Saturday, September 28, 2024

富士河口湖コンサート  Fuji Kawaguchi Lake Concert







Fuji Kawaguchi Lake Concert

I enjoyed listening to Tsujii Nobuyuki’s piano performance at the Kawaguchi Lake Stellar Theater on September 21. The theater resembles an ancient Roman amphitheater and accommodates 3,000 people. The seats are made of stone and lack backs, so you need to borrow a cushion for comfort.

This was the third time I had the pleasure of hearing him play. Each time, the keys he strikes seem to convey his delicate emotions.

However, I was annoyed by the clickety-clack noise during the encore, caused by the theater’s ceiling moving to reveal the magnificent Mt. Fuji.

Some suggested improvements:

  • The stone seats can be uncomfortable for elderly people with backaches.
  • Avoid moving the ceiling during the performance. If necessary, ensure it moves silently.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

串団子土星  Skeweredーdumpling Saturn 




 Skeweredーdumpling Saturn 

I attended a star-viewing event at a hotel in Yatsugatake, Nagano Prefecture, on September 20. The viewing site was a grassy field about a 10-minute walk from the hotel. With over 90 percent of the moon illuminated, it was almost as bright as a full moon. Clouds covered about one-third of the night sky, but the southern sky was clear. Each star-gazer lay on their back on a small mat on the grass, surrounded by eerie black bushes.

The woman in charge pointed her flashlight at various constellations in the dark sky, such as Cassiopeia, Cygnus (the Swan), the North Star, the Big Dipper, and Orion. Most of these constellations were obscured by clouds, but Orion and the Winter Triangle were visible. After a 20-minute talk about the stars, each participant had the chance to view Saturn through an astronomical telescope. I was disappointed because I couldn’t see Saturn’s rings clearly; instead, I saw a skewered-dumpling shape. The Saturn I saw in high school was unforgettable because the rings were tilted at a favorable angle towards Earth. The woman explained that this year, the rings appear edge-on and are nearly invisible due to their extreme thinness relative to their diameter. According to her, Saturn’s rings reach their maximum tilt towards Earth approximately every 15 years. The Satrun I saw when I was a boy had the rings tilted in a good angle.