Wednesday, June 29, 2016


選考委員は5人。各委員が、素材、構成力、台詞、ト書き、登場人物のキャラクター、テーマ、脚本の表記の7項目につき、A, B, C, D, E段階で評価をつけた。

1. シナリオも短編小説と同じ。出だし、葛藤、クライマックス、結末の流れが必須
2. 登場人物に、場にふさわしい台詞を言わせる。誰でも言いそうな台詞はつまらない。また話の筋を説明するような台詞はだめ。
3. 若者は若者言葉がある。私が現代ものを書いた場合、台詞が昭和人間のような台詞になった。平成人間の言葉になっていない。だから、時代物の方が書きやすかった。
4. ドラマの主人公は誰かを明確にする。視聴者を、主人公に感情移入させるため。
5. ドラマは葛藤、葛藤がドラマだ。葛藤の後の浄化、心のバランスが大事。


1魅力的な男(女) 2出会い 3喧嘩/ラブシーン 4別れ 5窓 6一年間 7憎しみ 8嫁姑 9旅 10卒業
1ハンカチ 2マッチ 3帽子 4写真 5鏡 6時計 7すすき 8湖 9姉妹(兄弟) 10 親子 11ヒモ 12よろこび 13かなしみ 14おせっかい 15盗む
1 結婚式2 葬式 3 雪 4 雨 5 古傷6 再会 7 裏切りの一瞬 8 憎しみの一瞬 9 愛する一瞬 10 別れの一瞬 11記者 12 刑事 13 教師 14 医者 15 弁護士



  I am glad that my TV drama scenario “A Burning Sutra” passed the preliminary selection for the 50th Broadcasting Scenario Contest sponsored by Nihon Kyakuhon-ka Renmei (the Japan Scenario Writers Federation). 26 scenarios were selected out of 92.
The selection committee consisted of five members. They made a five-grade evaluation from A to E, based on seven categories: subject matter, organization, dialogues, stage direction, characters, theme, and writing style.
The evaluation of my scenario differed among the selection members as the saying goes: many men, many minds. While one gave me 4 As and 3 Bs, another gave 1 C, 3 Ds, and 3Es.
I studied how to write scenarios from Noriko Haga, a scenario writer, for three years. Here are what I studied in her class:

1. Writing scenarios is similar to writing novels. They have an opening or setting, followed by conflict, climax, and ending.
2. The character should speak the lines suitable to his/her personality, position, and the situation. Avoid ordinary, boring lines, and clichés.
3. Young characters should speak today’s Japanese. The teacher often pointed out that the young characters in my scenarios spoke the Japanese used decades ago. It was difficult for me to use young characters in my scenarios. Therefore, many of my works took place in the past.
4. It is important that the viewers can understand who the main character is. Otherwise, they have difficulty in identifying themselves with the main character.
5. Drama is a conflict and conflict is drama.
6. The ending is important. It must give the viewers a sense of psychological balance. Discharge pent-up emotions so that the viewer feels catharsis.
I wrote a ten-page scenario under a given theme every week for three years. The themes were:
Curriculum I
1. Attractive man (woman) 2. Meeting 3. Quarrel/Love scene 4. Parting 5. Window 6. One year 7. Hatred 8. Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law 9. Travel 10. Graduation
Curriculum II
1. Handkerchief 2. Match 3. Photograph 4. Mirror 5. Clock/Watch
6. Susuki (Silver Grass) 7. Lake 8. Brothers and Sisters 9. Parents and Children 10. Hat/Cap 11. Sugar Daddy 12. Pleasure 13. Sorrow 14. Butt-in 15. Theft
Curriculum III
1. Wedding 2. Funeral 3. Snow 4. Old Scar 5. Reunion 6. Rain 7. Moment of Hatred 8. Moment of Love 9. Moment of Betrayal 10. Moment of Separation 11. Reporter 12. Detective 13. Teacher 14. Doctor 15. Lawyer
I wrote 40 scenarios, but my teacher praised only a few of them. My purpose of studying scenarios was to improve the dialogue parts in my novels. I think it has been somehow accomplished 

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