Tuesday, December 31, 2019

電車に手を振る坊や A Little Boy Waving His Arms at a Train



A Little Boy Waving His Arms at a Train

I watched a heart-warming video during a TV program “Cool Japan” the other day. About a five-year-old boy standing near a railway track is waving his arms hard at an approaching train. The moment the train passes by him, it sounds a horn or music melody (depending on the train type) for him. Hearing the sound, he shouts with delight, “Hooray!” The boy starts waving his arms enthusiastically when he sees a  tiny tiny train far in the distance.
   According to the program, the boy began to wave at the trains three years ago when he was three years old (see photo). His father videotaped him. The train drivers are aware of him and sometimes talk about him when they get together in the station they work for. They say he gives source of energy to them. They respond to the boy’s enthusiastic waving by sounding horns.
What a nice episode!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

歩くゴミ箱 A Walking Garbage Box






A Walking Garbage Box

A letter to the Letters to the Editor Column in the newspaper I subscribe said: (the following is the summary.) 
  I am an 80-year-old man. I make it a rule to take a walk along the walkway or in the park near my house with tongs in my hand. While I am walking, I pick up garbage like empty cans and discarded lunch boxes. I have been doing this for the past nine years. To my irritation, however, the people passing by or sitting on the bench regard me as a walking garbage box and give me directions:
     “Hey, old man, some garbage over there,” or “Look, more garbage here.”
Why don’t they pick up the garbage and throw it into the garbage box? I am voluntarily picking up garbage, but they sound like saying, “It’s your duty to pick up garbage.” I want to say to them, “Why don’t you do it yourselves. You are very rude.” I deplore that there are too many selfish people today.
I became angry to read his letter. Recently many young people do not give up their seats to aged people. When my wife and I went to Korea a few years ago, two young people gave up their seats immediately after we got on a bus. The other day, when I was sitting in a priority seat in a subway train (I am 76 years old and deserve a priority seat), an old woman with a stick got on the subway train and stood in front of me. When the train started, she tried to stand firmly with the support of her stick, but she was staggering. None of the young people sitting in the propriety seats gave up their seats. Therefore, I looked up at her eyes and said to her by means of gestures, “Do you want to sit here?” She nodded an affirmative. I gave up my seat to her.
The young people were operating their smartphones. I got angry. The future of Japan is doomed.

Monday, December 9, 2019

辻井さんのピアノ妨害 Noise during Tsujii's Piano Performance







Noise during Tsujii's Piano Performance

I went to Toyota City Concert Hall with my wife to listen to a world-famous pianist, Nobuyuki Tsujii’s performance. That was the second time for me to listen to his piano, since I had been to his concert held in the Salamanca Hall in Gifu City about two years ago. This time I hardly enjoyed his piano,because I  was irritated all during the first half of his performance.

When the lights of the concert hall became dim, Tsujii appeared on the stage in the midst of loud applause, sat in front of the piano, and began to play Arabesque No.1 composed by Debussy. I was instantly charmed by the sound of his piano and was listening to the music enchantedly, when I heard a faint noise coming from somewhere nearby. I looked around in the dark and saw a cameraman recording the piano performance with a huge camera on the tripod in the aisle diagonally forward left from my seat. The recording machine was making a low continuous noise. The noise sounded louder especially when the pianist was playing a soft and quiet piece of melody.

The noise lasted all the while when Tsujii was playing “Prelude” “Menuet” “Clair De Lune” and  “Passepied” in his Suite Bergamasque and the following pieces of music. Moreover, I noticed a tiny red lamp blinking constantly at the bottom of the camera tripod in the dark. What with the noise and what with the red flashing lamp, I was so irritated that I failed to enjoy his piano. I came all the way from Nagoya to Toyota paying as much as 8,500 yen for the concert; the noise and red light damaged the concert. After an hour’s performance the first part at last ended and the intermission began.

Immediately I went to the nearest usher to complain about the noise. I also told the cameraman that he had been making a terrible noise all during the first half of the performance. He said, “Oh, I wasn’t aware of the noise.” Furious, I protested against him saying, “I insist you move the camera to the second floor or to the rear of the concert hall. Otherwise, the concert would be disastrous.” My wife also joined me. Soon the woman in charge of the concert hall came and in the end, she said she would remove the camera. She  apologized to me before the second part started. I told her that she was irresponsible because the audience were requested to switch off the smartphones so that they would not make any noise while the cameraman was making an irritating noise all during the concert.

My anger did not abate for 30 minutes or so even when the second part had started. The piano performance I really enjoyed at all was the encore.

I was exhausted.

Noise during Tsujii's Piano Performance

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

人、人、人の香嵐渓 Packed like Sardines


24日(日)、女房と香嵐渓に団体バスで行きましたが、驚きました。モミジの木は大きくなり、葉っぱは真っ赤に染まり綺麗でしたが、驚いたのは人の多さです。ひところは香嵐渓は地方の紅葉狩りの場所でしたのに、いつの間にやら全国区になり、駐車場からナントカ川に出るまでの通路には露店がひしめき、人混みで大混雑。やっと川に出て、ナントカ橋までも人、人、人で橋にたどり着けない。橋の上は帰ってくる人、これから行く人で大渋滞。身動きが取れない状態で、高度成長期の東京のプラットホームに「押し屋」がいましたが、あのようなpacked like sardinesで鰯のようにぎゅうぎゅう詰めの状態で、一インチずつ橋を、前進しました。疲れた。モミジを人混みの中で見て、駐車場に帰ったら、練馬ナンバーの西武バスや奈良交通のバスが停まっていました。奈良からワザワザ! 20年か30年前の香嵐渓は風流だったのに。今は中国語が飛び交い、露店がひしめき、恐ろしいところになり果てました。(写真の橋の上の人混みを見てください)

Packed like Sardines

My wife and I went on a group tour to Korankei to view the colorful red leaves by bus on Sunday, 24 in November. The maple trees were larger and the red leaves were more beautiful than I had expected. To my surprise, I saw an enormous number of tourists. Decades ago, Korankei used to be a local maple-viewing spot, but today it has become one of the most famous such spots in Japan.
There were too many stalls alongside too narrow a road from the parking lot to the river (I don’t know its name). The road was too crowded to walk smoothly. I pushed and elbowed my way to the river but again I had a hard time to reach the red bridge (I don’t know its name) because the road along the river was too congested. After struggle, I reached the bridge, but it was the most crowded. Those who were coming back from the other side of the river crashed with those who were going there. The maple-viewers were packed like sardines. That reminded me of the crowd in a Tokyo station platform amid the high-growth period of the Japanese economy (from the mid-fifties through the sixties) where the station employees used to push the passengers into the crowded train so that they could get on it.
I advanced inch by inch on the bridge. I did not have time to enjoy the red-leaf scenery from the bridge. I was exhausted. After seeing the red leaves among the sardines, I returned to the parking lot.
I was surprised again to see a Seibu Bus from Tokyo with Nerima number and a Nara Tourist Bus in the parking lot. Why did it come all the way from Nara?
About 20 or 30 years ago, Korankei was a place to enjoy the quiet and
aesthetic nature, but nowadays it is an unpleasant place full of people, stalls, and Chinese people.
    (Look at the people on the bridge in the photograph.)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

スマホのない光景 A Scene without Smartphones




Around noon yesterday, I got on a subway train, sat on a seat, and looked around. I noticed that all the seven people sitting on the bench seat in front of me, two women on my left side and two men on my right side were not using smartphones. I looked around again. Nobody was operating smartphones in the car. Usually almost all the passengers are absorbed in the gadgets. Why?

Because the passengers were all aged people. They (including me) attended The Nagoya Citizen University Class (Disasters in History). The number of the participants in the class was more than 800. After the class was over at 11:30, most of them went to Tenmacho Subway Station and got on the train. That was why the train was full of aged people.

Unlike the usual scene in the train where young people are handling smartphones, I saw people talking with each other friendly and loudly after a long absence.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

日本人の若者と温泉旅館 Young Japanese and a hot-spring hotel






Young Japanese and a hot-spring hotel

I went on a trip to Gero and Gujyo-hachiman with my wife from October 31 and November 1. Three things surprised me during the trip.

1.    There were a lot of foreign passengers, both European and Chinese, in the express train bound for Takayama from Nagoya. The number of the foreigners was larger than that of the Japanese. I saw an array of their huge baggage on the shelf. I felt as if I were in a foreign country.

2.    Two young Chinese were waiting us at the dinner table. The woman at the check-in desk was also a Chinese. I heard that there were more than 20 Chinese people working in the hotel. Young Japanese were not working in the hotel.

3.    We went to Gero on a weekday (Thursday), not on a holiday. However, I saw about 15 young Japanese men and women staying in the hotel. How can they afford to stay at a luxurious hotel in a hot-spring resort on a weekday? What are their occupations? Are they earning enough money to stay in an expensive hotel where Chinese people are working?

西の正倉院文学賞 Nishi no Shosoin Literary Contest



Nishi no Shosoin Literary Contest

  I submitted my story to the Nishi no Shosoin Literary Contest. The one I submitted last year titled “Tsuki yo Takaku Nobore” (The Moon, Rise High up in the Sky) got an honorable mention. This year I again submitted my work titled “Tsukiyo no Tatekoto” (The Harp in the Moonlight). The prince of Kudara Kingdom escapes the palace with his mother and reaches Misato Village in Miyazaki Prefecture in Kyushu. I believe the ending will move the readers.

  I am looking forward to the announcement of the winners next March.


Saturday, October 26, 2019

予約忘れ On Forgettint the Appointment



On Forgettint the Appointment

Probably this is the third time. I had an appointment to see the dentist at 11 o’clock yesterday morning, but it was only today that I realized that I had not gone to see the dentist when my wife mentioned it. So far, I have broken dental appointments at least three times. I am afraid the older I grow, the more forgetful I become. I wrote “See the Dentist” in the calendar, yet it was no use. Recently I forgot to bring my health insurance card with me when I went to a hospital. “Sir? You forgot to take the change,” a convenience store employee said to me the other day. It may be all right to forget them, but I have to be careful not to cause trouble to others. Some aged people hit the gas pedal instead of the brake, but I am not qualified to criticize them. Getting old is horrible.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

転ばぬ先の杖 Look Before You Leap



Look Before You Leap

  One of my friends aged 89 tripped and fell to the ground while walking and injured his eye, nose, and arm, and was hospitalized last week. In the previous week, another friend my mine aged 81, I guess, fell while he was riding a bicycle, and so, he was absent from the martial art training class. He said he would be absent from the class for three more weeks.
  My father also fell while riding a bicycle at the age of 76 in front of a tea shop and injured. Fortunately, the tea shop owner helped him to stand up.

Now I am 76 years old and under these circumstances, I will have to be very careful not to fall. But how could I prevent such a danger?

Sunday, September 22, 2019

様変わりの街並み The City Has Changed



The City Has Changed

  I went to Ogaki to visit my ancestors' grave after one year’s absence. It took about 10 minutes to go to the grave from Ogaki Station by taxi. After I finished praying in front of the grave, I walked back to the station. While I was walking, I noticed that Shimizu Yu or Shimizu public bath had disappeared and instead, there was a parking lot at the same place. There was no trace of the bath at all. After that, I looked for the ontological hospital, a two-storied brown brick building which I used to pass on my way and back from the bath, but I couldn’t find it. I saw a modern building resembling an art museum or an elegant restaurant at the site where the hospital had stood. To my surprise, however, the modern building was the renewed hospital. The old building had been demolished and rebuilt. The gloomy, dark, huge building covered by ivy had turned into a bright, white hospital. 

   I have an unpleasant memory about the hospital which took place when I was a boy about 5 or 6 years old. There was a circular-cylinder-shape monkey cage, about two meters high and 1.2 meters in diameter. The cage had iron bars covered with a net. One evening my father and I stopped in front of the cage to watch the monkey on our way to Shimizu Yu. While I was watching the monkey, it grabbed my rubber slipper probably because I hit the iron bar with it to tease the animal and was trying to pull it into the cage.
“My slipper!” I screamed half crying.

   My father fought with the monkey for several minutes and took it back. I was scared. I still remember how frantically the money was screaming.
   There was a remain of the gate of the old building (the picture above). I touched it feeling nostalgic.                  

Friday, August 30, 2019

サツマイモの生命力 A Sweet Potato's Vitality



A Sweet Potato's Vitality

Because a few sprouts came out from the surfaces of the pieces of a sweet potato in the kitchen, I put them in a small dish and continued to watch them, sometimes giving a few drops of water to them. Soon, the sprouts turned into tiny, tiny green leaves as are shown in the picture. I was amazed to see such wonderful leaves that grew from such insignificant pieces of a sweet potato. Since I have never grown vegetables including sweet potatoes, I was moved by their vitality. They produce new sweet potatoes in this way!             

Sunday, August 25, 2019

美女の夢 A Dream of a Beautiful Woman



昨夜の夢に現れた美女は「ハーネス、ハーネス」と言っていたが、なんだろう。「しっかり結びつける」“to tie together”という意味がある。こんな夢なら毎晩見てもいい。



A  Dream of a Beautiful Woman

Last night I saw a dream in which a beautiful singer stepped down onto the floor, walked through the audience to me, and said clasping my hand:
“Let’s get married as soon as possible.”
I had never dreamed such a wonderful dream. Usually, I had had bad dreams: I had to teach mathematics (I am an English teacher); I couldn’t reach the classroom; I couldn’t find test papers; or I was very late for the class.
The beautiful woman in my dream said, “Harness, harness.” Why did she say so? It means to tie together. I always welcome such dreams.
 I wondered why I saw such a dream. Yesterday I went to Toyota Art Museum to see Klimt’s paintings. He seems to have been always surrounded by women. He painted a lot of their nude pictures. Judith’s face in Judith and the Head of Holofernes was so ecstatic that it impressed me strongly. That is probably why a beautiful woman appeared in my dream.
 It is said that if you put a picture of a treasure ship under your pillow, you will dream a wonderful dream. I should put Judith’s picture under my pillow tonight.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

父親の思い出 Memories of My Father


Memories of My Father

I attended my high school reunion yesterday. The participants were all either 76 or 77 years old. When I was talking about WWII with my neighbor at the table, he said: “I don’t have any memory about my father, because I was a baby when he was killed during the battle in China—in Koyo City in Hunan. He passed the physical examination as a first-grade coscript and entered the army. Soon he was chosen as a member of the Palace Guard. Only a few men were chosen from each prefecture as the palace guardsmen. They had superior brains and strongly-built bodies.”

He repeated the words “only a few men were chosen” and sounded as if he wanted to say, “My father and my family are superior to your father and your family.” I felt frustrated and just pretended to be listening to him.

Since my father was small, he was ranked as a third-grade man in the body check. Because of that he was not assigned to battlefields aboard and lived to be 82 years old. I have a lot of his memories.

Monday, August 5, 2019

アルキメデスの大戦 The Great War of The Great War of Archimedes



Thursday, July 25, 2019

邪魔か必要か An Obstacle or a Must



An Obstacle or a Must

I joined the Back Stage Tour of the Nagoya Nhogaku-do on July 22. Forty people participated in the tour. They were requested to wear Shirotabi or Japanese white socks.
First, a brief lecture on Nohgaku-do was given. According to the lecturer, the Nagoya Nhogaku-do was the largest in Japan, for there are three ken (5.4 meters) of inner measure from the downstage right pillar to the downstage left pillar. Then we visited the greenrooms for stage musicians, main actors, and sub-actors, a room for stage properties. And finally, we walked along Hashigakari (the passage to the main stage) and entered butai or the main stage.
What attracted me most were two: agemaki (entrance curtain for actors) and metsuke-bashira (guiding pillar). As for agemaki, when you look at a Noh performance, actors enter hashigakari when the curtain is lifted. I had thought that the curtain was pulled up with strings, but it is raised by two bamboo sticks attached to either top side of the curtain. Look at the picture.
Next, when you look at a Noh play, the downstage right pillar or metsuke-bashira blocks the audience’s view of the stage. I had thought it was not necessary. (The four pillars in Ohzumo were abolished because they interfere with the audience’s view.) However, the pillar is a must for Noh actors because a Noh actor wearing a mask has very limited sight and the pillar helps him to position himself at the right place on the stage. Without metuke-bashira, he could fall from the stage.
One man’s obstacle is another man’s must.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

映画パピオン新作と旧作 Two "Papillion" Films





旧作の方が良かった。ここぞというときに美しいテーマ音楽が流れるし、蝶をとったり、ワニを捕獲する場面がありで、面白い。また、エンディングでパピがココナツの袋の上に仰向けになって海に浮かび、「馬鹿野郎! 俺は生きてるぜ」で終わる。印象的なエンディングだ。新作ではパピが編集者に記録日誌を渡すところで終わるが、心を揺すられない。


Two "Papillion” Films 

I saw two  "Papillion" films: one currently showing, starring Charlie Hunnam and Rami Malex, and the other made in 1973 starring Dustin Hoffman and Steve McQueen. I saw the new one yesterday and the old one on DVD today. Because both are based on the same story, they develop almost the same way under the theme of prison escape attempts.
I prefer the old one because it has beautiful background theme music and some amusing scenes such as catching butterflies and a crocodile. Also, it has a moving ending where Papi is floating on a bag of coconuts in the sea, crying, “Hay, you. I'm still here!” The new one, however, ends with Papi handing over his memoir documents to an editor. That is not moving.
I was 30 years old when I saw the old one. I have noticed after seeing the old one that I had forgoten all the scenes except the one where Papi tries to catch a worm in a dark prison.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

小説を応募 Submission of My Novels


このブログ読んでいる人で、応募作を読みたい方、メールください。お送りします。メルアド: mhiroshi62@yahoo.co.jp

Submission of My Novels

I applied my two Japanese novels: one titled “The Man Who Did Not Succumb to Caesar”  (77 pages of 400-character manuscript paper) to All Yomimono Literary Prize, the other titled “Sculptor, Unkei’s Envious Mind” (142 pages) to Sakigake Literary Prize. The deadline for the former was June 22 and that for the latter was June 30. Therefore, I worked very hard from morning till night, devoting myself to improving the manuscript.

If anyone who is interested in reading my stories, please contact me. I will mail them to you. (Beware that they are written in Japanese)

Mail address: mhiroshi62@yahoo.co.jp.




Koban or Police Box

A wonderful new police box has been built near my house. It doesn’t look like a police box. It rather looks like a bar, a karaoke shop, or a game center. If a patrol car is not shown in this photo, a pedestrian looking for a police box will pass it. The front wall of the police box is decorated with cherry blossoms because the name of the police box is Sakura Koban or Cherry Blossom Police Box. Incidentally, there are several cherry-blossom-related names around here: Sakura Honmachi subway station, Kozakura Kindergarten, and Sakuradai High School.

I welcome such friendly-looking police boxes.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

南山同窓会 Atending Nanzan Reunion



Attending Nanzan Reunion

I attended Nanzan High School ex-students’ reunion on June 15 at

Tokyo Daiichi Hotel in Sakae, Nagoya. There were about 40 ex-students, all 65 years old. Some came to the meeting all the way from Tokyo and Taiwan. Sad to say, several students had already died.  

Five former teachers including me attended it: Mr. I, PE teacher, Mr. M, a Japanese language teacher, Mr. A, an English teacher, and Mr. W, a math teacher.

   At the beginning of the party, each teacher made a brief talk on the stage one by one. What surprised me most was Mr. I. He said he was 91 years old. His back was not bent, his voice clear and cheerful. He said he had had serious diseases ten years before, but he had recovered.

I am 76 years old. I have 15 more years before I become 91. I would like to appear at the reunion 15 years later in a cheerful manner like Mr. I.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

名古屋歌舞伎ファンクラブ会長離任の挨拶 Farewell Speech by the President of the Nagoya Kabuki Club


 Farewell Speech by the President of the Nagoya Kabuki Club(fiction)

Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you very much for coming. I am honored to see so many kabuki fans here. Today, I am going to retire from the position of the president of the Nagoya Kabuki Fan Club, which has lasted for nearly 20 years.
I remember the day when our club started with only five members. Though the number was small, our love for kabuki was as passionate as the love between Okaru and Kanpei. Fortunately, the number of the fans gradually increased, and now it boasts more than 100.
Our club has supported Misonoza Theater mainly in three ways. First, we have been publishing the Misonoza Newsletter. It introduces what to see in the coming kabuki performances, covers interviews with kabuki actors and jyoruri chanters. It also includes opinions of the fan club members.
Secondly, we have solicited donations for Misonoza from companies in Tokai area. Seven years ago, Misonoza was immersed in a financial crises, and was near-bankrupt, but thanks to the desperate efforts of the fans and the donations from companies and businesses, Misonoza weathered through it.
I cried for joy when I knew that Misonoza, not only overcame the crisis, but would be reconstructed. During the five years when Misonoza was being reconstructed, we were just like fish out of water, unable to see kabuki plays, but last April the construction was completed, and kabuki resumed.
Thirdly, we have visited high schools in Nagoya to ask the principals to let the students see kabuki. Today N, H, and K high school students come to Misonoza and see kabuki every autumn. Kabuki is not only for middle and elderly people. It is also for young people. By increasing the number of kabuki fans among young people, I hope our fan club will prosper.
The only regret I have in retiring the office is the decrease of the kabuki audience in Nagoya. One of the reasons for this may be the expensive prices of kabuki seats. I recently discussed this problem with the president of Misonoza. I also advised him to introduce cheap standing-room-only tickets.
Lastly, I am going to walk down the hanamachi runway to the exit and pass the torch of the presidency to Mr. Ryuta Kaitani. I believe he will do his best to continue our activity and increase young kabuki fans, and ultimately prosper Misonoza Theater.
Thank you all and goodbye.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

綱を切る Cutting a Rope




Cutting a Rope

     Recently two high school boys were arrested for stretching a rope across a street, causing a minibike driver to fall and seriously injure herself. This reminded me of an incident that took place about 70 years ago.
     One evening when I was around four years old, I happened to see a rope stretched across a street about 80 centimeters above the ground. I thought it would interfere with the traffic, went to my house, fetched a kitchen knife, and cut it. I thought I did something good.
     However, during the breakfast the next morning, my father said,
     “A biker fell into the ditch and injured himself. I wonder why he didn’t notice the rope.”
     I was surprised to hear what he said. That’s why the rope was stretched across the street. It prevented the passenger from falling into the ditch which was under construction. I kept silent but kept eating breakfast concealing my embarrassment.

he must have died
by now
a big apology

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

信州旅行 A Trip to Shinshu

花フェスタ 松本
水芭蕉 鬼無里きなさ



A Trip to Shinshu

I visited several sightseeing spots in Nagano Prefecture with my wife from May 12 to May 14. They included “Flower Festival” in Matsumoto, Chihiro Art Museum in Azumino, Mizubasho or Asian skunk-cabbage moor in Kinasa, and Kamikochi.

The weather was fine on both May 12 and 13, but it was cloudy in the morning and began to rain in the afternoon in Kamikochi.
I walked about 15000 steps or more than 10 kilometers on May 13 while walking Kinasa’s mizubasho moor. It was hard work because I usually walk only about 5,000 to 6,000 steps a day. Therefore, I had severe pain in my back on the morning of May 14. Today (May15), I felt pain in my back whenever I bent my body. So, I got a message for 30 minutes. It cost 3,240 yen. However, the message did not cure the pain as I had expected. I hope I can recover soon. I would be glad if I could recover in three days.