Monday, October 31, 2016

ポケモンGO Ban Pokemon Go

10月26日 愛知県一宮市で小学校4年生の則武敬太君9歳が、トラックを運転し男性(36)に轢き殺された。男性は運転中にポケモンgoをしていた。私にも小学生の孫がいる。親御さんやら祖父母さんの嘆きはいかばかりか。


8月23日 徳島市で軽ワゴン車の運転手(39)が、女性二人にぶつかり、70代の女性が死亡。60代の女性は腰の骨を折って重傷。
8月26日 春日井市で自転車に乗っていた20代の女性が、男性(20代)が運転する車にはねられ死亡

Wednesday, October 26, 2016




Bakumatsu Ishin Kaiko Dan written by a wooden Buddha carver, Koun Takamura is interesting. One of the chapters of the book tells an incident when he was an apprentice to a Buddhist sculptor

One day, because he was tired of carving a Buddha statue day after day under his master, he carved a mouse for pastime. After completion, he painted it and put it on a shelf in the master’s craft studio. While he was looking up at it, his teacher asked him to run an errand.

While he was away, a priest came to the studio and talked with his teacher. After a while, the priest stopped talking and said, “I thought there was a mouse on that shelf, but it is not a real mouse, but a carved one, isn’t it?” He went to the shelf, took the mouse from it, and looked at it carefully. “What a surprise! It looks like a real mouse. No wonder I mistook it for a real one. Who made this?”

“Kokichi must have carved it for fun,” my master said.

The priest liked the mouse very much and told him that he wanted it. My master said, “No problem,” and wrapped it in paper and handed it to him.

The priest gave him one bugin (about 3000 yen) for it.

My master thought it wrong to give the money to me because I was only an apprentice. So he ordered soba (buckwheat noodle) and his family were eating the noodle, when I came back from errand. I sat at table and was eating noodle too. Soon everyone at table began to laugh at me. MY master told me that my mouse had turned into the noodle.
This resembles a story about a genius woodcarver in Edo era, Hidari Jingoro, whose carved mouse is said to have moved around in a basin.