Tuesday, March 29, 2011



 「卒業式は教室で行われ、一人一人の生徒が、校長先生から卒業証書を受け取りました。その後、卒業生全員が避難所になっている体育館に行き……」 ここで、突然ニュースが止まり、ラジオは一分間と思われるぐらい長い間、音が聞こえなくなってしまいました。放送局の接続の故障かなと思っていると、泣き声混じりのニュースが聞こえて来ました。アナウンサーは、感無量で息が詰まってしまっているのです。それからは、涙声でニュースが一語一語、読まれていきました。


  On the evening of March 21, when I was listening to the NHK radio news, the announcer was reporting on Ohfunato Junior High School graduation ceremony, which was held in a tsunami disaster area in Iwate Prefecture.
  The news went like this: “The graduation ceremony was held in a classroom. Each student received his or her graduation certificate directly from the principal. After the ceremony, the graduates went to the gymnasium which was used as an evacuation shelter…” The news abruptly stopped here, and silence continued for what seemed one minute. I thought the broadcasting connection went bad, but in the next moment I heard the announcer’s sobbing voice. He was apparently choked with emotion. He forced himself to continue to read the script in a tearful voice: “They—sang—Furusato (Sweet Home) in chorus in front of—about 200 evacuees. After the chorus, the evacuees—gave them—a big applause. Some of them were—shedding—tears.” He managed to read the script to the end. I was sobbing, too.
  To tell you the truth, on the morning of the same day, I had watched the graduation ceremony on TV and shed tears.
  The announcer may have watched the ceremony on TV, and remembered the scene while he was reading the script. He may have a child who was as old as the graduates. Or he may have lost his beloved family in the tsunami.
  I had never heard an announcer sob while he was reporting news except for the live report of the Hindenburg disaster in 1937 (I was not born yet). The announcer may have regretted that his report had been too emotional, but I don’t think he should. He conveyed far more things than the mechanical reading of the script about the disaster stricken people.
  After all an announcer is not a cold stone.

   Furusato (Sweet Home) Translated by Hiroshi Matsuoka

This mountain where I chased rabbits.
That river where I fished tiny fish.
I remember my sweet home like a dream.
How can I forget my home?

How are you getting along, my father and mother?
How are you getting along, my friends?
On the rainy day or on the windy day,
I remember my sweet home.

After I achieve my ambition,
I will return to my home some day.
I see the green mountains in my home.
I see the clean rivers in my home.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011




 先日、45年ぶりに上高地に行き、大正池を見た。池の一部が周りの山からの土砂流で埋まっていると言うことは知っていたし、池の景色が損なわれているだろうと予想はしていた。 しかし、実際、池を見て大いに落胆した。元の池の姿を留めていない。すっかり変わっている。森林保護ヴァランティアの人によると、池の10分の1が土砂で埋まったそうだ。以前水面下だったところが今は地面となり、そこに2、3本の枯れ木が立っていた。

     逆らえない  自然の力  池を消す
     姿消す   大正池を  じっと見る

 ( I moved this story here to avoid spams. September 29, 2009) 

         Taisho-ike Pond Is Disappearing

  I went to Kamikochi Height in Nagano Prefecture with 15 friends from my university days on September 17 and 18. We belonged to the International Student Association of Japan for four years during university. Every summer we went to the height and enjoyed camping. During the day, we walked to Taisho-ike Pond and Kappa-bashi Bridge over the Azusa River. The Hodaka Mountain Range viewed from the bridge was a breathtaking beauty. In the evening, we enjoyed a campfire, singing, dancing, and talking under innumerous bright stars.
  The scenery of Taisho-ike Pond was no less beautiful than that of Hodaka Mountain Range. A short distance away from the pond stood a steep mountain named Yakedake, a 2,445 meter rough active volcano. A number of white birches stood in the shallow part of the pond with the bottom parts of the tree trunks below the water level. The reflection of the white birches, the brown mountain, and the green trees on the surface of the water made the pond a postcard-like beauty.
  I visited Kamikochi Height and saw Taisho-ike Pond after a 45-year interval. I had heard that a part of the pond had been buried by the sand and rocks which came down from the valleys of the surrounding mountains. I had expected that the scenery of the pond had been damaged.
  When I actually saw the pond, however, I was more than disappointed. The pond was not what it used to be. It was drastically changed. According to a forest protection volunteer, one-tenth of the pond has been buried by earth, sand, and rocks. What I saw were only a few dry trees standing on the earth which was once under water.

you can't stop
the power of nature
Taisho-ike Pond is disappearing

in the near future
Taisho-ike Pond will disappear
see it now or never

11 コメント:

Charlie Watanabe said...

I just watched "An Inconvenient Truth" produced by Al Gore. Your essay reminded me of some of the scenes in the film...

By the way, are you coming to our reunion on Saturday? I hope to see you there.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hiroshi Matsuoka said...

I am coming to the reunion. Looking forward to seeing you.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hiroshi Matsuoka said...




Saturday, October 17, 2009

Charlie Watanabe said...


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hiroshi Matsuoka said...





See you again.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

uenoyama said...

ご無沙汰しております S32 上野山です。English では書込みが出来る程の能力ではないので日本語で失礼いたします。


"80年卒業同窓会の案内が来てなかった"件に関しては、私の勝手な判断によるミスと思います。幹事の小谷野さんから先生の出席の了解を得ていました。言訳になってしまいますが、先生のブログは紹介いただいて以来、毎回楽しく拝読しております。その中で、同級の C.Watanabe さんとのやり取りの中に既にお話がされ、出席されるとのことでしたので、自分からの連絡は控えてしまいました。結局幹事に連絡がされてないことになり、この様な失礼な事態になったことをお詫びいたします。

自分は信者ではありませんが、1年程前から南山教会の主日のミサに参加しており、我々卒業後に校長となった Schubert 神父様の勧めで講座をこの2カ月受講しております。ミサで、どなたか知人に会える期待も有りましたが、神父様も知らない方ばかりです。主日のミサは異次元の世界に来てしまった様で、6年通学し、道を挟んだ向こう側の事を何も知らなかったことが分かりました。

Monday, October 19, 2009

Charlie Watanabe said...


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hiroshi Matsuoka said...

上野山くん and Charlie,








See you again.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Charlie Watanabe said...

五島さんの代も松岡先生だったのですか。ものすごく驚いています。五島さんとは10年近くお付き合いがあるのに、まったく知りませんでした。世界は本当に狭いですね。ところで、次回の私たちの同窓会は多分4、5年後でしょうかね。その頃には私たちも50代になっています。是非ご参加くださいね。Good night.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

uenoyama said...




Tuesday, October 27, 2009

terra said...












Monday, December 28, 2009

Saturday, March 19, 2011

[91] Disaster in Tohoku, Japan 東北の大惨事


彼らには 食べ物がない でも わたしにはある
十分な 食事ができる なんと幸せ
彼らには 水がない でも わたしにはある
この水を どうしたら 届けることが できるのか 
彼らには 電気がない でも わたしにはある
節電が 彼等の役に 立つのだろうか

冷たい床で 夜を過ごす 彼等
それなのに わたしは 暖かい布団で寝ている
こんな贅沢 していていいのか


当然が 当然でなくなった
彼等のために 何ができるか
早い復興 祈るばかりだ

   The Disaster in Tohoku, Japan

they have little to eat, but I have enough
it is bliss to be able to eat a substantial meal
they have little water, but I have enough
how can I send this water to them?
they are short of electricity, but I have enough
does my saving electricity help them?

they have to lie on a cold floor for the night
but I sleep in a warm futon
I feel I would be punished for these comforts
to be able to live in a house
to be able to take a hot bath
to be able to go shopping
to be able to take a bus

what has been natural is no longer natural
what can I do for them?
I only pray for the early recovery

Thursday, March 3, 2011

[90] 子どもの頃の思い出 いたずら坊主 MEMOIR OF MY CHILDHOOD A Mischievous Boy

        子どもの頃の思い出 いたずら坊主

 中学生のとき、私の友達が電車にひかれそうになった。美術の時間、学校を出て好きなところで絵を描いても良いと言う指示があった。勿論、学校から遠くまで行ってはならなかった。 隆と進とわたしは学校近くにある電車線路へ行った。どうしてそこに行ったかはよく覚えていないが、電車の絵を描きたかったか、学校からできるだけ離れたところに行きたかったからだろう。
 電車が轟音を響かせて来て、チューブを一瞬でつぶし、消えて行った。線路を見た。絵の具が枕木や敷石等そこらじゅうに飛び散っていた。進は絵の具を筆につけ、意気揚々と絵を描いた。電車がチューブをつぶすとは、なんて愉快だ、スリル満点だ。そこで、僕達は幾つかチューブを線路に並べて、電車を待った。電車が来た。押しつぶした。中身が飛び出た。去って行った。面白い! 僕達はもっとチューブを線路に並べて、電車を待った。電車の音が聞こえてきて。20メートルぐらい近づいたとき、チューブのひとつが線路から落ちた。馬鹿にも、進はチューブを戻すため線路に走った。同時に、耳をつんざくようなキキキーキーという音がした。運転手が緊急ブレーキをかけたのだ。僕達は一目散に逃げた。

(さらに読みたい方は、右側のリンク MAT'S MEMOIR を見てください)

     MEMOIR OF MY CHILDHOOD A Mischievous Boy

  I don’t think I was a mischievous boy, but considering the circumstances, I have to admit it.
  When I was a junior high school boy, my friend was almost run down by a train. During fine arts class, we were allowed to go out of the school and choose any good place to draw a picture from. Of course we were not allowed to go too far away. My friends, Takashi and Susumu, and I went to railroad tracks that ran near the school. I don’t remember exactly why we went there. Probably we wanted to draw a picture of an oncoming train, or just wanted to play around away from the school.  
  Anyway, we sat beside the railway tracks and began to draw a picture. There was a lot of tall grass around us and no teacher could see us. Whenever we heard a train approaching, we moved away from the tracks.
  After a while, Susumu had difficulty squeezing blue paint out of his paint tube. It was dry and no paint came out even if he pressed it hard. Nishimura had a good idea. He said, “Why don’t you put the tube on the railway track? The train will press it and blue paint will come out.” So, Susumu put the tube on the tracks and waited for a train. And it came with a thunderous noise, pressed the tube instantaneously, and disappeared. We saw the tracks. The blue paint splashed in all directions covering the neighboring brown railroad ties and stones. Susumu put some of the blue paint on his paint brush and cheerfully continued to draw his picture. We thought it was amusing and thrilling to have the train flatten paint tubes. So, we put some of our tubes on the track and waited for a train. It came, crushed them ejecting the content, and left. How exciting! We put some more tubes and waited for a train. We heard a train approaching. When it was 20 meters away from us, one of the tubes fell off the tracks, and Idiot Susumu ran to put it back. At the same time, we heard the strongest and loudest ear-splitting screech resonating all over. The driver of the train pulled the emergency brake. We ran and ran and ran.
  The train slowed down, gained speed, and disappeared. We were relieved and scared. We were sure the station master would call the school principal and complain about us.
  The next morning, no teacher summoned us. I don’t know whether the driver did not make a report about the dangerous boys to the station master or the master did not call our principal.
  I tremble to remember the incident. Susumu would have been killed by the train.

(For More. Please crick one of the links, MAT'S MEMOIR on the right side.)