Monday, July 20, 2009

[51] 携帯電話妨害器

 あるミッション・スクールの卒業式で、神父が聖書の一節を朗読していた。卒業生、在校生、保護者、教職員一同は起立し、頭を下げて心静かに朗読を聞いていた……。 突然、携帯電話の着信メロディがけたたましく式場に響き渡った。厳粛な静寂が一瞬のうちにぶち壊しになり、参加者は気分を害した。卒業生を送り出す寂しさを噛みしめていた金田先生も大いに憤慨した。
「しらばっくれるんじゃねー。やい! 貴様、喧嘩売ろうっちゅうんか、ええん!」

       殴られた はずみでスイッチ ONとなり

Sunday, July 19, 2009


                 CELL PHONE JAMMER

  As a priest was reading aloud a passage from the Bible during a graduation ceremony of a Catholic high school, all the attendants—students, parents, and teachers---were as calm as a millpond. Suddenly a gay ringtone rang frantically damaging the solemnity and bewildering the attendants. Kenta, a 49-year-old teacher working for the school, was one of those who were offended.
  As his anger lingered even after he came back home in the evening, he wrote about his displeasing experience on his blog and published it. A few days later a comment was sent to his blog from a cell phone jammer maker based in London. It said that their products would disable mobile transmitting and receiving if they were turned on.
  There were various jammers: portable, high power, classroom, indoor, and outdoor use. Kenta ordered a portable one (about 20,000 yen) because it would jam all cell phones within the range of 25 meters. It would be effective in his class where some students used cell phones or in the trains and buses.
  About two weeks later the jammer arrived. From that day on, Kenta took it with him to school. Before going to the classroom, he switched on the machine. It was so effective that some students started wondering why their cell phones failed to work and gave up using them. Kenta used the jammer while commuting to and from school by train, too. When he found a selfish man talking noisily on the cell phone, he secretly turned on the jammer. That instant the man looked surprised and seemed to think something was wrong with the gadget. He gave up talking. Kenta enjoyed the sudden countenance change of the cell phone users. He felt good. He thought he was doing good for the public. He brought the blocker when he went to see movies, theaters, libraries, and art museums. Wherever he went, there was silence around him. Kenta felt as if he were a savior for peace-loving and noise-hating people.
  Arrogance began to grow in him. He began to use the jammer not for the benefit of the public but for himself only. He liked reading books sitting on a bench at a park near his house on weekends. Whenever he heard people talking on a mobile while he was reading, he flipped the switch. He was tolerant of hearing normal conversations but intolerant of hearing one-way talking.
  One day as he was reading on the bench, he heard a nasty punky man talking on a cell phone in a hoarse angry voice. Kenta switched on the jammer and quickly looked at the man, who, wondering why his cell phone suddenly stopped working, pushed the cell phone to dial again, but in vain. “Damn it!”he swore looking at the dead machine. Kenta cast a glance at him again laughing in his mind. The irritated man approached Kenta and said in a deep, threatening voice, “Hey, doc, why did you stare at me?”
   Kenta said, “No, no, I didn’t.”
  “Don’t play innocent. You want to pick a fight with me, don’t you?”
  “No, no, no….”
  “OK. Then, I’ll take you on!”
  The man grabbed Kenta by the collar and pulled him up.
  “Please, don’t, don’t do that to me,” Kenta pleaded.
  “Okay. I understand. You are going to give me shit,” the man said and hit Kenta in the face. Kenta, bleeding from his nose, staggered back. The man hit Kenta in the stomach. Kenta fell. The man then began to kick him.
  A woman, who was looking on, took out a cell phone and dialed 110, but her cell phone failed.
             the jammer was switched on
                the moment Kenta fell 



1. お玉と末造の間柄を詳しく書いておいて、急に末造をカットしてしまった。

2. お玉と岡田が接近する有様を、蛇事件を交えながら詳しく書いておいて、急に岡田を洋行させてしまった。

3. 雁が死んで僕と岡田が池を一周する時に、岡田は僕に対して「僕は君に話すことがあるのだった」と言う。当然、読者は岡田がお玉のことについて話すだろうと予想するのに、予想を裏切って洋行の話が突然出てくる。小説の話の展開としては不自然。

4. お玉と末造と岡田の三角関係がどうなるだろうと読者に気を持たせておいて、急に話を洋行という設定で終わらせてしまう。強引に話を終わらせている。

5. 鴎外は今まで書いてきた「雁」の話を読み返して視点のズレがあるのに気が付き、急遽ズレを弁護するため「鏡の左右を合わせた」というような屁理屈を最後に付け加えて何とか矛盾を切り抜けようとした。しかし、末造、お常、お梅の心情、末造とお常のやり取り、お常と女中の会話はどのようにして分かり得たのか疑問。

6. 鴎外は「僕」の視点で書いていくうちに全知視点になってしまい、それに気が付き、今更全部書き直すのは惜しい気がして、最後に視点のズレを無理に修正した。だから、恥の上塗りというか、ズレを弁護して、その弁護をさらに「無用の憶測をせぬがよい」などと言ってダメ押し弁護をせざるを得なかった。

7. 鴎外は「雁」の小説を尻切れトンボで終わらせなくてはならない時間的、精神的理由があったのではないか。小説が読者を楽しませるものならば、鴎外ほどの小説家なら全部初めから書き直してもいいはずなのに、なぜこのような不満が残る「小説」を書いたのか。小説はその内容そのものが勝負であり、読者に感動や楽しみを与えるべきものなのに、「雁」は感動、楽しみどころか小説の不備、不具合で読者に内容以外の周辺的な事柄で余分な神経を使わせている。罪な小説だ。

8. 鴎外は以上のような読者の不満を知り尽くしていて、なお、わざとあのような「小説」を世に出したのだろうか。もしそうなら、その狙いは何か。「雁」のズレ的小説手法について文学者が喧々諤々、論文を発表しているが、鴎外はそれを狙ったのだろうか。そうなら成功しているが、小説としては失敗ではないのか。

9. 「小説」は一流の作家になれば、視点のズレ等を含めて、何をどのように書いても自由なのか。それが許されるのか。


Friday, July 3, 2009



  I am a university student majoring in Chinese history. I am now writing a graduation thesis titled “The Battle of Red Cliffs: centering on Sun Quan’s* navy.” In order to collect documents for the thesis, I went to Lake Honghu in Hubei Province* in China at the end of the summer vacation. This is the lake where the Sun Quan’s navy drilled its naval soldiers to fight against Cao Cao’s* troops. The battle was fought mainly on the Yangtze River* in 208 A.D. between the allied forces of the southern warlords Lui Bei and Sun Quan and the numerically superior forces of the northern warlord Cao Cao. Lui Bei and Sun Quan successfully defeated Cao Cao in the end.
  Lake Honghu is two-thirds as large as Lake Biwa. The descendants of Sun Quan naval soldiers have lived on the lake for more than 1,800 years. They live on their boats all through their lives. They move them looking for good spots to catch fish. They buy daily necessities at the water market with the money they earn by selling fish. They even grow vegetables in plastic greenhouses on the boats.
  Their elementary school is on the lake, too. The one-classroom school stands on a big boat. The children study and play swaying up and down. Since they are born and grow up on the boat, they are accustomed to the floating life. They never get seasick even on a stormy day. After graduating from the floating school, they go to Honghu City Municipal Junior High School*. This is the time when they set foot on the ground for the first time in their life.
  Before I went to China, I had been introduced through a Japanese tourist agent to a man named Zhou Yu*, who lives on Lake Honghu. Coincidentally, Zhuo Yu is the name of the commander of Sun Quan navy. When I reached Honghu City Hall, I presented a letter of introduction to the employee at the information desk as I had been instructed by the agent. She went away with the introduction letter and soon returned with a letter in her hand. She said to me, “This is Mr. Zhou’s letter for you,” and handed it to me. It said that he was looking forward to seeing me and that I should bring seasick pills without fail. I thought he was kind to offer this advice so that I wouldn’t get seasick. I bought a pack of seasick pills and took some while I was waiting for his boat at the harbor of Lake Honghu. Soon around 11 o’clock, his boat arrived and I got aboard.
  In the boat house, I asked various and many questions that might help to improve my graduation thesis. As I had expected, Mr. Zhou explained to me how Sun Quan’s navy of 2,000 boats underwent naval training on the lake and how it destroyed Cao Cao’s fleet of 10,000 boats by a surprise fire attack. Just as he finished his talk, a strong wind began to blow and it began to rain. The boat swayed like a leaf on the pond. Mr. Zhou asked me seriously whether I had brought seasick pills with me.
  I answered, “Please, don’t worry. l took some pills before I got on the boat. Thank you.”
  He said hesitatingly, “I have a favor to ask you. Could you kindly give me some of the pills?”
  “No problem at all,” I said wondering why he, an experienced sailor, wanted to have seasick pills. I gave him the whole pack.
  He beamed a smile and said, “Thank you. Good of you to make it. To tell you the truth, the only drugstore in Honghu City closed recently and it will take some months before a new one opens. So, I felt lucky when I heard that you were going to come and interview me today. I had asked the city employee to give my letter to you when you came to the city hall. You are a great help to me. Actually, tomorrow, my second son is going to attend the entrance ceremony for Honghu Junior High School. He will land on the ground for the first time in his life. You know, I had a hard time when I took my first son to the ceremony three years ago.”
Sun Quan: 孫権
Lake Honghu in Hubei Province湖北省、洪湖
Cao Cao: 曹操
the Yangtze River長江、揚子江
Honghu City Municipal Junior High School洪湖市立中学校
Zhuo Yu周瑜


    because of landsickness
    the first son vomited again and again and again
    as if he were a bad sailor




     岡酔いで 長男ふらふら ゲロげーげー