Tuesday, April 30, 2019

どんでん返し A Surprise Ending









A Surprise Ending
   Some of Kabuki plays end with an unexpected surprise.
   Yesterday, I saw a kabuki video, “Kaidan Chibusa Enoki” (A Spooky Breast Nettel Tree) at Art Library in Aichi Prefecture Art Center. Nakamura Kanzaburo, a kabuki actor, said at the end of the performance:
   “Kabuki-za Theater is going to be soon demolished and a new Kabuki-za Theater will be completed in three years. So kabuki plays will not be performed during those years. I hope that none of you will go to heaven during that time (audience’s laughter), but come to the new Kabuki Theater’s opening performance in high spirits.”
   The construction started in April, 2010 and ended in April, 2013. The “kokera-otoshi” or the opening of the new theater was held in April, but Kanzaburo was not present.
   He had died of cancer in December, 2012. He was 57 years old. He had only realized that he was suffering from cancer in May, 2012. He died so suddenly.
   No one in the old Kabuki Theater including Kanzaburo himself knew that he could not appear on the opening ceremony of the new theater.
  A Japanese proverb “Issun saki wa Yami” (an inch head lies darkness) is certainly well said. This is not someone else’s problem.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

YWCAの機関紙 My Article on YWCA's Bulletin




20年ぐらい前にギリシャに全日空で旅行した時、座席前の収納袋にWINGSPANという英文機内誌ありました。めくっているとWINGSPAN Short Story Contestの最優秀作品が掲載されていました。まだ話を覚えていますが、主人公がシェクスピア愛好家で、ある時彼の家が全焼しますが、唯一燃えていなかったのはシェクスピアの本だけだったという内容でした。文末に同コンテストの応募要項があり、最優秀作品の賞品は全日空が就航している世界のどの都市へも行ける往復航空券でした。すごい! タダで世界のどこでも行ける。
以来、私は短編小説を書くことに取りつかれました。まず、日本語で短編を書こうと思い、ある文化センターで「短編を読む・書く」や「シナリオを書く」講座を受講し始めました。また、教職を退職してからは英語のショートストーリーを書くためYWCAの講座を三つ(「ライティング」「英語で読むショートストーリー」「Advanced Reading & Discussion」)をこの10年間受講してきました。
残念ながらWINGSPAN Short Story Contestは中止されましたが、私はいまだにどこかのshort story contestで入賞する夢を追っているのです。

Going Anywhere in the World for Nothing

When I flew to Greece by an All Nippon Airline about 20 years ago, I took out an English booklet “Wingspan” in the pocket attached to the back of the seat in front of me. While turning the pages, I found a short story that had won the first prize in the Wingspan Short Story Contest.
The story went like this: the protagonist, an enthusiastic Shakespeare fan, had all his things in his house burnt down except Shakespeare’s book. And at the end of the story, the application conditions were written. I found that the ANA company would offer the first prize winner a free ticket to travel anywhere in the world to which ANA planes flew to. How fantastic! You can fly to anywhere in the world for nothing!
Since then I was absorbed in writing short stories. I attended classes related to short story writing such as “Short Story Reading and Writing” and “How to write Scenarios.” After retiring from a teaching job, I have been attending three YWCA’s English classes: Advanced Writing, English Short Story, and Advanced Reading & Discussion for more than10 years.
Unfortunately, the ANA contest has been abolished, but I am still dreaming of winning the first prize in the short story contest.