Sunday, August 18, 2019

父親の思い出 Memories of My Father


Memories of My Father

I attended my high school reunion yesterday. The participants were all either 76 or 77 years old. When I was talking about WWII with my neighbor at the table, he said: “I don’t have any memory about my father, because I was a baby when he was killed during the battle in China—in Koyo City in Hunan. He passed the physical examination as a first-grade coscript and entered the army. Soon he was chosen as a member of the Palace Guard. Only a few men were chosen from each prefecture as the palace guardsmen. They had superior brains and strongly-built bodies.”

He repeated the words “only a few men were chosen” and sounded as if he wanted to say, “My father and my family are superior to your father and your family.” I felt frustrated and just pretended to be listening to him.

Since my father was small, he was ranked as a third-grade man in the body check. Because of that he was not assigned to battlefields aboard and lived to be 82 years old. I have a lot of his memories.

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