Monday, August 30, 2010



 20分ぐらい経つと、ガイドが乗客にせんべいをサービスで配りだした。神社のことで嫌な気分になっていたので、せんべいが回って来て、少し気分も和らいだ。「グッドタイミング、丁度何か食べたいと思っていたところだ」わたしはせんべいを食べ、船着き場で買ったペットボトルのお茶を飲んだ。乗客のほぼ全員がせんべいを食べ終わった頃を見はからって、ガイドが言った。「今からジュースを売っている露店に行きます」5分後、舟は川岸にある露店に近づき、速度を落として露店の前で停まった。露店なんかに寄りたくなかったが、舟はわたしの身体を露店まで運んだ。舟が川岸に停まるとガイドと二人の船頭が舟から川岸に飛び降り、舟を支柱にロープでつなぎ、ジュースやビールや菓子を売りだした。数人の客がジュースを買った。舟はなんと親切にも10分もそこに停まっていてくれて、お客さんが心ゆくまで買ったり飲んだりできるようにしてくれた。何と言うこころ配り。怒れてきた。わたしは露店に横付けになった舟に無理やり乗せられており、自然の音を聞く代わりに、「いくら? ビールは?」の掛け声の中、じっと黙って座っていた。雑音や俗世間のやり取りから逃れ、自然を楽しむために川下りをしているのに。

 静けさも カネカネカネで ぶち壊し

          Shrewd Salesmanship

  Nothing is more frustrating than shrewd salesmanship.
  I took a 40-minute boat tour down the Tenryu River this summer. Around 20 passengers sat jam-packed on the straw mats spread out in a 6-meter-long boat. Though the boat was crowded, I enjoyed the scenery and rippling water.
  “Isn’t this wonderful? The waves, green woods, fresh air, and the peace away from the hustle and bustle of Nagoya City. This is bliss,” I thought. I was absorbed in the scenery. I was one with nature. The guide girl’s voice explaining the scenic spots along the river sounded pleasant. On both sides of the river stood rocks of various sizes and shapes. She was saying, “That’s Dragon Rock on your left side. Now on your right side is Crane Rock.” I said to myself, “Yes, that looked like a dragon face and this looks like a crane.”
  My unity with nature was broken, however, when the guide said, “We are going to visit a shrine on the way to our destination.” Soon I saw a tiny shrine with a red torii gate erected on the shore. The boat approached it. It was a one-meter-high shabby shrine. The red paint on the torii beams and pillars was worn out. A small white boat about two meters long, which the guide called Lucky Boat, was anchored close to the shrine. Our boat slowed down and moored alongside the lucky boat. There was a donation box in it. The guide recommended the passengers to make monetary offerings and pray to the god for luck. My seat was in the center of the boat on the starboard side. The offertory boat was right next to my seat. I could have touched the box. I felt like my seat was eternally locked to the box. I was under heavy pressure to throw a coin into it. Some passengers threw coins. Our boat stopped for such a long time that I thought the guide was waiting for me to throw a coin. I took the boat tour to enjoy the scenery, not to offer money. A long time elapsed, but our boat would not leave. I felt nervous; to make an offer or not to make an offer. After what seemed to be half an hour, our boat finally left the shrine to my relief.
  My enjoyment of the tour was damaged by the shrewd salesmanship. A few minutes later, I asked myself, “Why didn’t you just obey the guide and throw a coin? It’s just 10 yen.” I could have offered 10 yen, but I hated to be forced to do so. I wanted to leave the shrine as soon as possible, but I couldn’t. Who would have dared to jump from the boat to get away from the shrine? I had to stay in the unpleasant boat for an endless amount of time. That discouraged me from making an offering.
  With bad feelings in my mind, I was no longer in the mood to enjoy the scenery as much as I had before. The boat floated down among the rocks and thick trees as if nothing had happened. Then I was bombarded with another salesmanship bullet.
  About 20 minutes later, the guide began to deliver the passengers complementary Japanese senbei crackers. Since I had been a little disgusted with the shrine incident, I felt better. “That’s nice. I want to eat some snacks,” I thought. I ate the cracker and drank some tea from the PET bottle I had bought at the pier shop. When almost all the passengers seemed to have eaten their crackers, the guide said, “We are going to sail to a juice and beer stand.” In five minutes, the boat reached the stand on another shore of the river. The boat slowly approached the stall and stopped close to it. I didn’t want to go near the stand, but despite my will power not to, the boat compelled me to go there. When the boat came close enough to the shore, the guide and two oarsmen jumped onto it, tied the boat to a pole, and began to sell juice, beer, and candies. Several passengers bought them. The boat stayed there for more than 10 minutes so that the passengers could fully appreciate the guide’s kindness to give them plenty of time to buy and drink. I was angry. I was forced to stay next to the stand for a long time in the midst of the noisy mercantile transaction instead of viewing the beautiful scenery. I had come here to be away from the noise, away from the human transactions, and to be one with nature.
  The Tenryu River boat tour took about 40 minutes, but more than one-third of the time was wasted on worldly business.
  Some people may love to offer money and drink beer cheerfully, but I don’t. Am I too stubborn or is the tour company too concerned with salesmanship?

     peace of mind
          broken by
             money, money, and money

Wednesday, August 11, 2010



バイキング お前は巨大な 怪物だ
料理が一杯 目が眩む
食の砲撃 避けられない

タコいかビーフ 寿司スープ
スパゲッティに パンご飯 
さかなエビかに タコにイカ
うどんマカロニ ピザトマト
ジャガイモなすび ホウレンソウ
トウモロコシに 梨リンゴ
パイナップルと オレンジメロン
コーヒー紅茶 ウーロン茶
ジュースとコーラ ミルクとケーキ
アイスクリーム タルトパイ
ストロベリーに グレープみかん
これもだこれも ついでにあれも

これが食べずに いられるか
これが飲まずに いられるか

真夜中に 食べた半分 吐いたじゃないか
腹痛め 食べ過ぎないと 決めたじゃないか
入口で 誓ったはずだ 取り過ぎないと
プレートを 取る時言った 独り言
腹八分 医者いらず 

肥満大敵 万病の元
高血圧に コレステロール
糖尿病と 心臓病

分かっているよ そんなこと
ちょっと見てみろ、カリカリの こげ目のついた
ソーセージ よだれが垂れる 唾が出る
これでほんとに 終りにするよ
プレートに のせてみるだけ のせるだけ
食べないったら 食べないよ


buffet-style meal is enormous monster
overwhelming dishes bombard you

fish, crab, and oysters
shrimp, octopus, and squid
beef and sushi, soup and noodles
rice, bread, spaghetti and macaroni
pizza and corn, tomatoes and potatoes
spinach and egg-plants, bananas and apples
oranges and pineapples and melons and coffee
black tea and Japanese tea, juice and coke
milk and cakes and pies and pudding
ice cream and tarts, and and and
and and and, and and and and

how can you ignore them?
how can you resist them?

In the middle of last night
didn’t you vomit half of what you had eaten?
Feeling your stomach ache
didn’t you make up your mind
not to eat too much?
just before entering the buffet room
weren’t you determined not to take too many dishes?
when you picked up a plate
didn’t you say to yourself
moderate eating keeps the doctor away?
You know, obesity is the cause of all diseases:
high blood pressure and high cholesterol
diabetes and cardiovascular disease

I know, but
look at this crispy brown sausage
doesn’t it look delicious?
this is the very last thing
Let me put it on my plate
I won’t eat it
I’ll just put it on my plate
I won’t eat it