Tuesday, February 28, 2012




  I saw a movie “In Time” yesterday. The story consists of two features. First, it depicts a world where time is literally money. You buy, lend, or borrow time. You just touch your wrist to a tool that supplies or deducts your time. Your salary is paid with time; you give your time at a toll gate; and you pay one minute of your time for making a public phone call.
  Another feature is that all people die at the age of 25 when your time expires. If you want to live longer, you buy time at a time bank. As long as you continue to buy time, your body does not get old, but stays as young as a 25-year-old person's. The wealthy people, therefore, can buy a lot of time, say 100 years or 1000 years, but poor people like Will Salas, the protagonist in the movie, live day to day by buying only 10 hours or, at most, a day.
  The plot is similar to “Titanic,” where a wealthy girl falls in love with a low class man. In “In Time,” Will Salas falls in love with a daughter of a billionaire. They steal time-supplying tools from her father’s banks. Timekeeper chases them. After robbing a tool that supplies a million years from the billionaire’s safe, they donate the time to the slum people.
  The story gives a message that longevity does not necessarily bring happiness. At the outset of the movie, a man who has more than 100 years to live commits a suicide by giving his time to Salas because he is tired of living such a long a life.
  The movie reminded me of a world-famous Japanese painter, Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849), who influenced the impressionist painters including Monet, Degas, and Gogh. His paintings of fish, plants, animals, people, and landscapes are amazingly real. He had a genius level talent. In his final years, however, he repented that he was not able to paint even a cat satisfactorily. It is said that his last words at the age of 89 were: “If I had 10 more years or even 5 more years to live, I could be a master.” If he had lived in the “In Time” world, he could have bought 10 years. I wonder what the master’s paintings would be like.
  My mother died at the age of 46, and my brother at the age of 18. They should have lived longer, till at least 70 years old. I wish I had the tool and could give 24 years to her and 52 years to him.


  1. 松岡先生のMATの目が懐かしいです。93年卒業の服部周二です。私の給料では時間は5分くらいしか購入できないので、有効利用のために先生を見習って、もうすぐ40の手習いを始めようと思います。

  2. 周二君、懐かしく書き込み拝見しました。君の笑顔が目に浮かびます。四〇の手習い? 四〇からなら、10年やっても、五〇歳、二〇年やっても六〇じゃないですか。まだまだ、どんなことにも精通することができますよ。継続は力です。頑張ってください。またブログを読んでください。

  3. In a way this isn't sceince fiction. Rich people can now live longer and healthier lives mainly because they have the money to access the best medical technology. I sometimes feel sad that we live in a world where we mostly pave to pay for our right to exist.
