Saturday, March 19, 2011

[91] Disaster in Tohoku, Japan 東北の大惨事


彼らには 食べ物がない でも わたしにはある
十分な 食事ができる なんと幸せ
彼らには 水がない でも わたしにはある
この水を どうしたら 届けることが できるのか 
彼らには 電気がない でも わたしにはある
節電が 彼等の役に 立つのだろうか

冷たい床で 夜を過ごす 彼等
それなのに わたしは 暖かい布団で寝ている
こんな贅沢 していていいのか


当然が 当然でなくなった
彼等のために 何ができるか
早い復興 祈るばかりだ

   The Disaster in Tohoku, Japan

they have little to eat, but I have enough
it is bliss to be able to eat a substantial meal
they have little water, but I have enough
how can I send this water to them?
they are short of electricity, but I have enough
does my saving electricity help them?

they have to lie on a cold floor for the night
but I sleep in a warm futon
I feel I would be punished for these comforts
to be able to live in a house
to be able to take a hot bath
to be able to go shopping
to be able to take a bus

what has been natural is no longer natural
what can I do for them?
I only pray for the early recovery

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