Friday, February 24, 2023

四耐四不 Endure Four Hardships. Stop Doing Four Evils


トヨタ自動車名誉会長の故豊田章一郎氏の座右の銘は「四耐四不」だ。すなわち、「耐冷、耐苦、耐煩、耐閑、不激、不躁、不競、不随」 (冷に耐え、苦に耐え、煩(はん)に耐え、閑に耐え、激せず、躁(さわ)がず、競わず、随(したが)わず」これは清朝末期の政治家、曽国藩の言葉である。



Endure Four Hardships. Stop Doing Four Evils

Toyota honorary chairman Shoichiro Toyoda died at the age of 97. His cherished motto is “Endure Four Hardships. Stop Doing Four Evils.” They are: endure cold, endure pains, endure troubles, endure having nothing to do; don’t get angry, don’t be too much excited, don’t compete, don’t follow other’s opinion without thinking.They are Zeng Guofan’s words. He was a politician during the Qing dynasty.