Sunday, April 30, 2023

老人の「志」 Importance of Aspirations for the Aged










Importance of Aspiration for the Aged

〇 Words by Issai Sato, a Confucian, during the Edo era. (born in 1772 and died in 1859):

Vitality depends on age, but aspiration does not. The aged must have higher aspirations as they study. Do not give way to youth.

One cannot live to be 100 years old, yet one must hold unyielding aspirations. 

Words by Zeami, a Noh performer during the Muromachi era (1338-1573)

Do not forget one’s original intention. One is mortal but Nho is immortal.

  Words by Cao Cao, a politician and general of Wei, an ancient nation in China (220-265)

   Although an aged thoroughbred is lying in a stable, she is running gallop in the field in her mind. A courageous man, although old, keeps his strong spirit. 

歩出家門行(一部) 曹操

神亀雖寿  ふしぎなかめは、いのちながしというも

猶有竟時  いつかはおわる時あらん

騰蛇乗霧  空にのぼる蛇は霧に乗るも

終為土灰  やがては土灰となりはてん

老驥伏櫪  老いたる駿馬はかいばおけに伏すも

志在千里  千里のかなたに夢を馳す

烈士暮年  いさましきおのこは年老ゆるとも

壮心不已  たけき心の已むことなし

盈縮之期  長く短く定めなき命の期

不但在天  されどただ天運とあきらむな

養怡之福  身も心も安らかに養えよ

可得永年  とわなる命得べからん


チャットGPT  Chat GPT





Chat GPT

I have recently chatted with Chat GPT. To my question, “How can one live long?” it replied, “Moderate exercise, good sleep and diet, and social activities.” That was persuasive enough. 

However, to my question, “Give me a comment on ‘Asatte no Hito’ (an Akutagawa Novel Prize winning novel in 2007) written by Tetushi Suwa, a staggering answer was given. The AI said, “‘Asatte no Hito’ was a novel written by Yukio Mishima, won an Akutagawa Novel Prize, and was made into a movie. (It was not written by Yukio Mishima, nor made into a movie.) 

To another request of mine, “Rewrite the following passage of a novel so that it will move the reader,” AI’s answer was surprisingly foolish. All the “dearu” style of each sentence was changed into “desu-masu” style. (Generally speaking “dearu” style is for educated adults and “desu-masu” one for children.) The AI answer was intolerably bad and poor. It remains much to be improved. 

It can be dangerous too for those who are blind to Chat GPT’s faults.

Monday, April 24, 2023

AI が作った写真 AI Generated Image

 AI が作った写真

 AI が作成した写真が、Sony World Photography Award を受賞した。恐ろしい世の中になった。AIが合成した本人そっくりの声や画像や動画がスマホやテレビに流れる時代になった。Chat GPTがあらゆる質問に答え、論文を書くようになった。小説もAIが作り、文学賞「星新一賞」がAIと共同で作った入選した。絵画も作詞も作曲もAIが作ることになるだろう。


AI Generated Image

The photograph generated by AI won the Sony World Photography Award. The world has become a horrible place to live in. AI can generate the voice and image that are exactly the same with the person AI has imitated. Such “real” voices and images can be broadcast on television in a few years. Then you cannot distinguish fake from real. The Chat GPT can generates a persuasive answer to any kind of question and write even a dissertation. AI now writes novels. The other day, a novel written by a writer who utilized AI won the Hoshi Shinichi Novel Prize. AI will paint pictures and compose music, too. In half a dozen years, the world is flooded by AI generated fakes. The more we depend on AI, the more indispensable AI will be for our lives. One scholar warned that AI will ruin human beings.