Sunday, July 31, 2016




I went to Tsurumai Library around 4:30 in the afternoon yesterday. When I got off the subway train at Tsurumai Station and began to walk toward an exit leading up to ground, I was surprised to see many young people walking, looking at smartphones in their hands. I was more surprised when I stood on the ground because I saw a lot of people in Tsurumai Park. Almost all of them, some walking, others standing, were looking at the gadget. They were apparently absorbed in the newly popular Pokemon Go game. Usually the park is full of tall green trees, quiet, with fresh air, and suitable for taking a walk, but that day the scene was quite different. No quietness, but restlessness. Pokemon people occupied the park streets, the space around the spring, and promenades among trees. About 15 Pokemon people were hanging around even in front of the library entrance gate.
  Tsurumai Park used to be a nice place to take a walk and collect yourself, but now it is a place for festivity and gaiety. “Pokemon Go” is an unwelcome intrusion.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

トランプ夫人とケネディとリンカーン Mrs. Trump, Kennedy, and Lincoln









  Mrs. Trump, Kennedy, and Lincoln
Melania Trump’s speech during the 2016 Republican National Convention was severely criticized because it was strikingly similar to Michelle Obama’s speech during the Democratic Convention in 2008, but if you blame her, why not blame John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln? They also plagiarized their forerunners.

A. Kennedy’s well-known phrase: “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

(1) Supreme Court Justice Oliver W. Holmes, Jr. said in a speech in 1884: “…it is now the moment…to recall what our country has done for each of us, and to ask ourselves what we can do for our country in return.”

(2) A Lebanese-American philosopher, Kahlil Gibran wrote in the New Frontier in 1925, “Are you a politician asking what your country can do for you, or a zealous one asking what you can do for your country?”

B. Lincoln's famous phrase: "government of the people, by the people, for the people."

(1) The Prologue to an English philosopher, John Wycliffe’s first English translation of the Bible, which first appeared in 1384 includes the phrase: “This Bible is for the government of the people, for the people and by the people.”

(2) an 1858 Parker sermon reads: “Democracy is direct self-government, over all the people, by all the people, for all the people.”

Tuesday, July 12, 2016




I saw “Kongeki” (Chinese classical dramas) at Munetsugu Hall yesterday. This is a type of dramas played during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), and is registered on the World Heritage List. Kongeki has influenced Kyogeki (modern Chinese dramas), Japanese Noh, Kyogen, and Kabuki dramas. Unlike Kyogeki, which mainly deals with battle dramas, Kongeki specializes in love dramas full of lyrical and literary taste.
  I saw “Koriki” (a drunken man’s humorous story); “Botantei” (a noble lady and her maid strolling a flower garden); and “Uranai Kato” (a young man drinking sake suffering from love sickness). The three dramas were accompanied by Chinese classical instruments: a drum and a whistle. They lead me deep into the world of old Chinese music. Although the dramas are products of a neighboring country, the clothes, body movements, and music were quite different from those of Japanese classical dramas.
  The most different part was the tone of the lines spoken by the characters. They spoke with a high-pitched, ear-piercing voice, higher than a soprano singer’s tone. I sometimes suffer from high-pitched announcements by young TV female announcers, but the lines spoken in Kongeki were ten times as high as their announcements, torturing me incessantly. The Kongeki dramas were so foreign that I did not enjoy them.
  The only consolation I had was the pieces of music(Soshu-yakyoku and Shin-Shin Rei) played by Tin Tin, a Chinese classical lute performer. (the woman clad in red in the picture)