Friday, August 22, 2014

「これ稲造、汝は近頃」 HEI, INAZO, RECENTLY YOU ARE....


最近読んだ本で、感銘を受けた台詞がある。新渡戸稲造が大正5年(1916年)に書いた『自警録』の中の一節である。 "Bushido: The Soul of Japan”「武士道」を1900年(明治33年)に米国で刊行しているから、その16年後に著した本である。



Tuesday, August 5, 2014



「最期の時を迎え、三人が一列に着席したとき、左近は末なる弟に向かい「八麿よりまづ腹切られい。切り損じなきよう見届けてくれよう」といった。幼い弟は答えて、いまだ「切腹」を見たことがないので、兄たちの作法を見て、その後につづきたい、と申し述べた。二人の兄は涙ながらに微笑んで「よくぞ申した。それでこそ我らが父のこなるぞ」といった。そこで二人の間に末弟八麿を座らせ、左近は自分の腹の左側に短刀を突き刺していった。「見よや八麿、会得せしか。あまりに深く掻くべからず。仰向けにたおれるがゆえに。前に術伏せ、膝を崩すべからず」 内記も同様に腹に刃を突き刺しながら言った。「目を刮っと開けよや。さもなくば女の死顔に似たるそ。切尖が腸に触るとも、力たわむとも、勇を鼓して引きまわせ」と。八麿は二人の兄を交互に見た。二人が果てると、八麿は静かに上体を露わにして、両側から教えられた範に従って従容として死に就いた」

You Can't Read Three Brothers' Seppuku Scene without Tears
   The following passage is a quote form "Bushido" written by Nitobe Inazo. 
"When they were all seated in a row for final despatch, Sakon turned to the youngest and said--'Go thou first, for I wish to be sure that thou doest it aright.' Upon the little one's replying that, as he had never seen seppuku performed, he would like to see his brothers do it and then he could follow them, the older bothers smiled between their tears:--'Well said, little fellow! So canst thou well boast of being our father's child.' When they had placed him between them, Sakon thrust the daggar into the left side of his abdomen and said--'Look brother! Dost understand now? Only, don't push the daggar too far, lest thou fall back. Lean forward, rather, and keep thy knees well composed.' Naiki did likewise and said to the boy--'Keep thine eyes open or else thou mayst look like a dying woman. If thy daggar feels anything within and thy strength fails, take courage and double thy effort to cut across.' The chlid looked from one to the other, and, when both had expired, he calmly half denuded himself and followed the example set him on either hand."

Sunday, August 3, 2014












   I was disappointed to see “Godzilla,” the  2014 movie directed by Gareth Edwards. It was a chunk of confusion, boredom, and ugliness. It lacks human drama.

I don’t understand why the director used three monsters: two “Mutos” (mantis-like monsters resembling the one in the 1979 film “Alien”) and Godzilla. The two Mutos fight against Godzilla. Why do they have to fight? That makes the movie confusing. Mutos are nothing but a hindrance to the development of the plot. One single monster, Godzilla, could make the movie more exciting and entertaining. Too many cooks spol the broth.

Since the Mutos and Godzilla fight against each other, the audience’s attention focuses on which side will win. They feel as if they were watching a boxing match. Since Godzilla’s attack is directed at the Mutos, and not to human beings, the audience is not directly involved in the film. The monsters are in a “remote place” from the audience. Godzilla should attack human beings, not the weird mantis-like monsters. The Mutos are a hindrance.

The film is boring because the battle between the Mutos and Godzilla continues for a tremendously long time. They fight repeatedly and endlessly. The battle scenes occupy more than half of the movie. Furthermore, the first half of the film is spent to arouse fear on the part of the audience. The audience has to wait too long before they see a monster (disappointingly, not Godzilla but a Muto). Ten minutes is enough for evoking a sense of dread in the audience. Keeping a rubber cord stretched too long will break it.

Godzilla is a patchwork of fearful scenes from historical incidents. During the fight between the monsters, fighter planes crash into skyscrapers. This is an imitation of the 9.11 disaster in New York. It also shows the tsunami scene where the sea water flows into the San Francisco streets. This is an imitation of the 3. 11 tsunami disaster in Japan. The film also imitates the sound effect in a 1968 SF film, "2001: A Space Odyssey." While Ford Brody is parachuting down, the audience hears the loud noise of his breathing. The breathing noise is used in the last scene of "2001: A Space Odyssey." As with anything, imitation lacks originality and does not excite the audience.

No protagonist:
Who is the protagonist of the movie? Probably it is Ford Brody, but he does not play a major role in the film. He is an explosive ordnance disposal technician, but his skill is not used well. At first, I thought Joe Brody was the main character, but he dies in an early stage of the film. Dr. Ishiro Serizawa, a Japanese scientist, does not play a significant role. He is just a decoration to add a taste of Japan to the film.

Bad Ending:
Godzilla returns back into the sea without any apparent injury. When I saw Godzilla lying on the ground motionless toward the end of the film, I thought he was dead. I wondered how he was killed because the film did not show how Godzilla was “fatally” attacked. Suddenly, however, Godzilla is walking into the sea in the end of the film. How has Godzilla recovered? How has he gained power? This is incomprehensible. I say it is a cheap trick that betrays the audience.

No Humanity
There is no moving scene. It just shows destruction after destruction. The monsters’ fight destroys buildings, railroads, bridges, and roads one after another. I was moved when I saw the 1954 Japanese "Godzilla" where Dr. Serizawa sacrifices his life to reduce Godzilla to bones. Moreover, the original Godzilla appeals to the audience against nuclear weapons. The 2014 Godzilla does not have any message.

I did not enjoy the film; it was ugliness itself.