Sunday, January 29, 2023

島崎藤村記念文学賞受賞 The First Prize in Shimazaki Toson Literature Award




Monday, January 2, 2023

冬の「冷房完備」映画館 Freezing Cold Movie Theater in Winter









 Freezing Cold Movie Theater in Winter

I went to see a movie and caught a cold on December 28 last year. The movie was “Blind Ambition,” which was recommended on an NHK program called “Eiga de Miru Sekai no Ima” (To see the world through a film eye).

   The film was not shown in the noted theaters like Midlandsquare Cinema or Million Theater, but it was screened at the at Meien Sho Gekijo Theater. It was not heated. A theater employee gave me Hokaron or a single-use heat pack and a blanket at the entrance of the theater. There were only about 10 spectators.

The movie was not interesting. Zimbabwe’s wine tasting team aims at winning a prize in the World Wine Tasing Champions. Zimbabwe is a non-wine culture country, but despite of that, the team takes part in the championship. I wanted to know how they acquired the technique to smell, look at, and taste wine. However, to my disappointment, the movie did not show it.

   The movie was so boring and uninteresting that I wanted to leave the theater many times, but since I paid a lot of money for the ticket. I saw the movie till the end.

The next morning, I coughed and sneezed and felt tired. I had a cold for three straight weeks. I was lying in the bed form morning till night during most of the 21 days 

The lesson I got from the bad experience:

A recommended movie is not always worth seeing.

If a movie is boring, get out of the theater.