Tuesday, July 1, 2008


日英バイリンガル通信  No. 34 Hiroshi Matsuoka 松 岡 博 
                      HAUNTED BY HIS VOICE

  Another hot summer is coming near. Offices, trains, and department stores may be cooled down more than necessary. It’s a waste of electricity. That reminds me of my father.
  My father was born in the Meiji Era (1868-1912). Being a man of economy, he saved on water and electricity. When he found water dripping from a faucet, he immediately turned it off. When he found unnecessary light was on, he immediately switched it off. When he found me studying late at night, he said, “Stop studying. Turn the light off and go to bed.” He even used a piece of paper carefully. He made a notebook using fliers whose backsides were blank.
  Though he died years ago, I am still haunted by his scolding for wasting things. Sometimes I use the wrong setting on a copy machine. Before I notice, B4 size copies, instead of B5, the size I thought I had set up, come out of the machine. Hurriedly I push the STOP button, but it continues to feed paper as if it will go on forever with the wrong size copies. Sometimes it gives me as many as 10 copies when I need only one, because of the wrong setting. My father would have roared at me. When I am drying my hands with hot air from a drier in a rest room, my father would switch it off. To tell you the truth, I feel guilty whenever I use that electricity eater.
  Next come the Christmas lights in winter. They are so colorful that I feel as if I were in a multi-colored fairyland of lights. The instant the light displays on downtown trees and buildings are lit in the evening, the spectators give a shout of admiration. Then, at that very instant my father would turn off the main switch, CLANG!
  I hope people in the United States and Japan and many other “advanced electricity wasting countries” will imitate my father, because he was, after all, truly earth-friendly.
