Monday, December 9, 2019

辻井さんのピアノ妨害 Noise during Tsujii's Piano Performance







Noise during Tsujii's Piano Performance

I went to Toyota City Concert Hall with my wife to listen to a world-famous pianist, Nobuyuki Tsujii’s performance. That was the second time for me to listen to his piano, since I had been to his concert held in the Salamanca Hall in Gifu City about two years ago. This time I hardly enjoyed his piano,because I  was irritated all during the first half of his performance.

When the lights of the concert hall became dim, Tsujii appeared on the stage in the midst of loud applause, sat in front of the piano, and began to play Arabesque No.1 composed by Debussy. I was instantly charmed by the sound of his piano and was listening to the music enchantedly, when I heard a faint noise coming from somewhere nearby. I looked around in the dark and saw a cameraman recording the piano performance with a huge camera on the tripod in the aisle diagonally forward left from my seat. The recording machine was making a low continuous noise. The noise sounded louder especially when the pianist was playing a soft and quiet piece of melody.

The noise lasted all the while when Tsujii was playing “Prelude” “Menuet” “Clair De Lune” and  “Passepied” in his Suite Bergamasque and the following pieces of music. Moreover, I noticed a tiny red lamp blinking constantly at the bottom of the camera tripod in the dark. What with the noise and what with the red flashing lamp, I was so irritated that I failed to enjoy his piano. I came all the way from Nagoya to Toyota paying as much as 8,500 yen for the concert; the noise and red light damaged the concert. After an hour’s performance the first part at last ended and the intermission began.

Immediately I went to the nearest usher to complain about the noise. I also told the cameraman that he had been making a terrible noise all during the first half of the performance. He said, “Oh, I wasn’t aware of the noise.” Furious, I protested against him saying, “I insist you move the camera to the second floor or to the rear of the concert hall. Otherwise, the concert would be disastrous.” My wife also joined me. Soon the woman in charge of the concert hall came and in the end, she said she would remove the camera. She  apologized to me before the second part started. I told her that she was irresponsible because the audience were requested to switch off the smartphones so that they would not make any noise while the cameraman was making an irritating noise all during the concert.

My anger did not abate for 30 minutes or so even when the second part had started. The piano performance I really enjoyed at all was the encore.

I was exhausted.

Noise during Tsujii's Piano Performance

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