ハロイーンの10月31日の夜、私はたまたまハワイに滞在していたので、カラカウア通りを歩く仮装者を見る事ができました。 通りは寿司詰めの人だかりで、真っすぐには歩けません。こちらに向かって歩いて来る人の波を避けながら、人の流れに逆らわず、身を任せて歩くのがいいのです。通りは大混雑で、車の音、歓声、叫び声、音楽、話声、笑い、わめき声、携帯電話で話している大声が入り混じり、騒然としています。
だいたい20人に一人は仮装をしていて、分類すると次のようになります。 ○恐怖系:ドラキュラ、フランケンシュタイン、魔女、のっぺらぼうの女、骸骨など ○おなじみ系:ドラえもん、スーパーマン、ワンダーウーマン、赤ずきんちゃんと狼、スパイダーマン、ミッキーマウス、スターウォーズのチュバッカ、レイア王女、ジェイダイなど ○風変り系:芸者ガール、メイド姿の男子、ゲゲゲの鬼太郎の目玉親父、妖精など ○歴史上の人物:カエサル、エジプトのファラオなど
I happened to be staying in Hawaii on the night of October 31, a Halloween holiday. So, I was lucky enough to watch people dressed in Halloween costumes walking in Kalakaua Street. The street was so jam-packed with people that you could not walk smoothly. You had to walk inch by inch avoiding the continuous flow of oncoming people. You should not walk against the tide of people, but just follow them. It was full of noises of automobiles, cheers, music, screams, chatter, laughter, cries, and loud talking on the cell phones.
About one out of 20 pedestrians were dressed in costumes. Some were scary like Vampire, Frankenstein, witches, skeletons, and a faceless woman; some familiar like Doraemon, Superman, Wonder-woman, Little Red Riding-Hood and the Wolf, Spiderman, Chewbacca, Princes Leia, Jedi, and Mickey Mouse; some unique like geisha girls, maid-style boys, Eyeball Father in Ge-Ge-Ge no Kitaro story, and nymphs; others historical figures like Julius Caesar and an Egyptian pharaoh.
Pedestrians with cameras often stopped their favorite characters and took their pictures. I also took a lot of pictures and videos. I really enjoyed the Halloween spirits. People in costumes also seemed to be enjoying transforming into other beings by wearing masks.
I wear a mask
365 days a year
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