Friday, March 21, 2025




親切な人   Kind People



Thursday, February 27, 2025

偶然の裏 Behind Coincidence


BBC放送Hidden Brain要旨









Behind Coincidence

 from BBC Hidden Brain

 A man named Ivan was swimming at the beach in Kassandra, Greece in 2022, when a powerful current swept him out to sea. He was adrift on the sea for many hours. The sun set and it became dark. He managed to push his head above the water, but he was gradually exhausted and was almost give up, when the sun light shone on something round on the sea. It was a soccer ball. He desperately swam to it and clang on the half-deflated ball. Several hours later, he was saved. He was spotted by a Greek Air Force helicopter that was looking for him. He had been surviving at sea for 18 hours. 

Everything in the world is interrelated with coincidences.

The decision to drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki can also be viewed as a coincidence. Initially, the city of Kyoto was considered a target. However, in 1926, Henry L. Stimson, who later became the U.S. Secretary of War in 1945, visited Kyoto with his wife and admired its historical and cultural significance. When the time came to finalize target cities for the atomic bombings, Stimson strongly urged President Truman to remove Kyoto from the list. He argued that destroying Kyoto would result in devastating consequences for post-war relations between the United States and Japan. His diary entry dated July 24, 1945, revealed his reasoning:

 “if elimination was not done, the bitterness which would be caused by such a wanton act [a-bombing Kyoto, Japan's cultural center] might make it impossible during the long post-war period to reconcile the Japanese to us in that area rather than to the Russians.” 

As a result, Kyoto was spared, and Hiroshima and Kokura were chosen instead.

On August 9, 1945, after Hiroshima had been bombed, Kokura was the next target. However, thick cloud cover on the day of the operation made visibility poor, and the pilots could not accurately locate their target. Consequently, they diverted to the alternative target: Nagasaki. That fateful cloudy day over Kokura sealed Nagasaki's tragic destiny.

Everything is interconnected with coincidences.

In hindsight, these events demonstrate how coincidences—whether cultural appreciation, weather patterns, or timing—intertwined to shape the course of history. According to the book Nihon no koto wa naze kushu o manugaretaka (Why Was Kyoto Spared Air Raids?), sparing Kyoto was also seen as strategically beneficial for the United States to maintain influence over Japan and counter Soviet ambitions after the war.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

巨大な桃  The Giant Peach


The Giant Peach

I am reading Roald Dahl story, James and the Giant Peach. This is a humorous story. It depicts an enormously big peach on which James and other small animals such as grasshopper, a spider, an earthworm, a centipede, and a ladybird stand. One day, they encounter a storm and the rain washed away the paint which had cemented the centipede’s feet. Their enemy, cloud’s men, had shot the paint bullets toward them. The Centipede became happy. The following is an extract from the story:


‘Look at me!’ cried the Centipede.

Oh, loot at ME! I am freed! I am freed!

Not a scratch nor a bruise nor a bleed!

To his gave this fine gent

They all thought they had sent!

And I very near went !

Oh, I VERY near went!

But they cent quite the wrong Setipede!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

弁才船 Bensai-boat









I am writing a novel about Ohara Tesshin, the chief retainer of Ohogaki Domain in the Mino District (present-day southern Gifu Prefecture). Near the end of the Edo era in 1838, the Ohogaki Domain was devastated by a flood, leaving farmers on the brink of starvation. Unfortunately, the stockpiled rice was insufficient to sustain them. In response, Tesshin embarked on a waterborne journey to the Anozu Domain (present-day Tsu City) to purchase 3,000 rice bags. Tesshin and his men traveled by Bensai-boat, returning to Ohgaki with their precious cargo of 3000 ricebags.

To accurately portray the Bensai-boat, I delved into extensive research. I visited libraries, scoured the internet, watched YouTube videos, and even made a trip to the Marine Museum in Nagoya Port to examine a Bensai-ship model.

A large Bensai-boat measures approximately 29 meters in length and 8 meters in width, with a mast towering 20 meters high. I familiarized myself with various tools used on the boat, such as the Honho (main sail), Hogeta, Omote-shadate, Rokuro, Yakura, Minawa, and others.

Although I initially knew nothing about Bensai-sen, my research has provided me with a deeper understanding and appreciation of these remarkable vessels.

Ask and you shall receive.




Saturday, January 18, 2025

いんかあそれいしょん incarceration








. Latin語 “in” 意味:中に、内側に

2.ラテン語 “carcer” 意味:牢獄、檻

3.”ation” 動詞を名詞化する接尾語





The other day, I listened to a BBC program discussing ethnic issues between white people and Indigenous Australians. The narrator repeatedly used a word that sounded like "inkasoreishon." I tried to guess the correct spelling, such as "incarsoration" or "incasoration," but I couldn't find the right one.

I asked ChatGPT in Japanese, "What does 'inkasoreishon' mean in the context of Indigenous friction with white people?" The tool immediately replied:

"It is probable that the word is 'incarceration.' It means 'imprisonment' or 'custody.' It is used when referring to the issue concerning Indigenous Australians: The rate of imprisoned Indigenous Australians is much higher than that of non-Indigenous Australians."

In response to my question about the etymology of the word, it said:

1.    Latin 'in' meaning 'inside' or 'inner part'

2.    Latin 'carcer' meaning 'prison' or 'cage'

3.    'ation' is a suffix that turns a verb into a noun

I then asked in Japanese, "What does 'Kasabianka' mean?" I thought 'Kasa' in 'Kasabianka' and 'Kaso' in 'inkasoreishon' had similar pronunciations.

ChatGPT answered:

"'Casa' means 'house' in Italian, and 'bianca' means 'white' in Italian. The origins of the two words are different."

I was amazed by the incredible capabilities of ChatGPT.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

いま蒔いている種  The Seed You Are Planting


 先日、地下鉄に座っていたら、目の前に若者が立った。フリースの胸に、”the seed you are planting" (あなたが蒔いている種)と書いてある。何の事かと思って、もう一度、英語を見ると、the seedの上に単語が一語あるようだ。残念ながら、若者の腕が単語を覆っている。しかし、最後の文字がだと分かった。で終わる動詞だと推測し「蒔いている種を~せよ」と書いてあると思った。が、その動詞が分からない。いらいらしていると、若者の腕が下がり、Trust (信頼する)という単語が現れた。英文は "Trust the seed you are planting"だ。これならわかる。「あなたが蒔いている種を信頼せよ」の意味だ。今、蒔いている種は将来きっといい花を咲かせる。






The Seed You Are Planting

The other day, I was sitting on a subway train seat when a young man stood in front of me. I noticed an English phrase on the chest of his fleece. It read, “the seed you are planting.” Not understanding its meaning, I looked at it again carefully and saw that one word was written above the phrase. However, his arm covered it, so I couldn't see it. After a careful watch, I noticed a letter “t” at the end of the word. I thought it might be a verb ending in “t.” I conjectured the meaning of the phrase: do something about the seed you are planting. Unable to see the verb, I felt irritated. Then, he lowered his arm, revealing the verb. It was ‘Trust.’ So, the whole phrase read: “Trust the seed you are planting.” It is a good phrase, meaning that the seed you are planting will surely bloom into a flower in the future.

I am 81 years old and have a limited life expectancy. Yet, I want to plant a good seed for the future, even though it may be five or ten or more years from now.

Yesterday, I watched a recorded NHK program, “Chieizu” (Source of Wisdom), which featured the famed film star Sessue Hayakawa. His words were similar to the seed phrase: “Plant the best seed, and it will bear the best fruit.”

PS. An English program on You-tube said as follows:

"You've planted a good seed which will benefit humanity for a long time."