Monday, June 21, 2010


The delagation ship reaches China. 遣唐使船中国に到着


 皆さんは吉備 真備(きび の まきび)を知っていますか。奈良時代の学者・公卿です。716年遣唐使として唐に渡り、唐の先進文化を学び、735年に帰朝します。その時吉備は碁、刺繍、琵琶などの唐文化を日本に持ち帰りました。後に東大寺建造長官となり、765年には右大臣になりました。

Kibi is confined in a tall house.吉備、楼閣に幽閉される


Kibi plays go with the emperor.玄宗皇帝と碁の勝負

 この伝説は12世紀に「吉備大臣入唐絵巻(きび だいじん にっとう えまき)」という絵巻物になりました。現在、アメリカボストン美術館の所蔵品です。


  Do you know Kibi Makibi? He was a Japanese scholar and noble during the Nara period (AD 710-794). He went to China as one of the Japanese official diplomatic delegations to China during the Tang dynasty in 716 and returned to Japan in 735. The mission of the delegations was to import Chinese advanced culture. Kibi is supposed to have brought back a number of things including the game of Go, the art of embroidery, and the biwa (a kind of lute). He was the project leader of the construction of Tōdai-ji Buddhist Temple. He took the office of Udaijin (second rank minister in the court) in 765.
  Kibi became a legendary figure. When he went to Changan (present Xian), the capital of the Tang Dynasty, the courtiers, intending to kill him, confined him in a high palace house where a demon lived. However, the demon was actually the spirit of late Abe Nakamaro, one of the delegations to Tang. The demon saved him. At another time, he had to read one of the most difficult documents before the Tang emperor but the demon again helped him by letting him read the document beforehand. When he was called to the court, he pretended as if he had seen it for the first time, and surprised the nobles by reading it easily. The emperor then wanted to play Go (Chinese chess game) with him. Kibi did not know anything about Go, but the spirit taught him how to play go. Kibi practiced go by looking at the grid-patterned ceiling of his room. During the game, Kibi was nearly losing the game, but when the emperor was looking aside, he gulped down a Go stone and won the game. The emperor’s men, suspecting him, made him to take a laxative. When they checked his stool, they failed to find the stone. Kibi had used magic to keep it in his stomach. Next, Tang nobles tried to poison him, but he used tools of sugoroku (Japanese backgammon) and stopped the movement of the moon and the sun. He was the master of the Way of Yin and Yang, which influenced the destinies of creatures and things. The courtiers were surprised and allowed Kibi to return to Japan.
  The legend was made into Kibi Daijin Nitto Emaki (narrative pictorial handscroll of Kibi Minster in Tang) in 12 century. It is in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.


Friday, June 18, 2010

[69] バラに刺あり (その2) NO ROSE WITHOUT A THORN (No. 2)

 このブログはひとつ前のブログ:[68] バラに刺あり(その1) NO ROSE WITHOUT A THORN (No. 1)の続きです。先に[68]をお読みください。

 ある質問に「5.7feet,fair in completion,i saw your profile・・・」の意味が分からない。誰か教えてください」とあった。
 私はfair completionは、fair complexionの間違いで、色白と言う意味ですと答え、さらに、あなたが受け取ったメールは詐欺臭いから注意して下さいという回答を送りました。
 「内戦」? これで詐欺に決まりです。



  This is the continuation of the previous blog titled “[68] NO ROSE WITHOUT A THORN (No. 1).” Please read [68] first.

  A few days ago, I was glad to be of some help to a woman who had asked a question in the website “Teach Me English! goo.” She wanted to know the meaning of “5.7feet,fair in completion,i saw your profile….”
  I answered her, “fair completion is a misspelling for fair complexion. It means “light-colored skin.” By the way, I would like to warn you that the email you received might be a scam.”
The questioner replied, “I don’t want to be suspicious of the email. I want to continue emailing for some more time.” I sent her some sample scam emails and asked if she had received a photograph of a handsome man. She replied, “It doesn’t seem like a scam; the person who sent me an email is a woman and is having a hard time because of a civil war.”
  A civil war? That’s it. It’s a scam!
  Several days later, she sent me an email, “Bingo! It was a scam. Thank you very much.” A third person read our email exchange on the website, and wrote, “My compliments to the excellent inference of the answerer!”
  I am glad I have turned my bitter experience to her benefit.

(The following is a copy of the original the email exchange between the questioner and me in Japanese.)

初めまして。ペンパルから届いた文章で、どうしても分からないところがありまして…。“5.7feet,fair in completion,i saw your profile…”のfair in completionって、どういう意味でしょう?単語が打ち間違えているのでしょうか? どなたか、教えて下さい~

a fair [dark] complexion 色白[色黒] ということです。complexionのつづりの間違いです。
あなたが受け取っているメールは臭いfishyです。多分インチキ詐欺メールです。美人(またはハンサム)の写真が添付されていませんか。また次のような変な英文に似ていませんか。これはromance scamという相手をその気にさせて銀行口座の暗証番号を聞き出す第一歩の手紙です。ご用心あれ。
How are you today ?,My name is Glory ( was born and brought up in a respective and a discipline home,I\'m 5.7 feet,fair in completion ,i saw your profile today and after going true of it i was moved with the quality of human i found in your profile,and i became instant interested in knowing you more

ご指摘、ありがとうございます。私は女性なのですが、普通に女の子からの写真が送られてきたのですが…。それでも、怪しいですか? 確かに、上記文面に似ているメッセージを1番最初にもらいましたが、次は、わたしのことを知って欲しいと、自分の国の状況を教えてくれました。確かに、海外からのメールですので、用心に越した事はないと思っていますが、私的に相手を疑いたくないと思っています。fishyメールなのかどうか、もう少しやり取りして判断したと思います。

あなたのペンパルはscam(詐欺)の可能性があります。scammerはHow are you today ?,My name is miss augusta 5.7 feet,fair in completion ,i saw your profile today on という文をばらまいて獲物を狙っています。ご用心あれ。




回答者さんの名推理に脱帽! 質問者さんのコメントを読んで、「確かに怪しすぎる!」と思いました。ふつーは、初対面の人に国内の内紛でナンタラコンタラなんてこと言いませんよ。コリャ詐欺ですね。

こりゃ、本当に詐欺ですよ。誰もお金なんて送らないだろうし、口座番号なんて教えないでしょうに…。 労力の無駄だと思います。ははは。ビックリですよ。