Thursday, July 25, 2019

邪魔か必要か An Obstacle or a Must



An Obstacle or a Must

I joined the Back Stage Tour of the Nagoya Nhogaku-do on July 22. Forty people participated in the tour. They were requested to wear Shirotabi or Japanese white socks.
First, a brief lecture on Nohgaku-do was given. According to the lecturer, the Nagoya Nhogaku-do was the largest in Japan, for there are three ken (5.4 meters) of inner measure from the downstage right pillar to the downstage left pillar. Then we visited the greenrooms for stage musicians, main actors, and sub-actors, a room for stage properties. And finally, we walked along Hashigakari (the passage to the main stage) and entered butai or the main stage.
What attracted me most were two: agemaki (entrance curtain for actors) and metsuke-bashira (guiding pillar). As for agemaki, when you look at a Noh performance, actors enter hashigakari when the curtain is lifted. I had thought that the curtain was pulled up with strings, but it is raised by two bamboo sticks attached to either top side of the curtain. Look at the picture.
Next, when you look at a Noh play, the downstage right pillar or metsuke-bashira blocks the audience’s view of the stage. I had thought it was not necessary. (The four pillars in Ohzumo were abolished because they interfere with the audience’s view.) However, the pillar is a must for Noh actors because a Noh actor wearing a mask has very limited sight and the pillar helps him to position himself at the right place on the stage. Without metuke-bashira, he could fall from the stage.
One man’s obstacle is another man’s must.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

映画パピオン新作と旧作 Two "Papillion" Films





旧作の方が良かった。ここぞというときに美しいテーマ音楽が流れるし、蝶をとったり、ワニを捕獲する場面がありで、面白い。また、エンディングでパピがココナツの袋の上に仰向けになって海に浮かび、「馬鹿野郎! 俺は生きてるぜ」で終わる。印象的なエンディングだ。新作ではパピが編集者に記録日誌を渡すところで終わるが、心を揺すられない。


Two "Papillion” Films 

I saw two  "Papillion" films: one currently showing, starring Charlie Hunnam and Rami Malex, and the other made in 1973 starring Dustin Hoffman and Steve McQueen. I saw the new one yesterday and the old one on DVD today. Because both are based on the same story, they develop almost the same way under the theme of prison escape attempts.
I prefer the old one because it has beautiful background theme music and some amusing scenes such as catching butterflies and a crocodile. Also, it has a moving ending where Papi is floating on a bag of coconuts in the sea, crying, “Hay, you. I'm still here!” The new one, however, ends with Papi handing over his memoir documents to an editor. That is not moving.
I was 30 years old when I saw the old one. I have noticed after seeing the old one that I had forgoten all the scenes except the one where Papi tries to catch a worm in a dark prison.