Thursday, February 28, 2019

敬老パスを忘れて Forgetting My Pass for the Aged



Forgetting My Pass for the Aged

  I forgot to bring my wallet with me when I was about to pull it out from my hip-pocket at a subway station. My keiro-pass (pass for the aged issued by Nagoya City) is in it. I had never forgotten the pass since I got it 10 years ago when I was 65 years old.
  You can’t take a subway to Sakae without the pass, of course. You have to buy a ticket, which costs 270 yen. That is 540 yen for the round trip. A big mistake. Having the pass is nonsense if you cannot use it. You pay 5,000 yen per year to get your pass issued.
  Fortunately, I had 1,000 yen in my bag. (I always keep 1,000 yen bill for emergency.) So, I bought the ticket, but it was a big financial damage.
  I have resolved that I would see to it that I have my wallet when I leave my house.


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

State of Myself 私の年頭教書



State of Myself from 2018 to 2019

I conquered my fear and reclaimed my liveliness in 2018.

   During the previous years from 2015 to 2017, my doctor repeatedly recommended that I undergo cardiac surgery because I had been diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat and had been taking medicine called Amiodarone.  

“If you continue taking Amiodarone for a long time,” he said. “It will produce various dangerous side effects on your lungs, thyroid gland, liver, and other organs. It could be fatal in some cases. So why not undergo catheter ablation?”

Catheter ablation is a procedure in which the doctor threads a flexible thin tube called a catheter through the blood vessels to your heart to ablate abnormal electrical pathways.

I feared to have catheter ablation. I had heard that a patient in a renowned hospital in Nagoya had died due to the failure of the catheter ablation surgery. Furthermore, a friend of mine who had unsuccessful catheter ablation had to undergo the same surgery three times. He said to me, “I’ll have to undergo yet another catheter ablation soon.” That would be his fourth time in surgery. Another friend told me that his surgeon made a mistake during ablation. The doctor penetrated his lung with the catheter and blood flowed into it. It took half a year to take out the blood from the lung.

Considering these bad cases, I chose to take Amiodarone rather than to undergo catheter ablation. However, every time I saw my doctor, he strongly recommended the surgery.

   “You had better undergo ablation surgery before you are 75 years old,” he said. “Because it is difficult to operate surgery on people above 75.”

   In January, 2018, my family discussed whether I should have surgery. And I at last decided to undergo ablation surgery and told my doctor my decision, but I asked him to monitor my heart with an electrocardiogram before the operation. He consented and monitored my heartbeat for 24 hours just three days before the scheduled surgery day. The result showed that my heart was as normal as any healthy man.

   “This is because of Amiodarone,” the doctor said. So I stopped taking the medicine and after a month, I again had my heart monitored with an electrocardiogram. The result indicated that I had no irregular heartbeat. Three months later, I had my heart monitored again. And again I did not have any cardiac problem. The doctor was surprised and said:

   “Unbelievable. You don’t have to undergo catheter ablation. Also, you don’t have to take Amiodarone. I will prescribe a mild medicine.”

   Thus, I didn’t have to undergo the dreadful catheter ablation. Now I don’t feel any irregularity in my heartbeat. Thank God. I have been saved. I climbed from the bottom of fear to the top of liveliness.

   My plan for 2019 is to write worthwhile short stories both in Japanese and English. I have been working on writing short stories. Several of my Japanese stories have won prizes, but I have never won a prize for my English one. So, my dream for 2019 is to win a prize for my English short story. For this purpose, I have been attending three YWCA classes: Writing, English Short Story Reading, and Advanced Reading & Discussion. I will have to work hard with grit as Dr. Duckworth, a neuropsychologist, advised in her TED Talk.

  Most importantly, I have to stay healthy. Without health, I can’t accomplish anything.


詐欺電話 Scam Telephone


 昨夜9時ごろ、変な電話がかかってきた。受話器を取ると ゴホンゴホンという咳に続いて「もしもし、タカシだけど」と言う(タカシは仮名で、私の息子の名前)。息子の声とは全く違うガラガラ声で。「だれだれ? 」と訊くと「タカシだって」と言う。「タカシか」と言ったら電話を切られた。
A Scam Telephone
  I had a telephone call around 9 o'clock last night. I picked up and said, "Hello." Then I heard sounds of coughing and the voice of the other end, which said, "I am Takashi (assumed name).”
My son's name is Takashi, but his voice was hoarse and sounded completely different even if he had a cold.
  "Who are you?" I repeated the question twice.
  "I said I am Takashi," he said bluntly."
  "Is this Takashi?" I said.
  The line was suddenly cut. That is a scam, I thought.
  He might have continued his talk if an old woman had answered the phone. I felt displeased and uncomfortable and irritated. What a bad guy!

Friday, February 15, 2019

大相撲 年4回に(投稿) Reduce the number of Grand Sumo Tournaments



My letter to the editor of Asashi Newspaper was published on February 11. The following is the picture of my article.


My original manuscript consisted of 500 words, but they reduced to 380 words. The following is the original one.



Reduce the number of Grand Sumo Tournaments
Sekiwake Tamawashi won the championship in the January Grand Sumo Tournament. However, yokozuna Kisenosato retired during the tournament and the other two yokozuna, Kakuryu and Hakuho, and ozeki Tochinoshin absented from it.
  I do not enjoy recent sumo tournaments because I see miserable and pitiful sumo wrestlers, many of whom have their arms or/and legs applied with supporters, bands, and athletic tapes.
Why do sumo wrestlers apply such a lot of bandages? Alas, they have to wrestle on the dohyo ring before their injuries are completely cured. There are six tournaments a year. Too many tournaments are injuring them. They have only a month and a half for curing injuries till another tournament. This is cruel. They do not have enough time to cure their injuries.
  Decades ago, the number of the tournaments a year was four, not the present six. The number should be reduced; otherwise you will see another Kisenosato sooner or later. We should pay more attention to their physical conditions so that sumo tournaments will last long.
  The more often sumo tournaments are held, the more the Japan Sumo Association may earn, but this is ruining sumo itself as “nodowa” (a sumo technique) chokes your neck.