Sunday, January 13, 2013


ハリウッド フェスティバル オーケストラ

 1月13日、愛知県芸術劇場大ホールで開催された2013 ハリウッド・フェスティバル・オーケストラ ニューイヤー・コンサートを聴きに行った。演奏曲目は多彩で、「風と共に去りぬ」「サウンドオブミュージック」「スパイダーマン」「アラビアのローレンス」「マイフェアレイディー」「インディジョーンズレイダーズ」「スパイ大作戦」「スーパーマン」「スターウォーズ」「ハリーポッター」「タイタニック」「クワイガーマーチ」「ジェームズボンドテーマ曲」等であった。


  I went to the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater to listen to the New Year Concert by the Hollywood Festival Orchestra on January 13. The Orchestra played famous film music such as Gone with the Wind, the Sound of Music, Spiderman, Lawrence of Arabia, My Fair Lady, Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Mission Impossible, Superman, Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Titanic, the Bridge over the River Kwai, and James Bond Theme.
  In addition to the music, Billy King sang songs including Love Is a Many Splendored Thing and Stand by Me.
While I was listening to the music, I remembered the scenes of each movie, and the days when I saw it came back to me. Take Mission Impossible for example, I hadn’t listened to it for about 40 years, but I remembered the faces of the team members: the leader, the black young man, the huge strong man, and the man specialized in disguise, and the pretty woman.
  While the orchestra played Gone with the Wind, they projected the photographs of the pretty heroin, Vivien Leigh, on the stage back screen. Audrey Hepburn’s pictures were also projected during the performance of My Fair Lady. While I was listening to the two pieces of music, watching their photographs, I even heard their voices.
  The music had a magical power. It brought me to the days of 50 years ago when I was young. I was glad to listen to the music. Hollywood movies and their accompanying music have somehow contributed to what I am now.
  Thank you the film music.


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