Tuesday, March 23, 2021

ツユクサとフェルメール Day Flower and Johannes Vermeer







 Day Flower and Johannes Vermeer 

The other day I watched an NHK TV program which asked the following question: what is common with an Asiatic day flower, “Girl with a Pearl Earring” painted by Johannes Vermeer, and “Café Terrace at Night” by Vincent van Gogh?

The answer is the contrast of yellow and blue colors. The upper part of an Asiatic day flower is blue, while the lower part is yellow. The turban of the girl in “Girl with a Pearl Earring” is blue, while a long yellow cloth hanging from the top of her head is yellow. As for “Café Terrace at Night,” the yellow café is contrasted with the dark blue sky.

     The flower is trying to catch the attention of bees, and the two pictures attempt to attract the viewers.

     Let me tell you that the complementary color of blue is yellow. Both Vermeer and Gogh may have got a hint from the flower.

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