Wednesday, November 30, 2022

ブルーインパルス 航空ショー  Blue Impulse Air Show

 ブルーインパルス 航空ショー 

ブルーインパルス 航空ショー

11月26日、ブルーインパルス 航空ショーが名古屋城であり、見に行った。 




The Blue Impulse Air Show

I went to Nagoya Castle to look at the Blue Impulse Air Show. The castle was crowded with spectators. At around 1:45, I heard a scream, “Look, jets!” I saw six jets in formation flying from south to north with smoky lines behind them. They vanished in an instance. Then they came back and each of them drew circle in the sky. Next, they spread from one spot to all directions and then drew a heart mark. I enjoyed the jets performance in the sky.

After the show, while I was walking, I thought, “Some planes give us pleasure, but other planes are threatening people by bombing like in Ukraine.”

I am fortunate to live in a peaceful country, Japan.

Blue Impulse Air Show

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

自転車に携帯電話 A Smartphone on a Bicycle Handle



A Smartphone on a Bicycle Handle

A few days ago, I was waiting for a traffic light to change from red to green at a crossing road. I happened to see a young man on a bicycle next to me. He was looking at a smartphone attached on the middle of the bicycle handle. Walking along a road watching a cell-phone is dangerous. Naturally, riding a bicycle watching a cell-phone is more dangerous. Everyone can understand that.

 I googled a device that would attach a cell-phone on a bicycle handle. I learned that such devices are sold. How irresponsible to sell such things! And how foolish to buy one! The world we live in is getting more and more dangerous. What a pity!