current flows from the right atrium, to the right ventricle, to left ventricle, and to the left atrium. After several years’ trial and error, he succeeded in combining the brain and heart data, and lo! and behold, in 2040 he finally invented the device that “read” human brain at 100 percent accuracy. He heard the decoded voice with the ultra-miniature earphones put deep in his ears. No one noticed them.
  The day after the completion, he went to a park with the earphones and the machine in his pocket. When he was sitting on a bench, a young man passed by, looking at Dr. Yamada curiously. At this instant, Dr. Yamada heard on the earphones, “The young man who passed you just now has realized that you were his former teacher. He is going to come and greet you. This is 100 percent correct.” As the brain reader predicted, the young man returned to him, and said, “Excuse me, but I presume you are Dr. Yamada. I am Hiroshi Matsuoka, your former student. Do you remember me?”
  Yes, yes, of course! What a success!
  That evening, Dr. Yamada thought, “This incident alone doesn’t prove that the gadget is perfect. Isn’t there any good way to prove the perfectness of the device?
  Three days later, when Dr. Yamada was reading a shogi (Japanese chess) column in the newspaper as usual, his eyes caught a shogi championship. He said to himself, “This is it! Nothing gives a better opportunity to test the machine than a shogi championship because playing shogi requires highly sophisticated and logical ways of thinking.
  The All Japan Amateur Shogi Championship was played in tournament by 32 players. Dr. Yamada was one of them. If he defeated five opponents, he would be the champion. During the first four games, he heard the opponent’s strategy through the earphones about how to move the shogi pieces. For example, he heard, “Your opponent will break through your defense line and check your oh (king) by intentionally sacrificing his hisha (rook), but if you do not take the bait, he will attack the line by placing his keima (knight) in the 6-f square.”
  He easily defeated four opponents, and reached the final game. If he won the final, his machine would prove to be 100 percent perfect. His opponent’s name was Kazuo Miyashita. He was an old man, around 70 years old.
  The championship game started, but his machine did not work well. What Dr. Yamada heard on the earphones was: “Probably your opponent will move his fu (pawn) because he wants to cut off the retreat line of your kaku (bishop). Or probably he will place his kin (gold general) in the 7-e or 3-e square. Or probably….” Damn it! You, idiot! He did not know why the machine went crazy. He lost the game.
  After he returned home, he checked the machine through and through, but every part of the machine was all right. He was disappointed and confused. He did not know how to improve the “perfect” machine. He wondered, “Why did the device go wrong? Why?”
  Three months later, while he was reading an obituary in the newspaper, he read, “Mr. Kazuo Miyashita, the All Japan Shogi champion, died at the age of 71 because of the malfunction of his artificial heart.”

in the future
everyone will know
what you are thinking about



 ある日、博士は風呂で胸を洗っていて、ハッと気が付いた。博士は風呂から素っ裸で飛び出して、「分かった! 分かったぞ!」と、大声で叫びながら家中を飛び回った。

              いつの日か 本音が人に 筒抜けに

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

[52] お化け屋敷とドーナツ


          ドーナツを 食べてやらない 怖かった

Sunday, August 23, 2009


  I am sipping iced coffee and eating a doughnut in a bakery in Oasis 21 shopping square. I am looking out of the window. About 12 meters away from my seat, which faces the square, stands a haunted house built as a summer attraction. I have a direct view of the exit.
  A sudden curiosity seizes me: what faces do the haunted house visitors wear when they come out of the scary house? How amusing to watch them!
  Some minutes later, a young couple appears hand in hand. They don’t look scared, but are giggling. I take another bite and sip coffee. Then a group of high school girls pop out. They are laughing. They looked relieved under the bright sky after their adventure into darkness. Probably they are saying, “That was scary, wasn’t it? I'm frozen with fear.”
  I keep watching. I have eaten two-thirds of the doughnut. Then a woman comes out carrying a boy, about 2 or 3 years old, accompanied by another boy around 5. The little boy is crying. The big boy looks excited. Their mother notices the bakery and is now approaching me. The front door opens. Suddenly a loud cry resonates all through the shop. The mother tries to soothe the crying boy with a doughnut but he says he doesn’t want to eat any.

     I don’t like you, Mom.
     why have you taken me
     to such a scary place?

     ドーナツを 食べてやらない 怖かった

Monday, July 20, 2009

[51] 携帯電話妨害器

 あるミッション・スクールの卒業式で、神父が聖書の一節を朗読していた。卒業生、在校生、保護者、教職員一同は起立し、頭を下げて心静かに朗読を聞いていた……。 突然、携帯電話の着信メロディがけたたましく式場に響き渡った。厳粛な静寂が一瞬のうちにぶち壊しになり、参加者は気分を害した。卒業生を送り出す寂しさを噛みしめていた金田先生も大いに憤慨した。
「しらばっくれるんじゃねー。やい! 貴様、喧嘩売ろうっちゅうんか、ええん!」

       殴られた はずみでスイッチ ONとなり

Sunday, July 19, 2009


                 CELL PHONE JAMMER

  As a priest was reading aloud a passage from the Bible during a graduation ceremony of a Catholic high school, all the attendants—students, parents, and teachers---were as calm as a millpond. Suddenly a gay ringtone rang frantically damaging the solemnity and bewildering the attendants. Kenta, a 49-year-old teacher working for the school, was one of those who were offended.
  As his anger lingered even after he came back home in the evening, he wrote about his displeasing experience on his blog and published it. A few days later a comment was sent to his blog from a cell phone jammer maker based in London. It said that their products would disable mobile transmitting and receiving if they were turned on.
  There were various jammers: portable, high power, classroom, indoor, and outdoor use. Kenta ordered a portable one (about 20,000 yen) because it would jam all cell phones within the range of 25 meters. It would be effective in his class where some students used cell phones or in the trains and buses.
  About two weeks later the jammer arrived. From that day on, Kenta took it with him to school. Before going to the classroom, he switched on the machine. It was so effective that some students started wondering why their cell phones failed to work and gave up using them. Kenta used the jammer while commuting to and from school by train, too. When he found a selfish man talking noisily on the cell phone, he secretly turned on the jammer. That instant the man looked surprised and seemed to think something was wrong with the gadget. He gave up talking. Kenta enjoyed the sudden countenance change of the cell phone users. He felt good. He thought he was doing good for the public. He brought the blocker when he went to see movies, theaters, libraries, and art museums. Wherever he went, there was silence around him. Kenta felt as if he were a savior for peace-loving and noise-hating people.
  Arrogance began to grow in him. He began to use the jammer not for the benefit of the public but for himself only. He liked reading books sitting on a bench at a park near his house on weekends. Whenever he heard people talking on a mobile while he was reading, he flipped the switch. He was tolerant of hearing normal conversations but intolerant of hearing one-way talking.
  One day as he was reading on the bench, he heard a nasty punky man talking on a cell phone in a hoarse angry voice. Kenta switched on the jammer and quickly looked at the man, who, wondering why his cell phone suddenly stopped working, pushed the cell phone to dial again, but in vain. “Damn it!”he swore looking at the dead machine. Kenta cast a glance at him again laughing in his mind. The irritated man approached Kenta and said in a deep, threatening voice, “Hey, doc, why did you stare at me?”
   Kenta said, “No, no, I didn’t.”
  “Don’t play innocent. You want to pick a fight with me, don’t you?”
  “No, no, no….”
  “OK. Then, I’ll take you on!”
  The man grabbed Kenta by the collar and pulled him up.
  “Please, don’t, don’t do that to me,” Kenta pleaded.
  “Okay. I understand. You are going to give me shit,” the man said and hit Kenta in the face. Kenta, bleeding from his nose, staggered back. The man hit Kenta in the stomach. Kenta fell. The man then began to kick him.
  A woman, who was looking on, took out a cell phone and dialed 110, but her cell phone failed.
             the jammer was switched on
                the moment Kenta fell 



1. お玉と末造の間柄を詳しく書いておいて、急に末造をカットしてしまった。

2. お玉と岡田が接近する有様を、蛇事件を交えながら詳しく書いておいて、急に岡田を洋行させてしまった。

3. 雁が死んで僕と岡田が池を一周する時に、岡田は僕に対して「僕は君に話すことがあるのだった」と言う。当然、読者は岡田がお玉のことについて話すだろうと予想するのに、予想を裏切って洋行の話が突然出てくる。小説の話の展開としては不自然。

4. お玉と末造と岡田の三角関係がどうなるだろうと読者に気を持たせておいて、急に話を洋行という設定で終わらせてしまう。強引に話を終わらせている。

5. 鴎外は今まで書いてきた「雁」の話を読み返して視点のズレがあるのに気が付き、急遽ズレを弁護するため「鏡の左右を合わせた」というような屁理屈を最後に付け加えて何とか矛盾を切り抜けようとした。しかし、末造、お常、お梅の心情、末造とお常のやり取り、お常と女中の会話はどのようにして分かり得たのか疑問。

6. 鴎外は「僕」の視点で書いていくうちに全知視点になってしまい、それに気が付き、今更全部書き直すのは惜しい気がして、最後に視点のズレを無理に修正した。だから、恥の上塗りというか、ズレを弁護して、その弁護をさらに「無用の憶測をせぬがよい」などと言ってダメ押し弁護をせざるを得なかった。

7. 鴎外は「雁」の小説を尻切れトンボで終わらせなくてはならない時間的、精神的理由があったのではないか。小説が読者を楽しませるものならば、鴎外ほどの小説家なら全部初めから書き直してもいいはずなのに、なぜこのような不満が残る「小説」を書いたのか。小説はその内容そのものが勝負であり、読者に感動や楽しみを与えるべきものなのに、「雁」は感動、楽しみどころか小説の不備、不具合で読者に内容以外の周辺的な事柄で余分な神経を使わせている。罪な小説だ。

8. 鴎外は以上のような読者の不満を知り尽くしていて、なお、わざとあのような「小説」を世に出したのだろうか。もしそうなら、その狙いは何か。「雁」のズレ的小説手法について文学者が喧々諤々、論文を発表しているが、鴎外はそれを狙ったのだろうか。そうなら成功しているが、小説としては失敗ではないのか。

9. 「小説」は一流の作家になれば、視点のズレ等を含めて、何をどのように書いても自由なのか。それが許されるのか。


Friday, July 3, 2009



  I am a university student majoring in Chinese history. I am now writing a graduation thesis titled “The Battle of Red Cliffs: centering on Sun Quan’s* navy.” In order to collect documents for the thesis, I went to Lake Honghu in Hubei Province* in China at the end of the summer vacation. This is the lake where the Sun Quan’s navy drilled its naval soldiers to fight against Cao Cao’s* troops. The battle was fought mainly on the Yangtze River* in 208 A.D. between the allied forces of the southern warlords Lui Bei and Sun Quan and the numerically superior forces of the northern warlord Cao Cao. Lui Bei and Sun Quan successfully defeated Cao Cao in the end.
  Lake Honghu is two-thirds as large as Lake Biwa. The descendants of Sun Quan naval soldiers have lived on the lake for more than 1,800 years. They live on their boats all through their lives. They move them looking for good spots to catch fish. They buy daily necessities at the water market with the money they earn by selling fish. They even grow vegetables in plastic greenhouses on the boats.
  Their elementary school is on the lake, too. The one-classroom school stands on a big boat. The children study and play swaying up and down. Since they are born and grow up on the boat, they are accustomed to the floating life. They never get seasick even on a stormy day. After graduating from the floating school, they go to Honghu City Municipal Junior High School*. This is the time when they set foot on the ground for the first time in their life.
  Before I went to China, I had been introduced through a Japanese tourist agent to a man named Zhou Yu*, who lives on Lake Honghu. Coincidentally, Zhuo Yu is the name of the commander of Sun Quan navy. When I reached Honghu City Hall, I presented a letter of introduction to the employee at the information desk as I had been instructed by the agent. She went away with the introduction letter and soon returned with a letter in her hand. She said to me, “This is Mr. Zhou’s letter for you,” and handed it to me. It said that he was looking forward to seeing me and that I should bring seasick pills without fail. I thought he was kind to offer this advice so that I wouldn’t get seasick. I bought a pack of seasick pills and took some while I was waiting for his boat at the harbor of Lake Honghu. Soon around 11 o’clock, his boat arrived and I got aboard.
  In the boat house, I asked various and many questions that might help to improve my graduation thesis. As I had expected, Mr. Zhou explained to me how Sun Quan’s navy of 2,000 boats underwent naval training on the lake and how it destroyed Cao Cao’s fleet of 10,000 boats by a surprise fire attack. Just as he finished his talk, a strong wind began to blow and it began to rain. The boat swayed like a leaf on the pond. Mr. Zhou asked me seriously whether I had brought seasick pills with me.
  I answered, “Please, don’t worry. l took some pills before I got on the boat. Thank you.”
  He said hesitatingly, “I have a favor to ask you. Could you kindly give me some of the pills?”
  “No problem at all,” I said wondering why he, an experienced sailor, wanted to have seasick pills. I gave him the whole pack.
  He beamed a smile and said, “Thank you. Good of you to make it. To tell you the truth, the only drugstore in Honghu City closed recently and it will take some months before a new one opens. So, I felt lucky when I heard that you were going to come and interview me today. I had asked the city employee to give my letter to you when you came to the city hall. You are a great help to me. Actually, tomorrow, my second son is going to attend the entrance ceremony for Honghu Junior High School. He will land on the ground for the first time in his life. You know, I had a hard time when I took my first son to the ceremony three years ago.”
Sun Quan: 孫権
Lake Honghu in Hubei Province湖北省、洪湖
Cao Cao: 曹操
the Yangtze River長江、揚子江
Honghu City Municipal Junior High School洪湖市立中学校
Zhuo Yu周瑜


    because of landsickness
    the first son vomited again and again and again
    as if he were a bad sailor




     岡酔いで 長男ふらふら ゲロげーげー

Thursday, June 4, 2009

[49] HOW-TO BOOKS 「ハウツー本」

                   HOW-TO BOOKS

  Tomoko believed in how-to books because she gained everything she wanted by faithfully following the methods written in them.
  “How to Win a Good Husband” was a great help for her to get married to her wonderful husband. When she was pregnant, she read “How to Teach Your Unborn Child.” She bought CDs of Mozart, Bach, and Vivaldi and let her “baby” listen to the music for thirty minutes every afternoon. Thanks to her efforts, she was gifted with a wonderful baby, who at the age of two began to show his outstanding talent not only in music and art but also in intelligence.
  When her son, Taro, turned three, Tomoko read “How to Develop Your Child’s English Ability,” and flooded him with English sounds so that he might become a fluent speaker of English. The English CDs included nursery rhymes, “Romeo and Juliet,” and “I Have a Dream.” Marvelously enough, one year later he began to recite in Queen's English: “Wherefore art thou Romeo?  Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, Deny thy father and refuse thy name….”
  Amazed at the effect, Tomoko bought various how-to books such as “10 Ways to Make Your Skin Beautiful,” “20 Ways to Relieve Your Stress,” “30 Ways to Spend Gorgeous Holidays,” “40 Ways to Travel Real Cheap,” “50 Secret Ways to Clean Your House,” and “100 Surprisingly Effective Ways to Brush Your Teeth.”
  One afternoon Taro hurried back home from the kindergarten happily. His teacher had praised him for his talent in painting. He wanted to tell the good news to his mother. He opened the front door and said in a cheerful voice, “Tadaima, I’m home!” and rushed to his mother, who was absorbed in reading yet another how-to book.
  Taro said, “Mom, Mom, today my teacher said to me, ‘Taro-kun, your picture is….’ Mom, are you listening to me? Are you? Mom? Today, in my kindergarten….”
  “Be quiet, Taro. Don’t interrupt me. I am reading a book,” she chided him without even looking at him.
  She was reading “How to Best Communicate with Your Child.”

a recommended book especially for Tomoko: 
“How to Be Happy without Reading How-to Books”

 息子の太郎が三歳になると、智子は「お子様の英語力を伸ばす方法」を読み、太郎の英語がペラペラになるよう英語のCDを洪水のように聞かせた。聞かせたCDは「マザーグース」「ロメオとジュリエット」「私には夢がある」などだった。驚いたことに一年後に効果が表れ、ジュリエットの名セリフ「どうしてあなたはロミオなの? 私を想うなら、あなたのお父さまを捨てて、お名前を名乗らないでくださいな……」を朗々とクイーンズ・イングリッシュで言えるようになった。
 「ママ、ママ、今日、幼稚園でね、先生がね、僕の絵を見てね、太郎君は絵がとても…、ママ! ママったら! 聞いてんの? 僕、今日ね、幼稚園でね…」

「ハウツー本 捨てて幸せ 得る方法

Tuesday, May 5, 2009



  I am a second year boy student of a Catholic high school. During the English lesson, Mr. Matsuoka told us about Murphy’s Law, which interested me so much that I conducted an experiment of the law in Italy.
  Do you know Murphy’s Law? It states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Here are three examples: traffic lights turn red whenever you are in a hurry; when you begin to wash your car, it always begins to rain; and when you drop buttered bread, it always falls on the buttered side. The third one is persuasive because I have often felt bitter when I have dropped my buttered bread and messed up the floor.
  Since I know the Law of Buttered Bread, I was wondering, “What will happen if I tie a piece of buttered bread on a cat’s back with the buttered side up and drop it?” According to the law, since the buttered bread falls on its buttered side, the cat must land on its back, but, as you know, cats always land on their feet no matter high they fall from. Therefore, the question whether the cat would land on its back or on its feet occupied my mind until I had a chance to go to Italy.
  Every summer vacation, some 30 selected students of our school attend a Study Tour to Italy to visit the Vatican, Milano, Florence, and Pisa. When I was selected, I decided to experiment with the buttered bread law at the Leaning Tower of Pisa, because it was the famous place where Galileo experimented with the law of gravity by dropping two different objects.
  I wanted to take a cat from Japan, but it was impossible to smuggle one into Italy. So I took the policy of local procurement. On the third day of the Italian trip, our group arrived in Pisa. Before supper we had some free time. I looked for a cat and luckily I found a leashed kitty near my hotel. I borrowed it without the owner’s permission. The next morning, I got on the bus with the cat in a basket, and a piece of bread and some butter in a knapsack. I sat in the last row, farthest from Mr. Matsuoka.
  On arriving at the Leaning Tower of Pisa, I climbed to the eighth floor, because according to the statistics on the Internet, all cats which fell from the 8th floor or higher in New York were safe and those below 7th floor had injuries.
  I had a hard time climbing the tower. Every marble step of the spiral stairway was worn out and slippery. It was very hot, too. When I reached the 8th floor, I was all sweaty. After a moment’s rest, I spread butter on the bread, tied the buttered bread on the back of the cat, buttered side up, and went out to the veranda and looked down. I saw some sightseers as small as ants moving about. After a moment’s hesitation, I dropped the cat.
  The cat fell and began to spread its legs to prepare for a landing around fifth or sixth floor, but when it reached the third or fourth floor, it suddenly stopped falling and began to rotate in the air. I rushed down the steps and went out of the tower and looked up. The cat was still rotating in the air. A lot of surprised people were looking up at it, shouting in various languages. I looked at my watch. I had only five minutes before our tour group was supposed to meet. I had to rush to the bus immediately, otherwise Mr. Matsuoka would be very angry, but I couldn’t leave the cat. I waited for another five minutes. The cat rotated and rotated, and then at last fell on the ground on its feet safely. It stood there, licked itself, then yawned and meowed. I picked up the cat and looked at the buttered bread. The butter had melted in the summer sun, and then evaporated. There was no sign of butter at all on the bread. I thought, “Ah, that’s why the kitty landed on its feet.”
  When I was just about to put the cat in the basket, a gentleman approached me and spoke in an angry voice in English. I did not understand him at all since I was not good at English. He seemed to be scolding me. I didn’t understand why I was being scolded. I had to hurry up to the bus but I couldn’t move even a step amid his fury. I was at a loss what to do, when Mr. Matsuoka ran to me and said in a voice as angry as the gentleman’s, “Yamada, what are you doing here? The bus is leaving. Why don’t you…” The furious gentleman turned to him and spoke in rapid English. Mr. Matsuoka apologized to him, then turned to me with a frown, and said, “Yamada, this is the president of the British Animal Protection Association. He says you were bullying a cat. Is it true?”
  Though I apologized to the president, I was wondering what would happen if I did the experiment in a freezing cold winter.

I don't like you
why don't you stop
the mischivous experiment?
landing is a piece of cake
but rotating makes me dizzy


 猫をバスケットに入れようとしていたら、紳士が近づいてきて、えらい剣幕で英語で何かまくしたてるのです。何で僕が叱られているのかさっぱりわかりませんでした。バスに急がなくてはなりませんでしたが、男の人がめちゃ怒っているのに逃げるわけにもいきません。猫を抱いて困っていると、松岡先生が走ってきて、紳士に負けないぐらいの剣幕で私を怒鳴りました。「山田、何やってんだ! バスが出るぞ! なぜ…」先生が全部言い終わらないうちに、紳士は先生に向って速い英語でまくしたてました。先生は頭を下げて男に謝りました。それから先生は僕をにらみつけて言いました。「山田、こちらの方を誰だと思う。英国動物愛護協会の会長さんだ。お前、その猫を虐待したそうだな」


Sunday, April 19, 2009



  I was shocked to watch an NHK special TV program “Project Japan,” which featured Japan’s 50-year rule over Taiwan from 1895 to 1945. Here are some of the shocking facts:

1. Japan forced Taiwanese to speak Japanese while    she prohibited or suppressed speaking Taiwanese.  In one scene of the program, I saw a sign board at a shop which read, “Speak Japanese when you buy. Speak Japanese when you sell.”
2. Japanese government forced the Taiwanese to believe Shinto, the native Japanese religion instead of Taoism, a popular Chinese religion. Japan demolished many Taoism shrines and built Shinto shrines with the materials used for Taoism shrines.
3. Taiwan people were half-compelled to change their names. Taiwanese with Japanese names had better chances of promotion in their jobs.
4. About 210,000 Taiwan people fought in World War II as Japanese soldiers and more than 30,000 of them were killed in the war.

  When I was a child or a high school boy, no adult or no teacher told me about Japan’s atrocity. Japanese government has long covered up what it did in Taiwan during the colonial period. Only today, after 65 years have passed after the war, Japan’s public broadcasting corporation revealed Japan’s shameful deeds.
  Last year I went to Taiwan for sightseeing without exactly knowing what Japan did to the country. If I had watched the program before the visit, I would have walked on the streets in Taiwan with my head down. Or in the first place, I would have hesitated to go sightseeing to Taiwan. I was in happy ignorance.

sightseeing trip to Taiwan
without knowing Japan’s atrocities
happy trip, happy ignorance



1. 日本は台湾人に日本語を強制し、台湾語を禁止ないし抑制した。番組で、ある店に「買うのも日本語、売るのも日本語」という看板が掲げてあった。
2. 日本政府は台湾人に道教を止め、神道を信ずるように強制し、道教の寺社を壊し、その建材で神道の神社を作った。
3. 台湾人は名前を変えるように半強制された。日本名を持つ台湾人は仕事で優遇された。
4. 約21万人の台湾人が第2次世界大戦で日本兵として戦い、3万人が亡くなった。


台湾を 知らぬが仏 観光し

Saturday, March 21, 2009


        日英バイリンガル通信  No. 46 Hiroshi Matsuoka 松 岡 博

  The proverb says, “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.” Some women faithfully observe this “golden rule.” They think wearing perfume is beneficial for the good of the public. The “nice” smell, they believe, will always give a comfortable feeling to the people around them. Alas, they don’t know there are some people who are always trying hard to avoid such “wonderful” fragrance.
  I am allergic to the smell. Just one breath of perfume makes me sneeze six or seven times in succession. One sneeze wastes a lot of my energy. You can imagine how tired I am after letting out big sneezes.
  I was a high school teacher for many years, during which time I sometimes had to meet with the students’ parents, mostly their mothers. Some of them wore surprisingly strong perfume. I thought that they had drenched themselves in perfume. One cold day in December when I came across Perfumed Mother, I secretly opened the window to let the “fragrance” escape, but a few minutes later she said, “Excuse me, but I have a slight cold. Could you close the window?” I consented. Soon, I sneezed a lot. She asked me kindly, “Oh, are you also catching a cold?”
  Riding a bus can be a torture. The other day when I was sitting on the far left seat of the last row, a middle-aged woman got on the bus, looked around, marched to the back row, and sat, of all the vacant seats, beside me. I was trapped. As long as she sat beside me, I was not able move to any other seat. She was the Incarnation of Perfume. A few minutes later, I secretly opened the window to breath the fresh air (what a relief!), but she said to me, “Could you close the window? The wind is chilly.” I consented.
  “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you” is a good saying, but there are some people whose tastes are quite different from yours. One man’s meat is another man’s poison, you know.

  the parent-teacher-meeting
  perfume allergy




Friday, March 13, 2009


日英バイリンガル通信  No. 45 Hiroshi Matsuoka 松 岡 博


  I got offended during the graduation ceremony of N. High School the other day. The ceremony started in a solemn atmosphere. First, the honorable guests and the principal took their seats on the stage. Next, beautiful violin music was played. Then, a prayer followed. All the students, parents, and guests prayed as the father read aloud a Bible passage, “You are the salt of the earth. If salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned?” There was a profound silence. You could hear a pin drop.
  Suddenly, JAKAJAN JAKAJAN JANJAKAJAN—a cell phone ringtone rang on the second floor, breaking the absolute silence. The noise continued for a long time. The father kept reading the passage as if nothing were happening. Everybody pretended to be praying, but obviously they were bewildered.
  The parent who had the cell phone must have felt embarrassed, but I guess the machine, the mechanical monster felt triumphant. The monster made the most disturbing noise when it was least wanted. I got angry with the parent’s carelessness, but on second thought I thought I might make the same mistake. You can blame the person, but it may happen to you. Then, who is responsible for the disturbance? The cell phone is.
  I hate the machine, which is doing evil far more than good. Quite a few people are talking into the machine in a loud voice on the bus and train. Some people are driving a car talking into the cell phone unaware of the danger. There is other cell phone noise pollution causing public irritation. The cell phone is, I am afraid, evolving rapidly as if it will enslave all human beings.
  The good old days when there were no cell phones won’t come back. Then, please someone, invent an “anti-cell phone machine” which will, if it is switched on, emit cell-phone killer waves in auditoriums, hospitals, concert halls, theaters, buses, trains and other public places.
          hilarious ringtone destroys
          the prayer
          the quietness
          the peacefulness
(After I wrote this essay, I found a website about the cell-phone jammer. It is an instrument to prevent cellular phone from receiving and transmitting the mobile signals. It can block all kinds of cell-phone ringing sound. However, using the jammer in the United States is illegal. I wonder if it is used in Japan.)


 先日N高校の卒業式で気分を害しました。式典は厳粛な雰囲気の中で始り、まず来賓の着席、美しいバイオリンの演奏、次に黙祷となりました。神父様が聖書の一節を読み上げ、生徒、保護者、来賓が黙祷しました。「あなたがたは地の塩である。 だが、塩に塩気がなくなれば、その塩は何によって塩味が付けられよう」会場は水を打ったように静まり返りました。
 突然、ジャカジャンジャカジャンジャンジャカジャン! 携帯電話の着信音が二階席で鳴り響き、静寂はぶち破られました。着信音はすぐには止まらず、神父様は何事もないかのように朗読を続けました。皆黙祷していましたが、内心イライラしたことでしょう。



Wednesday, March 4, 2009


            日英バイリンガル通信  No. 44 Hiroshi Matsuoka 松 岡 博


  Asashoryu raised his arms in victory when he defeated Hakuho in the January Grand Sumo Tournament. His victory pose was criticized. Many people said that he did not uphold the standards of behavior expected of a Yokozuna grand champion. Some Yokozuna Promotion Council members said his behavior was below the dignity of a Yokozuna. The director of the council said he would give him a scolding. Weren’t they too severe with him?
  Asashoryu is Mongolian and not Japanese. It seems that many Japanese regard him as a 100 percent Japanese. That is why they thought his victory pose was unfit for a Yokozuna and that Asashoryu should have been modest rather than showy. If Asashoryu were Japanese, he wouldn’t have made such a victorious gesture. He would have behaved like a good-mannered dignified Yokozuna. Because he looks Japanese and because he speaks good Japanese, Japanese people tend to take him for a Japanese.
  Asashoryu is a 100 percent foreigner. He was born in Mongoria in 1980 and grew up there until 1999 when he made his sumo debut in Japan. His blood, background, and the culture he was born and grew up in are quite different from Japanese. Isn’t it natural that people unconciously express their happiness in their own way? The victory pose may not have been suitable for a Yokozuna, but it was a natural expression of his delight for his comeback, especially after suffering from severe injuries.
  If you want Asashoryu to behave like a full-blooded Japanese, he should, first of all, have Yamato-damashii (a Japanese spirit), Japanese DNA-bearing blood cells, and a Japanese heart. But how? Here I have a humble proposal. To begin with, let him have Japanese blood transfusion and a Japanese heart transplant.

               Grand sumo tournament
               The ringside judges
               Object to the victory pose




Monday, February 23, 2009


        日英バイリンガル通信  No. 43 Hiroshi Matsuoka 松 岡 博

  Another amusement of the goemon-buro is heating the iron kettle bath. Since my grandparents lived at the foot of a mountain, they stored a lot of firewood, Japanese cedar twigs, and bamboo for fuel.
  Let me tell you how to heat the goemon-buro musically. First, put crumpled pieces of paper on the bottom of the bath furnace, and on them put some cedar twigs. Then put some firewood on them. Finally, light the paper. The fire will burn the paper and spread gradually to the leaves of the Japanese cedar twigs. Now comes the hilarious music time! When the fire burns the leaves, they make a merry sizzling sound “ji-ji-ji-ji.” When the chopped wood catches fire, it spurts foams and steam from the cut surface and makes a funny hissing sound “pshooe.” Now, put some bamboo on the fire. When they catch fire, the air in each of the hollow sections of the bamboo is heated and expands until it explodes one after another, making an exciting popping sound, “pon! pon! pan!” Now you can enjoy the amusing chorus “ji-ji-ji-ji pushoe pon! pon! Ji-ji-ji-ji pushoe pan! pan!”
  I miss the good old goemon-buro and the pleasurable music the furnace performed. Today’s children are excited by the noise of video games, but it is mechanical, artificial, and cold. You must hear the live, animated, and warm sound of sizzling, hissing, and popping.
     Heating the furnace of the goemon-buro
     Sizzling sound of cedar leaves
     Hissing sound of chopped wood
     Bamboo popping, pon, pon, pan!

 五右衛門風呂の音楽的沸かし方を伝授しましょう。まず、くしゃくしゃの紙を風呂釜の底に置き、その上に杉の小枝をのせます。次にその上に薪を置いて、最後に、紙に火をつけます。紙が燃えて火は杉の葉に燃え移ります。ここからが愉快な音楽タイム。杉の葉は燃えると、ジジジジと陽気な音を立てます。薪は燃えると、切り口から蒸気や泡を出してプッシューと滑稽な音を出します。ここで、竹をくべると、竹は燃えて節の間の空気が膨張し、次々と破裂し、ポンポンパン!と威勢のいい音を出します。さあ、面白い合奏です。ジジジジ、プッシュー、ポンポン! ジジジジ、プッシュー、パンパン!
 懐かしいじゃありませんか、愉快な五右衛門湯釜ミュージック。今の子はコンピューターゲームの音に興奮していますが、ありゃ機械音で人工的。音が冷たい。なんといっても、聞くならライブで、活気があって暖かい音。ジジジジ、プッシュー、ポンポン! ジジジジ、プシュー、パンパン!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009


      日英バイリンガル通信  No. 42 Hiroshi Matsuoka 松 岡 博


  When I was a child, my grandparents’ house in the countryside in Gifu Prefecture had a goemon-buro iron kettle. I liked it because taking goemon-buro was exciting, funny, and vexing.
  Let me tell you how to take this type of bath. You open the door of the bathroom where the goemon-buro sits. Then you look at the round wooden board floating on the steamy surface of the hot water. Now’s the exciting moment. Put your foot on the board and push it down in the water toward the bottom of the bathtub. When you are pushing it down, you need a highly sophisticated technique. Don’t put your foot even an inch away from the center of the board, or you can’t sink it well. Why? Because the board will, halfway in the water, push up your foot with a buoyant force. And before you know it, the board will slip out from your foot and pop up vertically in the water. It’s funny but vexing. Try again and again until you succeed. Caution: never stand on the bottom of the kettle in a fit of rage. Your feet will burn and you can’t enjoy the old style Japanese bathing. Instead, it will be a bath of agony for you. The knack is to put your foot exactly in the center of the board, and push it in one breath to the bottom of the tub with all your might, using the weight of your body. Once the board is at the bottom of the kettle, you can safely sit on it, your neck deep in the hot water.
  As a boy, whenever I succeeded at sinking the board, I felt happy and had a sense of accomplishment. “Now, I’ve conquered the treacharous board. It wants to float, but it can’t because I am on it.” I’m sorry today’s boys can’t feel such happiness of triumph or agony of defeat.

          The goemon-buro bathtub
          I am on the floating board
          I’ve conquered it!
* a round-shaped metal bathing-tub, heated from the furnace beneath, with a floating round wooden lid which is pushed down to the bottom of the tub by the bather. Goemon-buro are rarely used today but were common in most households even in the 1960’s, especially in the countryside. This tub was named Goemon-buro after Ishikawa Goemon, a notorious robber in the 16th century, who was caught and boiled to death in an iron kettle.

 子供のころ、丸板をうまく沈めることができると「やった!」という成就感がありました。「丸板をやっつけた。浮きあがろうったって、そうはさせない。俺様が乗かってるんだ。」 今の子はこんな勝利の喜びや、敗戦の苦悶が味わえないのは情けないことです。

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


         日英バイリンガル通信  No. 41 Hiroshi Matsuoka 松 岡 博
                     ASSASINATION TRAUMA

  One of the most shocking news in my life is the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which took place on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. On this very day, the first satellite broadcast between the United States and Japan just started. What the Japanese people saw on the TV screen was the news of the assassination. I saw the news and was shocked. It was the beginning of my trauma.
  Kennedy was elected president in January 1961. I became a university freshman in April in the same year. I belonged to the International Student Association and had a chance to listen to his inaugural address. A Canadian teacher used a chorus version of his speech in his English class. The students had to memorize it. I bought a record of his speech and listened to it repeatedly. I still remember the beginning of his speech. “We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end as well as a beginning….” This way, Kennedy’s Boston accent, his square face, his side-parted hair, his posture possessed me so deeply that his assassination was very shocking.
  Then, a series of shocking news followed: Ted Kennedy’s involvement in a plane crash in 1964, the assassinations of Malcolm X in 1965, and Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy in 1968. Presidents and political leaders were targets of assassination. Since then when I saw them unprotected, I sometimes felt scared. The trauma lasted for several years, but over the years I have almost forgotten them.
  However, when the new president Barack Obama and his wife got out of the limousine and began to walk waving their hands, a slight trauma overwhelmed me. I was afraid, “Isn’t it dangerous to walk unprotected? Some assassin, a member of the KKK, might be fingering a trigger at this very moment aiming at him from the top of a building.” The president was unharmed, but I realized that my assassination trauma has not been totally cured.

              the very moment
              the sniper pinpointed the target
              (It was freezing cold on that day, wasn’t it?)

-          ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     



              スナイパー 狙撃の瞬間 ハックション

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


           日英バイリンガル通信  No. 40 Hiroshi Matsuoka 松 岡 博

                     CHANGE CAN BE DANGEROUS

  “Change” is one of the key words of the new U.S. president, Barak Obama, along with “promise,” “hope,” and the phrase “Yes, we can.” The word “change” attracts you because it gives an impression that your monotonous routine will end and a new fresh world will open for you. A conservative viewpoint sounds stale and rigid, while an innovative one sounds animate and active. “Change,” however, involves risk.
  “You don’t have to go to the kindergarten from today on,” my wife said to our little son the next morning after he graduated from his kindergarten. He had enjoyed the kindergarten life for three years to his heart's content. Suddenly he began to cough continuously day and night. He suffered from slight asthma. His incessant coughing lasted for many days. Wondering what was the cause of his asthma, my wife and I came to a conclusion that his abrupt end of the kindergarten caused his asthma. So, during my free time, I took him to the kindergarten and let him play in the sandbox and on the swing and talk with the rabbits the kindergarten kept. He enjoyed the visit very much. One day, luckily, he happened to meet the principal and talked with her. My son was very happy. After several visits, he gradually restored himself, and became healthy and active like a playful young child. This way, he recovered from his asthma.
  I had a similar experience when I retired from teaching after 43 years in high school. In April, the month after my retirement, I became sick. Just climbing six or seven steps or walking for only ten minutes or so made my heart beat fast. Also, I had difficulty breathing and was easily exhausted. This condition lasted for two weeks. I went to a hospital and had electrocardiography and echocardiography. The result was that nothing was wrong with my heart. About a week later, my heart became normal. It took me about a month to be accustomed to a new retired life.
  “Change” may sound fascinating, but drastic change can cost you your health. I prefer “gradual” to “sudden” change.

                   熱湯や 蛙飛び込む 大やけど
                   a boiling hot spring
                   a frog jumps into,
                   hot, hotter, TOO HOT!



Monday, January 19, 2009


                            Taroko Valley in Taiwan

  My wife and I visited the Taroko Valley National Park in the central part of eastern Taiwan last December. The valley was so deep that if you looked down at the bottom of the valley from the road, you would feel dizzy. The guide board read that it took 250 million years for the mountain stream to carve the rocks and form the gorge.
  As you can see in the picture above, the color of the rock is grayish white because the whole mountain is made of marble. Therefore, the Taroko Valley is nicknamed “the marble gorge.”
  Later, we visited a marble factory. There was a giant saw cutting a marble stone with a deafening noise. We were then guided to the marble exhibition hall, where we saw various marble statues including tigers and dragons that looked as if they were going to pounce at any moment.

Constant dripping wears away the stone
250 million years of dripping
Forms a national park
点滴が 岩を穿ちて 太魯閣渓