Tuesday, April 20, 2010








     ♪水で磨いた、玉の肌、それ! 大垣、音頭~







  I had a unique experience in Ogaki City on April 8. My wife and I rode on a tarai-bune or a round wooden tub boat for about 30 minutes down the Suimon River enjoying the full-bloom cherry blossoms. The river, a former moat around Ogaki Castle, runs through the city. The tarai boat is about 1.3 meters across and 50 centimeters deep. Each tarai accommodates two sightseers, who sit side by side on a one-meter-long wooden bench in the tarai. An oarsman clad in a light blue happi-coat and a straw hat on rows the tarai-bune.
  First, my wife got on the tarai-bune. Two men on the pier held it tightly so that it would not rock. Then I got on it. Until I settled down on the bench inside, it was rocking and I felt uneasy. Then the oarsman pushed off from the pier with a bamboo pole, and the adventurous cruise started. The oarsman switched on the tape recorder, which began to guide the tour.
  In five minutes, we are passing under the bridge near Hachiman Shrine. As I am passing, I remember an adventure from my elementary schooldays on the river. One day my friends and I stealthily got on a seemingly deserted boat which was tied with a rope to a bridge pole. We untied the rope and went down the river for about 15 minutes. It was thrilling, amusing, and exciting. I felt as if I were in the Tom Sawyer world. Some adults were watching us from the bank, but they did not scold us for our recklessness. We took turns rowing the boat. We picked up trifle things such as a dirty bag and a broken leg of a table on the river and laughed.

     flimsy boat
     water in bottom
     swaying right and left

  The tarai boat floats down the river under the full bloom cherry blossoms on both banks. The river is so clean that we see a lot of water weeds wavering. Some onlookers are taking pictures of us. They may be envious of us, who have abandoned themselves and are drifting with the current. When I was a boy, I never dreamed of riding down the river in a tarai-bune. The scenery viewed from the bank of the river and that from the tarai-bune is quite different. I used to look down the river from the bank, but now I am looking up at the banks covered by beautiful cherry blossoms.
  The oarsman steers the tarai skillfully. Standing in it, he first pushes the bottom of the river at the left side of the tarai with his bamboo pole, then he pushes the right side bottom. He repeats the same action, left, right, left, right. The tarai is zigzagging, but on the whole it is going straight.

     Issun-boshi in owan boat
     zigzagging with chopstick
     beads of sweat on forehead (1)

  After about a 15-minute ride, I come close to a good old bridge. The name of the bridge is written on a large plate attached to the side of the bridge. It reads “Kobun-bashi Bridge” I crossed the bridge to go to Kobun Elementary School and Kobun Junior High School for nine years. I never dreamed of passing under the bridge in a tarai boat 60 years later. Near the bridge there used to be an ear-splitting lumber mill. A lot of deserted surplus wooden pieces were propped against the fence of the mill. Some of them had pointed ends. Mischievous boys selected good ones, not too long to handle and sharp enough, brought them to the bridge, and threw them with all their might into the river. Lucky boys successfully stuck his “spears.” I tried throwing them but every time, they did not stick into the bottom. Sometimes when I crossed the bridge on my way home, I saw some sticks standing in the river.
  The tape recorder began to play the Ogaki-ondo dancing song, which is too familiar to me to forget. I remembered how I danced with the song at the Ogaki Bon Festival. Every year the song was heard all over Ogaki main streets during the three-day festival. Remembering the festival, I sing the song accompanied by the tape recorder song. ♪Mizude migaita tamano hada, sore, Ogaki Ondo…. (My skin is pearl-like. I brushed it with Ogaki water. Hey ! Ogaki Dancing Song….) Ogaki is called “Water City” thanks to its good water from underground. I feel as if I returned to my boyhood in Ogaki.

     freezing cold
     steaming water
     in the well

  At the end of the river tour, the river suddenly widens to about 60 meters. The wide water area is surrounded by an eight meter wide and 10-meter high waterfall, beautiful cherry blossoms, green pine trees, and huge rocks coated with moss. Here stands a memorial center commemorating the end of the journey of Okuno-hosomichi (Narrow Road to the Interior) by Basho Matsuo, an eminent haiku master. This is the end of the tarai cruise. My wife and I get off the tarai at the pier. As I am getting off from the rocking tarai, a woman gives me a helping hand so that I will not fall into the river, but who is she? She is my elementary school day classmate. This is a pleasant surprise.

     Mountain climbing
     Nobu-chan on teacher’s back
     pain in her feet

  Riding the tarai, I enjoyed myself, remembering a lot of things from my boyhood.

(1) Issun-boshi is an-inch-tall monk in a Japanese folk story. He sails to Kyoto to become a warrior in a owan bowl boat. He rows the owan with a chopstick.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


 なぜこの物語はこんなにも魅力があるのだろう。それは同名の小説「不毛地帯」をドラマ化しているからだ。  「不毛地帯」は直木賞など多数の文学賞を受賞している山崎豊子(現86歳)の作品だ。山崎は政・官・業の癒着、近畿商事の壱岐と東京商事の鮫島との熾烈な受注合戦、壱岐の企画をことごとく妨害する副社長、里井達也との確執等を鋭く描いている。山崎は商事会社間の激しい闘いと併せて陶芸家、秋津千里との淡いロマンも物語に組み込んでいる。


  I finished watching the last episode of “Fumo Chitai” (The Barren Zone), a 19-episode serial drama on March 11. The first episode started in October in 2009 and the drama lasted for six months.
  It is a story about a man named Tadashi Iki. He was a lieutenant colonel and an etat major of the Japanese Imperial Headquarters. When the Soviet Russia invaded Manchuria in 1945, he was detained and forced to labor in Siberia for eleven years. After returning to Japan, he enters the Kinki Trading Corporation. He works for the company for 30 years, during which time he achieves a number of remarkable business successes: the introduction of FX fighters to Japan Air Self-Defense Force, the tandem of Chiyoda Automobile Company and United Motors, and the extraction of petroleum in an Iranian oil field. After retiring from the company, he devotes himself to visiting the graves of his wartime companions and collecting their remains in Siberia.
  Every episode was so moving that I was always looking forward to watching the program every Thursday night. Now that it has ended, I feel emptiness. I feel as if something enjoyable and valuable had been taken away from me. I miss the main character, Tadashi Iki, a sincere, serious, and persistent man and the husky heavy song at the end of each episode.
  Why do I miss the drama so much? This is because “Fumo Chitai” is based on the novel of the same title written by Toyoko Yamazaki, an 86-year old woman and winner of several literary prizes including the prestigious Naoki Award. She sharply depicts the cozy relations among politicians, bureaucrats, and business leaders; the fierce battle between Tadashi Iki of the Kinki Trading Corporation and his rival Tatsuzo Samejima of the Tokyo Trading Corporation; and the harsh conflict between Iki and Tatsuya Satoi, vice president of the Kinki Trading Corporation, who takes every chance to interfere with Iki’s projects. Yamazaki does not forget to insert a romance between Iki and Chisato Akitsu, a woman ceramic artist.
  I admire Yamazaki’s profound devotion in writing her novels. She said in one of her essays about “Fumo Chitai,” “I interviewed more than 340 people. It took me five years to write the novel. I spent much more time in collecting data than in writing the novel. I went to Siberia and crossed the freezing land in minus 30 degrees Centigrade weather to visit the graveyard of Japanese soldiers. I thought it important to feel what Iki felt in the drama. I flew to Soviet Russia, the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Iran like a tireless businessman. The Iran desert was so fiercely hot that I asked the cameraman to push the camera button as quickly as possible. Otherwise, only a few seconds under the heat would have burned my head. It is vexing that I sometimes used only one datum out of 40 data in the course of my writing, but I think the discarded 39 data support the novel indirectly.”
  Because of such unbelievable effort, her novels never betray the readers’ expectations. Her novels reveal a “real” world. They overwhelm you. That is why “Fumo Chitai” stirs your emotion.

[65] 英語俳句 English Haiku

          Indian summer--
            the cherry leaf dancing

(週刊ST Friday, January 15, 2010号 お題:Indian summer 小春日 金賞作品)