Thursday, March 3, 2011

[90] 子どもの頃の思い出 いたずら坊主 MEMOIR OF MY CHILDHOOD A Mischievous Boy

        子どもの頃の思い出 いたずら坊主

 中学生のとき、私の友達が電車にひかれそうになった。美術の時間、学校を出て好きなところで絵を描いても良いと言う指示があった。勿論、学校から遠くまで行ってはならなかった。 隆と進とわたしは学校近くにある電車線路へ行った。どうしてそこに行ったかはよく覚えていないが、電車の絵を描きたかったか、学校からできるだけ離れたところに行きたかったからだろう。
 電車が轟音を響かせて来て、チューブを一瞬でつぶし、消えて行った。線路を見た。絵の具が枕木や敷石等そこらじゅうに飛び散っていた。進は絵の具を筆につけ、意気揚々と絵を描いた。電車がチューブをつぶすとは、なんて愉快だ、スリル満点だ。そこで、僕達は幾つかチューブを線路に並べて、電車を待った。電車が来た。押しつぶした。中身が飛び出た。去って行った。面白い! 僕達はもっとチューブを線路に並べて、電車を待った。電車の音が聞こえてきて。20メートルぐらい近づいたとき、チューブのひとつが線路から落ちた。馬鹿にも、進はチューブを戻すため線路に走った。同時に、耳をつんざくようなキキキーキーという音がした。運転手が緊急ブレーキをかけたのだ。僕達は一目散に逃げた。

(さらに読みたい方は、右側のリンク MAT'S MEMOIR を見てください)

     MEMOIR OF MY CHILDHOOD A Mischievous Boy

  I don’t think I was a mischievous boy, but considering the circumstances, I have to admit it.
  When I was a junior high school boy, my friend was almost run down by a train. During fine arts class, we were allowed to go out of the school and choose any good place to draw a picture from. Of course we were not allowed to go too far away. My friends, Takashi and Susumu, and I went to railroad tracks that ran near the school. I don’t remember exactly why we went there. Probably we wanted to draw a picture of an oncoming train, or just wanted to play around away from the school.  
  Anyway, we sat beside the railway tracks and began to draw a picture. There was a lot of tall grass around us and no teacher could see us. Whenever we heard a train approaching, we moved away from the tracks.
  After a while, Susumu had difficulty squeezing blue paint out of his paint tube. It was dry and no paint came out even if he pressed it hard. Nishimura had a good idea. He said, “Why don’t you put the tube on the railway track? The train will press it and blue paint will come out.” So, Susumu put the tube on the tracks and waited for a train. And it came with a thunderous noise, pressed the tube instantaneously, and disappeared. We saw the tracks. The blue paint splashed in all directions covering the neighboring brown railroad ties and stones. Susumu put some of the blue paint on his paint brush and cheerfully continued to draw his picture. We thought it was amusing and thrilling to have the train flatten paint tubes. So, we put some of our tubes on the track and waited for a train. It came, crushed them ejecting the content, and left. How exciting! We put some more tubes and waited for a train. We heard a train approaching. When it was 20 meters away from us, one of the tubes fell off the tracks, and Idiot Susumu ran to put it back. At the same time, we heard the strongest and loudest ear-splitting screech resonating all over. The driver of the train pulled the emergency brake. We ran and ran and ran.
  The train slowed down, gained speed, and disappeared. We were relieved and scared. We were sure the station master would call the school principal and complain about us.
  The next morning, no teacher summoned us. I don’t know whether the driver did not make a report about the dangerous boys to the station master or the master did not call our principal.
  I tremble to remember the incident. Susumu would have been killed by the train.

(For More. Please crick one of the links, MAT'S MEMOIR on the right side.)

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