Sunday, December 18, 2022

アバター:ウェイ・オブ・ウォーター  Avatar: The Way of Water 





Avatar: The Way of Water 

The movie lasted for three hours and 10 minutes. It was an SF marine film. Riding giant flying fishes and huge birds, Avatars fight with Sky-people. The visual effects were amazing. 

It was a story of fighting. Fighting scenes occupy more than half of the film. The screen changes too rapidly to follow the story. The scene where a whale-like animal is killed makes you vomiting although the film is not made to appeal for the protection of marine animals.

It did not move my heart. It was so long a movie that I went to the rest room for urination. “The Ten Commandments” and “Ben-Hur” were far better than “Avatar The Way of Water." 

65 points out of 100.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

師匠の癌 その2 My Teachers' Cancer

  師匠の癌 その2 





My Teachers' Cancer 

The following passage is an excerpt from September 15 MAT'S EYE: 

Three of my teachers suffered from cancer. One died, and the other two are struggling with the disease. . . . The third one is the instructor, Mr. N, for the “Heike Monogatari” (The Story of the Heike) reading class sponsored by Chunichi Culture Center. He suffered from biliary cancer. He recently had surgery operation. Parts of his biliary, spleen, duodenum, and stomach have been cut off. He is now recuperating. I am afraid his class will probably be closed. I have just got interest in the story. I am sorry it is to be closed.


Later, his class was postponed until December. Today, however, the Culture Center sent a letter informing me of the passing of Mr. N. I had wanted to talk with him about my mother, who commuted to a girls’ high school using a boat to cross the Ibi River. Mr. N happened to live in Takasu City near the pier for the boat. So, I have forever lost the opportunity to talk about the boat and my mother.

According to the Culture Center, one of Mr. N’s university colleagues will take over his class “Heike Monogatari” (the Story of the Heike). The new class will start in April.

As I wrote in the September 15 MAT’ EYE, it is a bad plan “to go to see the cherry blossoms tomorrow, because they might be blown off by the strong wind during the night.” Instead, don’t put off what you can do today until tomorrow. Otherwise, you will repent. I should have asked him about it while he was alive.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

ブルーインパルス 航空ショー  Blue Impulse Air Show

 ブルーインパルス 航空ショー 

ブルーインパルス 航空ショー

11月26日、ブルーインパルス 航空ショーが名古屋城であり、見に行った。 




The Blue Impulse Air Show

I went to Nagoya Castle to look at the Blue Impulse Air Show. The castle was crowded with spectators. At around 1:45, I heard a scream, “Look, jets!” I saw six jets in formation flying from south to north with smoky lines behind them. They vanished in an instance. Then they came back and each of them drew circle in the sky. Next, they spread from one spot to all directions and then drew a heart mark. I enjoyed the jets performance in the sky.

After the show, while I was walking, I thought, “Some planes give us pleasure, but other planes are threatening people by bombing like in Ukraine.”

I am fortunate to live in a peaceful country, Japan.

Blue Impulse Air Show

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

自転車に携帯電話 A Smartphone on a Bicycle Handle



A Smartphone on a Bicycle Handle

A few days ago, I was waiting for a traffic light to change from red to green at a crossing road. I happened to see a young man on a bicycle next to me. He was looking at a smartphone attached on the middle of the bicycle handle. Walking along a road watching a cell-phone is dangerous. Naturally, riding a bicycle watching a cell-phone is more dangerous. Everyone can understand that.

 I googled a device that would attach a cell-phone on a bicycle handle. I learned that such devices are sold. How irresponsible to sell such things! And how foolish to buy one! The world we live in is getting more and more dangerous. What a pity!

Monday, October 31, 2022

An 83-year-old Junior Highschool Student 83歳の中学生








 An 83-year-old Junior Highschool Student    

The other day, I watched a TV program, “Kokoroni Shimiru Yogisha”(a moving incident in a night train). It was a very good program.

It depicted an 83-year-old man living in Osaka, who commutes to night junior high school. When he was a boy , he was unable to go to junior high school because of WWII. 

He worked hard as a truck driver so that his three children would get academic background. As a result, they graduated from senior high school or university.

Unfortunately, however, he lost his wife and all his three children in the Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake. He devoted himself in volunteer activities for some time, but he quit them and began to indulge himself in drinking and smoking. At the age of 82, he suffered cerebral infarction.

When he became helpless, his lost family members’ voice encouraged him,  “You’ve got to be strong.”

He decided to go to night junior high school, which is free and open to those who failed to study in junior high school. He had about 10 classmates, who were about as old as he.

Now, he commutes to night school every day. He says he is enjoying his life. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

薬屋、おまえもか  Et tu、Chemist






Et tu、Chemist

 The other day, I went to a pharmacy to get the medicine prescribed by my doctor. While I was waiting, advertisement videos were being shown on the TV screen in the pharmacy. They were noisy and irritating. There were six people waiting for their medicine, apparently enduring the noise.

   What an insensitive drugstore it was! They were all patients, who wanted to cure their diseases as soon as possible by taking medicine. The chemists were insensitive about the patients’ distress.

   As my number was announced, I went to the counter to get the medicine, and said to the chemist:

 “The supplement commercials are too noisy. Do you understand the feelings of the patients?”

   “I am sorry. I will report your words to the president of the company,” she said.

   “All you have to do is to volume down, isn’t it?” I protested, but she didn’t do anything.

   Profits come first. Et tu、Chemist.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

誕生日カード A Birthday Card




Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday

                                            Dear XXXX 

                                      Happy birthday to you 







A Birthday Card

  This is a birthday card that I sent to my oldest grandson. He has become 19 years old.

Youth is as worth as tons of gold. Hidden underneath it is your infinite possibility. An unexpected bud of your talent will bloom at an unexpected moment. Do not restrict your possibility, but open your golden door with your own hand. Always keep your aim high, and tread your way step by step

Thursday, September 15, 2022

師匠の癌 My Teachers’ Cancers








My Teachers’ Cancer

Three of my teachers suffered from cancer. One died, and the other two are struggling with the disease.

   The dead one is a Jydo master called Mr. I. Jyo is a wooden stick. Jyodo is a Japanese traditional martial art which uses a 120 centimeter-long stick as a weapon. He died at the age of 65 from prostate gland. I should have learned the jyodo techniques much more, but it is too late.

    Another teacher is a 75 old Mr. W, who is an online instructor for a novel writing class. He says he doesn’t know how long he can continue the instruction. I want to learn how to write a novel as much as possible before it is too late.

   The third one is an instructor Mr. N, for a “Heike Monogatari” (The Story of the Heike) reading class. He suffered from biliary cancer and recently had surgery operation. Parts of his biliary, spleen, duodenum, and stomach have been cut off. He is now recuperating. I am afraid his class will probably be closed. I have just got interest in the story. I am sorry the it is to be closed.

   Don’t plan to go to see the beautiful cherry blossoms tomorrow. That is a bad plan because they might be blown off by the strong wind during the night.(Shinran, a Buddhist priest)

Sunday, August 28, 2022

悪夢 A Bad Dream








A Bad Dream

  I saw a weird dream last night. It was related to my teaching job which I quit a long time ago.

 In the dream, I was giving a 50-minute English vocabulary test that day. When the time was up, I was about to collect the papers. However, I was shocked to see that none of the students had the test papers. The students in black school uniforms kept silent. There were no desks, either. I only saw a bunch of 40 or so black students.

    Seeing that they had no test papers, I thought they went on strike of boycotting the examination. They responded nothing to my inquiry.

    One of the good-natured students of the next classroom happened to come to me. I said to him, “Is your class going to go on strike, too?”

  “I think so,” he said.

      The chime for the next class rang. I went to the next class without any preparation. What should I do in the next class?” I wondered. “I can’t give them the vocabulary test.”

     I thought I had to persuade them to take examinations at school, but how? I was in trouble.

     At that instant, I woke up.

     It is almost 15 years since I retired my teaching job. Yet, bad dreams persistently haunt me.

ジュラシック・ワールド/新たなる支配者 “Jurassic Park Dominion.”


 「ジュラシックパーク /新たなる支配者」を見た。つまらなかった。総指揮はスティーブン・スピルバーグであったのにだ。彼のSF製作の才能が鈍ったようだ。


 スピルバーグ製作の「未知との遭遇」や「ジョーズ」が面白かったのは、恐い場面を始めに少し出しておいて、観客の怖さを次第にあおりつつ、最後になって思いもかけない巨大な恐怖が登場して観客の心を鷲掴みにするからだ。これが彼の技である。しかし、「ジュラシックパーク/新たなる支配者 」ではその技は使われなかった。

A Boring film:“Jurassic Park Dominion.” 

I saw “Jurassic Park Dominion.” It was boring. Steven Spielberg, the co-producer, lost his superb SF-making talent.

  The film had too many scary scenes, say, once every five minutes. All through the movie, the characters were too often attacked by dinosaurs; they watch gigantic beasts’ deadly fights too many times. About 30 Jurassic animals in the sky and in the waters appear. It was a Jurassic animal demonstration show.

   Spielberg’s movies like “Close Encounter of the Third Kind” and “Jaws” were excellent because they gradually heighten the scary feeling as they advance. First a little bit of scariness is shown and gradually the scariness increases till finally the tremendous fear seizes the audience. That was how he made the films, but this technique was not used in “Jurassic Park Dominion.”

Saturday, July 30, 2022

無法松の一生 Good Old Days' Scenery






Good Old Days' Scenery

 A few days ago, I saw a movie, “Muhomatsu no Issho” (Muhomatu’s life) on TV. It was made in 1943, the year I was born. So, it is about 80 years old. The main character was Tsumasaburo Banto, and the secondary character was Ryunosuke Tsukigata. Both of them were popular movie stars who often appeared in chanbara (samurai) movies.

   Matsugoro, the main character, is a rickshaw driver. When his master dies, he takes care of his master’s son, who is called Obochan or a good family’s son. Matsugoro loves the son and nurtures him to be a strong man. His way of life moved me.

   However, what moved me more was the scenery of the location. There were no condominiums; all the roofs were covered with kawara or tiles; all the characters were clad in kimono; no automobiles nor even bicycles were running in the uncovered roads. The scenery of pine-trees along the roads gave an atmosphere of Edo era. Rice fields extended far and wide. I wallowed in the old Japanese landscapes during the movie.

  The scenery of Japan today is like that of a foreign country. It has changed drastically, or I should say, in a mad, mad way, hasn’t it? The clean air and calm scenery in the movie comforted me a lot. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

俺は悪人になってやる I Am Determined to be a Villain






シェクスピアの「リチャード三世」を読むと、リチャードはせむし男で醜く、若い男女の幸せな姿を見るたびに世を怨む、そしてついには "I am determined to prove a villian."(俺は極悪人になってやるぞ)と言う。犯人の深層にこのような気持ちがあったのではないか。

I Can't Help Sympathizing with the Suspect

This essay does not defend Tetsuya Yamagami, the suspected killer of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. It is unforgivable to kill a man, even more so, to fatally shoot the former prime minister. I first thought he was a horrible, evil minded man, but as I got more and more news about him, I felt sympathy with him.

   When Yamagami was four years old, his father, a graduate of Kyto University, one of the top universities in Japan, committed suicide. His elder brother suffered from childhood cancer and because of the anticancer drug, he became blind and killed himself. Moreover, his younger brother was killed in a traffic accident when he was a fifth grader. Yamagami was a prestigious senior high school student, but had to give up going to university, because his mother, a fanatic believer of the former Unification Church (Toitsu Kyokai), donated more than a 100 million yen to the church. The suspect tried to commit suicide to leave the insurance money to his brother and sister, but failed. What a miserable life he has spent!

   I don’t know more miserable man than he. It was bad to fatally shoot Mr. Abe, but Mr. Abe was so closely connected with the church that he had gave a video message on the occasion of the meeting of the church-related organization, praising the president of the church. Yamagami attempted to kill the president of the church as his inveterate enemy, but he failed. Therefore, it could have been possible that he changed his target from the president to Mr. Abe.

   His 41-year life was as dark as midnight, while Mr. Abe’s 67-year life was as bright as the sun.

Richard III: Act I, Scene I depicts the dark side of Richard III, who is a hunchback and envies the young men and women enjoying youth. He bears a grudge toward the world and says, “I am determined to prove a villain."

   When Yamagami committed the crime, he might have had a similar feeling with Richard’s.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Youth by Samiel Ullman

Youth by Samiel Ullman 

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a ma of sixty more than a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing child-like appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young.

When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even a twenty, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch the waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at eighty.

Friday, June 24, 2022

歴史小説を書く Writing Historical Novels 








Writing Historical Novels 

I was shocked when I read “Taishuu Bungei Saho” (Writing novels for the general public) written by Sanjyugo Naoki, a famed Japanese writer (1891-1934).

He wrote some must-do’s about writing historical books:

“Historical novelists need to have as much or more professional knowledge than historians. In other words, they should know the trends of the times, the geographical features that are different from the current era, the manners and customs, the languages, the clothes, and the food and drinks. They should be minute and based on the facts.”

I was surprised. Up to that time, I had thought, “What I am writing is a fiction. So I don’t have to put so much stress on historical facts.” I was wrong. I have realized that I need more knowledge than a historian. I have to write novels as if I am observing the scene. Otherwise, I cannot attract the readers.

A famous female historical novelist named S majored in cultural history in university and studied the Buddhism history in a graduate school. I had thought I could never cope with her, but I should go neck and neck with her.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

樹木伐採反対  Against Cutting Trees







1.  残念ながら当マンションの緑が年々減少しております。もう20年ぐらい前ですか、2号棟の北側にあったプレイロットの樹木や植え込みが駐車場設置のため伐採されました。また数年前に2号棟南側に生えていた桜が何本も伐採されました。さらに最近、提供公園に生えていた樹齢60年はあるかと思われる巨木が二本か三本伐採されました。そのうえ、また樹木を伐採する計画があるとか。悲しいことです。




4. 最近、菊住学区近辺の樹木が多く切られて、学区の緑が少なくなっていくことに哀しさを覚えます。山崎川護岸工事のため桜の老木が何本も伐採されました。自分の手足を切られたように感じました。イオンができてから、当マンション近辺で木が生えていた土地に建売住宅がいくつか建てられ、殺風景になりました。それなりに理由はあると思いますが、名古屋市は樹木の伐採を極力抑えるべきだと思っております。

5. 木を切るのは簡単です、しかし樹齢50年という木を育てるのには50年かかります。いったん切ったらそれでおしまいです。

6. 近隣にお住いの方から苦情があるのはわからない訳ではありません。その方たちにも樹木の大切さをご理解願わなければなりません。





Against Cutting Trees 




Sunday, May 29, 2022

ハムレットの原典 The Original Story of "Hamlet"




『ハムレット』の話はハムレット伝説といわれる デンマークの伝説が元になっているそうだが、元はと言えば古代エジプトの話なのだ。

The Original Story of "Hamlet"

Horus was told by his mother, Isis, to protect the people of Egypt from Set, the god of the desert, who had killed Horus' father, Osiris. Horus had many battles with Set, not only to avenge his father but to choose the rightful ruler of Egypt 

The Original Story of "Hamlet"

Thursday, May 26, 2022

平家物語の虚実 Ficitions and Facts of Heike-monogatari The Story of Heike






Ficitions and Facts  of Heike-monogatari The Story of Heike

       I am studying about “Heike Monogatari” (The Story of the Heike Clan) at Chunici Cultural Center. One of the episodes in the story called “Denga no Noriai” does not tell the truth.

Taira Sukemori, a grandson of Taira no Kiyomori, happened to meet Fujiwara Motofusa, the then regent, but did not show respect by alighting from his horse. So, Motofusa’s men pulled him down from the horse and bullied him. Suketsune told Kiyomori about the incident. Kiyomori attacked Motofusa’s men and cut off their topknots five days later although Suketsune’s father said to his son, “Suketsune, you have been rude. You should apologize to Motofusa.” (Topknots in those days were regarded as important parts of honor for men.)

      But, actually, Kiyomori was at that time staying in a holiday house in Fukuhara and had nothing to do with the incident.

    Thus, the writer of “Heike Monogatari” perverted the fact.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

庭木よさよなら Good bye, Dear Plants



Good bye, Dear Plants

I have decided to sell a condominium with a terrace. It was on the first floor and commanded a beautiful scenery of trees, just like the ones in Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot’s pictures. It was near Atsuta Shrine, and unlike a usual condominium, no sounds were heard from upstairs or from both sides. My wife used to say, “I feel profoundly soothed here.” The quiet condominium was far from the house where I lived, so it was hard to go there. That was why I decided to sell it. It was a wonderful place. The footage below is the trees from the terrace.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

過剰保護 Over Protection   

 Over Protection

The other day, my wife was detained at a bank for more than an hour and a half.

She went to the bank to draw some money. The bank teller, suspicious of the high amount of the withdrawal--actually 2,000,000 yen--asked her to wait for a moment. 

   Soon two policemen came to the bank and asked her many and various questions:

  “Why do you need such a lot of money? Where do you live? Please show us any document that verified the reason for the withdrawal. Could you tell us the name and telephone number of your son?” and so on and on and on.

   She answered all the questions and told them she did not want to bother her son who might be busily engaged in his business, adding she could connect her husband (myself). First, they refused her to do so because I was also an old man.

  Finally, exhausted with too many interrogations, she told them she gave up withdrawing her money. Then, they telephoned me if it was OK with me with her drawing the money. I said, No problem.

   At last, the bank teller handed her the money.

   I understand the bank and the policemen are protecting the customers, especially the aged, from being scammed. Almost every day I hear and read about the victims.

   But aren’t they overprotecting the customers? My wife was a victim of the excessive protection. She was extremely exhausted and angry. Why did she have to wait for an hour and a half to withdraw her own money?


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

初めての長編小説 First Novel



First Novel

30年後 After 30 Years




そこで、置手紙をしてきた「どなたか墓参り、いつもすみません。ご連絡してください。電話番号 松岡博」紙片に書いてビニール袋に入れ、墓石の段のところに置き上から石を置いた。



Sunday, February 27, 2022

親切な行為 Kindness

 under construction

弘法筆を選ばず A Good Workman Does Not Blame HisTools.








A Good Workman Does Not Blame HisTools

Yuzuru Hanyu, a two-time gold medalist, who aimed to win the three-peat in the Beijing Olympic Figure Skate Competition, failed. He jumped a single Salchow instead of a quadruple at the beginning of his performance because, “his skate was caught in a minor flaw in the ice that had been probably made by some other skater.” He went to the hole and touched the ice with his hand.

This remined me of a sumo oyakata-stabemaster, who saw a defeated sumo wrestler who went to the spot of dohyo rink where he had slipped and fallen, gazed at it for a moment. The oyakata said:

“He shouldn’t do such a disgraceful thing. He who blames others for his defeat can’t be a strong sumo wrestler.”

What the wrestler did is similar to Hanyu’s deed.

I do not know anything about figure skating, but he looked as if he was making an excuse.

Am I the only person who thinks this way?

Monday, January 31, 2022

スマホでカンニング Cheating with Smartphone






Cheating with Smartphone

An examinee cheated using a smartphone to receive the answers from a Tokyo University student outside the exam room whom she sent the problems during the preliminary standard college entrance exam the other day.

   Thanks to the development of digital gadgets, the examination has to change the evaluation method of the applicants’ ability. Micro cameras are already installed in glasses and pens. The answers can be received by way of glasses.

   In the light of this, the examination that tests the examinees’ knowledge will be nonsense. Such examination as can be answered by use of smartphones are not appropriate hereafter.

   A smartphone has become, so to speak, a part of a young person’s body. It would be impossible to ban the use of smartphones during the preliminary standard college entrance exam. It should rather admit its usage. Otherwise, the examiner and the examinee will compete with each other endlessly.

   Then, what kind of examinations are ideal? They should be able to evaluate the examinee’s humanity, intelligence, and resilience.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

徒然草 150段   Tsurezuregusa Chapter 150

 徒然草 150段

徒然草 第150段に次のようなことが書いてある。





Tsurezuregusa Chapter 150

Successful people are those who constantly go along his road, never going astray, and brush their skills for many years without being disturbed by derision. They never feel ashamed of being mocked or spoken badly of. Even if they are not talented, they will be masters in their fields, persons of characters, and will be highly acclaimed and attain unparalleled achievements. In the end they will exceed the talented people who do no practice.

I will be 79 years old next month. I will cherish this spirit and go on writing novels.

Monday, January 24, 2022












Kanda Sayaka, the daughter of Seiko Matsuda, apparently committed suicide. This is a tragic incident. I pray for the repose of her soul.

What triggered her death? I think that she had a too heavy load. That is, her mother used to be a top singer in Japan and enjoyed great popularity all over Japan. She still sings on stages.

There have been similar incidents caused by such a burden. Here are some of them:

1.    This young man’s father, grandfather, and all his relatives graduated from Tokyo University. He failed in the entrance examination for Tokyo University and entered Keio University, one of the top universities in Japan. The failure and the overload triggered him to kill his grandfather. This is a real story. It happened to the Saito Family years ago.

2.    Eiichi Shibusawa greatly contributed himself to the economic development of Japan during the Meiji Restoration. A new 10,000 yen bills with his portrait will be issued soon.

He disinherited his second son because he eloped with a geisha girl. 

He was expected too much.

3.    I know a boy whose mother was a graduate of the English Language Faculty of a university. Her pronunciation of English was like that of a native speaker, but her son was poor at English. He disliked studying English. Her expectation on him ruined him.

   The more famous one’s parent is, the more burden one will suffer.

   I am an ordinary man, not famous, not a graduate of a top university. So I don’t have to worry about such a matter.