Thursday, February 28, 2013

ライフ オブ パイ LIFE OF PI


「ライフ オブ パイ]

「ライフ オブ パイ」は今まで見た映画の中で最も印象に残った映画の一つだ。人間と虎という特殊な状況、CGテクニック、少年と虎との関係、美的センス、どれも素晴らしい。
誰しも、16歳の少年が虎と同じ救命ボートに乗り、200日以上も太平洋を漂流するなどと想像できようか。しかし、観衆はこの信じられない状況を抵抗なく受け入れてしまう。話の一つ一つのエピソードが現実味を持ち、ありうることだと思うように話が展開するからだ。どんな話でも読み手が、ここは現実離れしていると思えば失敗作だが、「ライフ オブ パイ」はこの点、成功している。
 「ライフ オブ パイ」はコンピューター・グラフィックの勝利でもある。パンフレットによれば、ボート上の虎は全てCGだという。虎の鋭い目、ふさふさの毛、ピンと伸びた髭、大きく開けた口、動き方などを見て、虎が本物だと思った。CG技術は「ジュラシックパーク」「スパイダーマン」「アバター」などの映画でふんだんに使われているが、もしCGで描かれる俳優が人間そっくりならば、俳優というものはいらなくなる。俳優業は将来どうなるのであろうか。
 「ライフ オブ パイ」はとても良かったので2回見た。


  This film is one of the most impressive movies that I have ever seen. The unbelievable situation, the CG technique, and the relationship between Pi and the tiger are just amazing.
  Nobody can imagine such an unusual situation where a 16-year-old boy and a Bengal tiger float in the same boat for more than 200 days in the Pacific Ocean. The film viewers, however, accept the unbelievable situation because each stage of the story is realistic and plausible. A story fails if the reader doubts its reality, but Life of Pi is realistic and has no room to doubt.
  The plot is simple. A ship loaded with zoo animals wrecks due to a storm. The boy named Pi survives in a lifeboat, but he soon finds a tiger named Richard Parker in it. He first avoids the tiger but later tames and befriends it. After seven months’ drifting, they reach the Mexican coast, almost dead.
  This film has proved the victory of computer graphic technique. The pamphlet of Life of Pi says every scene of the tiger on the lifeboat was made with computer graphics. The tiger was so vivid and alive with its sharp eyes, rich fur, and straight whiskers that I thought it was a real tiger. CG is used in many films, including Jurassic Park, Spiderman, and Avatar. If the CG-created actors are so realistic, no actors will be necessary. What will become of them, I wonder.
  The relation between Pi and Richard Parker is well depicted. First, Pi is so scared of the beast that he makes a raft to sit on and connects it to the lifeboat with a rope about 5 meters long. The first change of their relationship takes place when Pi saves Richard, who is almost drowning in the sea. The second change comes when Pi tames Richard Parker with a rod and fish. The third occurs after a violent storm. Pi caresses Richard, who is on the verge of death, being tossed about by huge waves. For Pi, Richard becomes the only friend in the Pacific. “Without Richard Parker, I wouldn’t be alive today,” Pi says later. And their parting is shown at the end of the movie when Richard Parker steps into a jungle “unceremoniously” without looking back at Pi. Richard Parker’s world and Pi’s are completely different. Pi cries loudly not because he is saved but because Richard Parker disappears with no sign of friendship, with no sign of reluctance. Richard Parker has been Pi’s dearest brother in arms for many months.
  Over all, the film entertains the viewer with beautiful scenes: the star-filled sky, the calm blue sea, the stunning performance of whales and dolphins, and a green floating island.
Life of Pi was so impressive that I saw it twice.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013



 先日、「天才! 志村動物園」というテレビ番組を見ましたが、ハイジはアリクイとライオンと意思の疎通をしました。動物園の飼育員が「なぜオスのアリクイはメスのアリクイと交尾しないのか」と尋ねたところ、ハイジはオスのアリクイに精神を集中して言いました。


I was again amazed at the superhuman power Heidi possesses. She can communicate with animals, including elephants, dogs, cats, dolphins, fish, lions, and ant-eaters

The other day, I watched “Genius! Shimura Zoo” on TV, in which Heidi communicated with ant-eaters and lions. A zoo attendant at a zoo asked Heidi why the male ant-eater and the female ant-eater had not mated for a long time.

Heidi concentrated on both ant-eaters for a long time, and said, “The male ant-eater has just sent me a message. He is comparing two female ant-eaters. He is wondering which female ant-eater is better for him. The one in the neighboring cage seems more attractive to him than the one in the same cage with him. So, if you cover the neighboring cage and prevent the male ant-eater from seeing the one in it, he will give up the other one and mate with the one with him.”

Another surprising answer concerning the lion made me feel that animals have the same emotion as human beings such as jealousy, inferiority complex, and self-esteem.

She revealed the lions’ feelings when the lion keeper wanted some advice as to how to mate the two-year old male lion and the 12 year-old female lion. Heidi’s answer was terrific. She said, “The male lion has an inferiority complex, because his crest is so scarce that he does not look like the king of beasts. He looks like a female lion. In fact the visitors wonder whether the lion they are looking at is male or female. Since the lion understands the visitors’ conversation, he is ashamed of himself. On the other hand, the female lion does not regard the young lion as her mate. She makes light of him, and sometimes even threatens him. All she wants is to have the male lion grow up and become a matured, dignified lion. She is waiting for the time.”

After I watched the program, I wondered what makes difference between human beings and animals. Animals feel just the same way as human beings. The only distinction is, I thought, appearance.