Thursday, July 23, 2020

日本語を殺す "Go to トラベル" "Go to toraberu" (Go to travel) Endangers Japanese Language

日本語を殺す "Go to トラベル"

Foolish "Go to Toraberu"

Recently, a strange phrase “go to toraberu” (go to travel) is popular in Japan, but it is problematic. The beginners of English learning may think it is a correct expression, but it is not. “Go traveling” is correct. Similarly, they may think by analogy that “go to shop” is a correct usage, but they say “go shopping.”
Thus, “go to travel” is problematic, but the real problem lies in the Japanese government’s inclination to favor the English language over Japanese or other languages. Why doesn’t the government use Japanese and say, “Tabini deyo” (go traveling)? Moreover, the government uses katakana expression “toraberu.” Is it trying to impress the Japanese people that English is a beautiful language or trying to please them by using an “advanced” nation’s language?
“Soshiaru desutansu” (social distancing) is another strange “Japanese” expression. Why doesn’t the government use the Japanese expression “hito tono kyori” (social distancing), but is obsessed in using English sounding idiotic expressions in Japanese? The government should change the attitude of favoring things European and American. Otherwise, the Japanese language will deteriorate into a non-English and non-Japanese non-nonsense language.

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