Friday, July 31, 2015





 I watched a TV program “Family History,” which featured the family history of Naoki Matakichi, an Akutagawa Award winner for his Hanabi (Fireworks).
  His grandfather named Hozen went over to Hawaii at the age of 16 and worked at a sugar cane plantation for 17 years. He returned to Japan at the age of 33, half a year before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. He married twice. He was drafted in March, 1945 and was deployed in Iejima, Okinawa.
  When the US soldiers landed on the island, he was hiding in a dugout with his 15 comrades. When the soldiers approached the dugout, they argued seriously whether they should surrender or commit suicide. At the last moment, Hozen heard a soldier saying, “If you wave the white flag, we won’t kill you.” He understood his English. He and his comrades turned themselves in and thus they survived.
  They may have committed suicide if he had not understood English. Words saved their lives.


Tuesday, July 28, 2015





  If you want to see kabuki in Nagoya, you have to go to Aichi Art Theater or Nihon Tokushutogyo Civic Hall, because Misonoza, a theater for kabuki performance, closed in March, 2013 and the new Mizonoza is now under construction.
  I went to the civic hall to see kabuki plays on July 24. They were Kochiyama, Fujimusume, and Shikan-yakko. To my regret, I did not enjoy them fully because the civic hall stage was not meant for performing kabuki.
  First, hanamichi (a raised passage through the audience to the stage) was a makeshift. Usually an ordinary theater like the civic hall does not have hanamichi. So, they made a temporary hanamichi in order to show kabuki. They removed three rows of seats and replaced them with hanamichi. It was well made, but a fake is a fake. (There was no suppon or square hole in the fake hanamichi.)
  Next, there was no mawari-butai (a revolving stage). Take Kochiyama for example. When the second act that takes place in a guest room ends, the turntable stage turns clockwise, disappearing to the back. Then, the third act stage, which is the front gate scene, appears from behind as the turntable stage revolves. Mawari-butai enables quick change of scenes.
  However, since the civic hall did not have mawari-butai, the curtain dropped when the first act ended. Then, the audience seats became bright, and I heard the noise of hammers and talking of the stage carpenters from behind the curtain. They were working hard to change the stage scenes as soon as possble. After about a five-minute waiting, I heard the sound of the shamisen string and the striking of clappers, the signal sound of the opening of the next act. Then, the curtain was raised revealing the new scene. Waiting for the new scene for five minutes ruins the flow of the kabuki drama. (How do they perform dondengaeshi or changing stage scenes by turning them over backward to introduce another?)
Thirdly, the design of the curtain was not suitable for kabuki plays. The curtain had a design of a large silver-colored crane against light blue. It was beautiful, but it did not use the typical kabuki curtain design, which consists of vertical-striped colors of brown, green, and black. This three-colored curtain is the symbol of kabuki. You can’t do without it.
  I am looking forward to the completion of the new Misonoza-theater. The construction finishes in the spring of 2018. It takes five long years. It took four years to build the new Kabuki-za theater (April, 2014 to March, 2013). The new Mizonoza will take one more year than the new Kabuki-za. It takes too long a time.


Monday, July 13, 2015



 ホウズキ売りの人に聞くと、最近は中国人がいっぱい来ているという。そういえば、20人ぐらいの中国人の団体が、幾組も旗を持ったガイドに連れられ、境内に怒涛のごとく押し寄せ、我が物顔で闊歩し、中国語を飛び交わす。「日本人、そこのけ、そこのけシナ人通る」 なぜ浅草があんなに中国人に人気があるのか理解できない。ネットで情報を手に入れたのだろうか。ネット恐るべし。
 それにしても、あちこちで中国人をよく見かける。羽田空港だったか、瀑買いをした中国人が、手荷物を5つも6つも機内に持ち込もうとして、係員に注意され、荷物預かりに回すための手続きが煩雑になり、予定通り飛行機が離陸できない、とテレビで報道していた。 聞くところによると、京都も、高山も中国人であふれているそうだ。


  I went on an overnight trip to Tokyo with my wife. We visited Shibamata, Asakusa, and the Tokyo Skytree on the first day, and saw Kabuki on the second.
  Both the Skytree and Kabuki were amazing as I had expected, but what surprised and at the same time disappointed me was Sensoji Temple in Asakusa. Since that day fell on the hozuki plant market day, the temple was extraordinarily crowded. The visitors were jam-packed like sardines. I couldn’t walk smoothly. It was impossible to climb the stone steps that lead to the offering box in front of the main temple, because the steps were full of people. I had visited the temple some dozen years ago, but it was not so crowded. I took my time praying without being pushed from behind my back.
  According to a man selling hozuki plants, the number of Chinese tourists has  recently increased tremendously. I saw several groups of Chinese walking in the temple grounds. Each group consisting of about 20 to 30 people was led by a tourist guide who held a blue flag in her hand. They seemed to be walking as if the grounds were their properties. They were speaking Chinese in a high-pitched voice, that sounded like “Hey, Japanese / Clear the way / For us Chinese.” I don’t know why Sensoji Temple is so popular among Chinese. They must have got the information about it on the Internet. A horrible net!
  These days I see a lot of Chinese people in cities and tourist spots. The other day I watched a TV program, which dealt with a bunch of troublesome Chinese tourists in the Handeda Airport. They had bought a lot of Japanese goods and intended to carry them onto the airplane, which was against the rule. Because of the cumbersome procedure to get all their parcels onto the place, the departure had to be delayed.
  One of my acquaintances told me that Kyoto and even Takayama were full of Chinese people. I am afraid that sooner or later Japanese sightseeing areas or the whole Japanese archipelagos will be occupied by Chinese.