Saturday, September 25, 2021

墓参り Visiting the Grave








Visiting the Grave

After a two-year absence, I went to Ogaki City to visit my ancestors’ grave. I had abstained from doing so because of the corona pandemic, but I had recently got the corona vaccine twice.

What surprised me was the drastic changes of the scenery I saw.

The scenery along the JR railway line from Nagoya Station to Ogaki Station had changed: condominium buildings, shopping moles, factories, and houses had been newly constructed all along the line till my destination. I felt as if I were traveling a strange place. The things that had not changed were Mt. Kinka, on top of which stands Gifu Castle, and Mt. Ibuki in the distance.

Ogaki City had changed a lot, too. I knew that it changed gradually because I visited it once in a while, but this time I saw drastic changes: condominiums, tall buildings, new shops had replaced the good old day’s houses. A bright ten-story Ogaki City Hall had been newly built. I recognized only two things that had not changed: Ogaki Castle and the old temple in which my elementary day’s homeroom teacher lived as a Japanese monk’s son.

Think of your environment. Everything changes in 100 years. People alive now will die, and new houses will disappear. What year is 100 years ago? It is 1921 or the tenth year of Taisho era. What about 100 years later? It will be 2121. Nobody can imagine what it will be like.

All things are in a state of flux.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

犬のオシッコ  A Dog's Piss






A Dog’s Piss

As the proverb goes, “Many a little makes a mickle.” A dog’s urine felled a traffic signal.

 According to an editor’s column, Chunichi Shunjyu in the Chunichi Newspaper, a traffic signal pole in Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture eroded and fell. Traffic signal poles usually last for 50 years, but this pole fell within 23 years of use. The forensic science center of the Mie Prefectural Police Department announced the cause of the accident: the signal pole stood along the way of a dog’s walking route, and the little animal often pissed on the signal pole.

Mere piss, and yet, hideous piss.

Do not belittle anything.