Sunday, December 29, 2024

いま蒔いている種  The Seed You Are Planting


 先日、地下鉄に座っていたら、目の前に若者が立った。フリースの胸に、”the seed you are planting" (あなたが蒔いている種)と書いてある。何の事かと思って、もう一度、英語を見ると、the seedの上に単語が一語あるようだ。残念ながら、若者の腕が単語を覆っている。しかし、最後の文字がだと分かった。で終わる動詞だと推測し「蒔いている種を~せよ」と書いてあると思った。が、その動詞が分からない。いらいらしていると、若者の腕が下がり、Trust (信頼する)という単語が現れた。英文は "Trust the seed you are planting"だ。これならわかる。「あなたが蒔いている種を信頼せよ」の意味だ。今、蒔いている種は将来きっといい花を咲かせる。






The Seed You Are Planting

The other day, I was sitting on a subway train seat when a young man stood in front of me. I noticed an English phrase on the chest of his fleece. It read, “the seed you are planting.” Not understanding its meaning, I looked at it again carefully and saw that one word was written above the phrase. However, his arm covered it, so I couldn't see it. After a careful watch, I noticed a letter “t” at the end of the word. I thought it might be a verb ending in “t.” I conjectured the meaning of the phrase: do something about the seed you are planting. Unable to see the verb, I felt irritated. Then, he lowered his arm, revealing the verb. It was ‘Trust.’ So, the whole phrase read: “Trust the seed you are planting.” It is a good phrase, meaning that the seed you are planting will surely bloom into a flower in the future.

I am 81 years old and have a limited life expectancy. Yet, I want to plant a good seed for the future, even though it may be five or ten or more years from now.

Yesterday, I watched a recorded NHK program, “Chieizu” (Source of Wisdom), which featured the famed film star Sessue Hayakawa. His words were similar to the seed phrase: “Plant the best seed, and it will bear the best fruit.”

PS. An English program on You-tube said as follows:

"You've planted a good seed which will benefit humanity for a long time."

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

鉄道馬車とエレベーターと  A Horsecar and an Elevator and ...







A Horsecar and an Elevator and...

One of the scenes in “Sakano-ue no Kumo” (Clouds above the Slope) written by Ryotaro Shiba takes place on a busy street in Tokyo. The protagonist, Saneyuki Akiyama, had quit high school and went to Tokyo with his cousin, Naoe Uchiyama, from their hometown in Matsuyama, Shikoku, in 1886 (Meiji 19). Shiba writes:

“Arriving in Tokyo, they were surprised to see a horsecar. They had never seen a tram drawn by a horse along tracks laid in the streets. […] Uchiyama’s face turned blue, unlike Masayuki’s big brother. They wanted to cross the tracks to go to the other side but wondered whether it was allowed to step across them. […] Would they be scolded for crossing them or looked down on as countrymen?”

This is unbelievable. However, I understand how embarrassed they were to see the horsecar for the first time.

My father was born in 1910 (Meiji 43). He once said to me, “I don’t know how to ride in an elevator.” I thought he was kidding, but he was serious.

That said, smartphones and AI have been introduced. I can’t imagine what strange things will be used in the near future. I will probably be embarrassed by them, too.