Monday, August 31, 2015



「おはよう、博君。 今回の君の任務は、引き受けてくれるなら、『ミッション:インポシブル・ローグ・ネイション』を誰からも、また何物にも邪魔されずに、初めから最後まで全部見ることである。例によって、万が一、君が捕まえられたり殺されたりしても、当局は君の行動については一切 関知しないからそのつもりで。尚このメッセージは5秒後に消滅する」
じゃあ、何が妨害だろう。テロか? テロリストが劇場を爆破するのだろうか。かもしれないが、私の任務は132分の映画を全部見ることだ。敵がテロリストなら、私の任務はテロ組織の抹殺であり、単に映画を全部見るということではないはずだ。予期しないことが映画を見ているときに起こるのだろう。何が起こるか。


  I borrowed a DVD at a Tsutaya Video Shop, returned home, and played it.
“Good morning, Hiroshi. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to go to a theater and watch Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation from the very start to the end without being interrupted by anything or anyone. As always, should you be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions. This message will self-destruct in five seconds.”
  And the DVD emitted white smoke and disappeared instantly.
  When I heard my mission, I thought, “It’s a piece of cake. It is, after all, just watching a film. Watching a film doesn’t involve any gun fighting, car chasing, or dynamite explosions as in the Mission film series. However, as a precautionary measure I checked the film. The pamphlet read it lasted for 132 minutes. The plot:Tom Cruise’s mission is to eradicate the Syndicate. The duration and the content of the film wouldn’t be any hindrance.
Then what will interrupt me? A terrorist attack? Are they going to explode the whole theater? They might, but my mission is to watch the 132–minute film. If my enemy is terrorists, why isn’t my mission to destroy them, and not watch the film through? Probably something unexpected will happen while I am watching the film. What is it?
  The next day, fighting with the unseen enemy, I went to the theater and bought a ticket. I had 20 minutes before the film started. I bought a cup of coffee and sipped it waiting for the start of the film.
  The film started. Nothing happened till the climax scene. When Rebecca (a main character) was fighting against her enemy with a knife in her hand, I suddenly recognized what my enemy was. It was invisible and rapidly empowering. It began to torture me in the dark. I faced my enemy. I desperately fought against it. I was all sweating. The film would soon end. If I continue to see the film for another five minutes or so, my mission will be accomplished. I desperately fought against my foe. Rebacca was fighting against hers with all her might. The ending was just around the corner. Nobody notices my torment. The enemy was attacking me relentlessly.
  I stood up. I said, “Excuse me” to my neighbors and rushed to the rest room.
  I am sorry I was not able to accomplish my mission.


Sunday, August 30, 2015


姉は、家にピアノやエレクトーンがある友達に遅れを取らないように必死だった。しかし、ある日、「頑張ってるお姉ちゃん、見に行こう」と、僕を保育所まで迎えにきた母に連れられ、姉の通うヤマハの教室を覗きに行くと、他の生徒達は演奏しているのに、姉だけエレクトーンの前の椅子に座った状態で、落ち着かなく周りをうかがい、エレクトーンの裏を手で触ったりしていた。なぜ弾かないのだろう? 母も不安そうに姉を見ていた。ようやく異変に気づいた先生が姉の側に寄って行くと、姉は「音が出ない」と言った。すると先生が当たり前のように、エレクトーンの電源を入れて、姉も途中から演奏に加わった。姉は緊張で身体が強張り、異常に両肩が上がっていて無様だった。いつもは優しくて頼りがいのある姉のこんな姿を見ていると、なぜか僕は胸が苦しくなり、眼から涙が溢れた。「なんで、あんたが泣いてるの? お姉ちゃん頑張ってるで」と言った母の眼も赤かった。その夜、家に帰ってからも姉は無言で紙のピアノを懸命に弾き続けていた。僕は姉の隣に座り、全力で姉が演奏する曲を唄った。酒に酔った父が「やかましいんじゃ」と怒声を上げても僕達はやめなかった。
又吉直樹(2015)『火花』文藝春秋、pp. 21-22
  The following is a translation of a passage in “Hibana” written by Naoki Matakichi, an Akutagawa Award winner:

  My sister was trying desperately to catch up to her friends who had a piano or an electronic organ at home.
  “Let’s go and see your sister. She’s so desperate,” my mother said one day when she came to the nursery center to get me. She took me to the Yamaha Electone school to see how she was practicing the electone. When I saw her, she looked nervous sitting in front of the instrument. She was stealthily peeping at the neighboring girls and feeling for something on the back of the organ. Why wasn’t she playing the electone? My mother was also looking at her uneasily. Finally, noticing her unusual behavior, her teacher came to her.
  “It’s not working,” my sister said to her.
  The instructor switched on the electone as if nothing had happened, and she began to join the other girls. She was tense and stiff. Her shoulders were raised high. She looked awkward. Looking at her, my kind and dependable sister, I felt depressed and my eyes were, for some reason, filled with tears.
“Why are you crying? She is doing her best,” my mother said with tears in her eyes, too.
  That night at home, my sister was practicing hard on a paper keyboard. I sat beside her and sang the song she was playing at the top my voice.
  “Quiet!” my father shouted angrily in a drunken voice, but we did not stop.


Saturday, August 29, 2015




  I saw Malayan dance at Atsuta Aeon Shopping Mall. Two attractive women clad in traditional Malayan clothes danced gracefully. They seemed to be professional dancers. Their movements were in unison. Their fingers stretched out and their thumbs were bent inward while they were dancing just like Thai or Cambodian women traditional dancers.
Not only Malayan dance but also Japanese, Chinese, or Korean dances and other Asian dances put stress on the elegant movement of arms and hands, while the Western dances place value on the movement of legs and feet. Ballerinas even run on the stage. Irish Dance dancers move their legs rapidly. French cancan dancers expose their legs.
Why are there so much difference between Asian and Western dances?


Thursday, August 27, 2015




A recent topic of conversation in my family (my wife and me) has been poisonous food. According to Kattewa ikenai okashi, Kattemoii okashi (Candies You Shouldn’t Buy; Candies You May Buy) written by Yuji Watanabe and published by Yamato Shobo, most of the candies and food sold in Japanese supermarkets contain poison.
I wondered a few months ago why potatoes did not sprout. They used to put out buds if they were left untouched for several days. Those buds were cut out before they were cooked for they were said to be poisonous. Recent potatoes are chemically treated so that they do not sprout. Some zaru-soba or buckwheat noodle today is not gray, but white gray. I don’t know why the color has changed, but probably the producers think white soba looks more elegant than gray soba. White gray soba, however, contains bleach, which is poisonous. Genetically modified vegetables are also poisonous. To tell you the truth, I did not know the meaning of “genetically modified,” but recently I have learned that they are chemically treated so that they are resistant to herbicide. That means they are heavily treated with chemical substances.
Almost all the food sold today in supermarkets contain chemical substances such as preserving agents, coloring agents, edulcorant, spice, acidulant, antioxidant, and thickening agents. They are poisonous. You can’t say you are safe as long as you eat the food that has gone through the screening by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
I myself take two tablets for abnormal cardiac rhythm every morning. The leaflet says the medicine is poisonous and could cause maladies of lungs and thyroid gland. I don’t want to take them, but the doctor strongly recommends me to do so.
The other day a friend of mine said that his father aged 85 had been taking several different kinds of medicine a day. He became feeble and his weight was reduced to 37 kilograms. So, he took his father to another doctor. Examining his father’s medicine, the new doctor eliminated all of them except one kind. Then his father became healthier and now weighs 46 kilograms.
We are poisoned by an overdose of chemicals.