Sunday, March 31, 2019

消しゴム大のホルター A Very Small Holter Monitor



A Very Small Holter Monitor

I went to a hospital to wear a holter monitor, a portable device for cardiac monitoring for 24 hours. The device was very light and as small as an eraser, about 6 by 6 centimeters. It did not have any troublesome leads that attach your body. About a year ago, the device was as large as a smartphone with 6 or 7 leads. About 15 years ago when I first wore a holter monitor, the machine was heavy and as large as a big lunch box.

The development of science is marvelous. Things are getting smaller and smaller. The other day I saw a TV program in which a man was paying by putting his back of his hand on a machine at a store. A micro-chip was implanted in his hand. Sooner or later, a computer as large as a chip will be implanted in your hand. It is spooky, isn’t it?

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

グリーンブック Green Book



"Green Book"
This is a very moving movie. In the beginning, Tony Lip, an Italian-American, is shown as a racist when he picks up two glasses, which black workers have used, with his fingers and throws them into a garbage bucket. He is hired as a driver by Dr. Shirley, a world-class black pianist, on a concert tour from Manhattan to the Deep South. During the 8-week tour, they gradually understand each other and at the end their attitudes toward each other totally change. Tony likes Shirley and Shirley likes Tony. Shirley even drives the car for Tony. This is a typical example of juxtaposition.

Monday, March 11, 2019

新元号(予想) New Era Name(Prediction)





和 “wa” means harmony. That is to live together peacefully rather than fighting or arguing. Today, more and more nations are inclined to go nationalistic, avoiding associating with aliens. Since the world has become one big global society, no nation can survive alone without interaction with other nations. A pain in one part of a body is the body’s pain. So, harmonious spirit has become more important than ever.
元 “gen” means originality. The closer the ties among nations, the more they lose their originality. Things will become more standardized as globalism advances. But losing originality symbolizes the loss of its culture. Let each culture coexist with one another.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

「西の正倉院文学賞」佳作  Honarable Mention



Honorable Mention
  My short story “Tsukiyo, Takaku Nobore” (The Moon, Rise High up) won an honorable mention for the “Nishino Shosoin Bunngaku-sho”(West Shosoin Literature Prize). I was disappointed. If I had had won an award, I would have been invited to attend the awards ceremony to be held in Miyazaki Prefecture in Kyushu.
  I was not satisfied with the ending of the story because I thought it might not impress the readers, but owing to the lack of time and energy, I submitted it. I should have given much more time to improve it.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

文芸大賞授与式  Award Ceremony for Literature Prize



Award Ceremony for Literature Prize

  Yesterday I was awarded the first prize in the literature genre for the Gifu Prefecture Cultural Festival. There were seven other genres: children literature, essay, poetry, haiku, senryu, kyohai, and renku.   
  The award ceremony was held in the main conference room in the Salamanca Hall in Gifu City, attended by about 150 people.
The ceremony started with the “welcome violin performance” in which the violinist played “Salut d'amour” by Elgar, “Londonderry Air” (an Ireland’s folk song), and “Humoresque” by Dvořák. After the host’s speech, the awards were given to the winners.
  Since I was the first to get the award, I was nervous when I stood in front of the Gifu Prefecture culture section chief. (The prize-winners had a rehearsal for the ceremony.) Guests’ speeches followed that and the judges were introduced. The prize-winning poem was read aloud at the end of the ceremony accompanied by a violin performance.
  It lasted for about 45 minutes. (Nagoya’s ceremony lasted for about staggering 2 hours.) I returned home around 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Probably because of the tension and exhaustion, I was not able to sleep well that night.
  The story I got the prize for is about the Satsuma Hanshi (Kagoshima Prefecture bushi) who were ordered by the Edo Government to construct the banks that would divide the three large violent rivers in the Kiso District in Gifu Prefecture during the Edo era (1754-1755).