動物園で家族のみんなとベンチで休憩していると、園内放送が「ただ今から、象のショーが始まります」と流れた。私たちは象舎に急いで行った。私は象の曲芸に夢中になった。ショーが終わって周りを見ると、家族の誰もいない。知らない人達が大勢いるだけだ。一生懸命みんなを探したが、いない。多分ベンチに戻ったのだろうと思ってベンチへ行ったけれど、そこにもいない。心細くなった。また象舎のところへ戻ったが、家族は誰もいない。不安になってきた。泣きそうになりながら、母を一生懸命探した。その時、園内放送が聞こえた。「大垣のまつおかひろし様、お母さんが……」まさしくその瞬間、母が私を見つけてくれた。母は大声で「いました! いました!」と叫んだ。今でもあの母の安堵の叫び声が聞こえてくる。
I recently visited Higashiyama Zoo. After looking at some animals, I went to the elephants’ house. While I was watching the elephants, I remembered an incident that had occurred about 65 years ago. At that time I was about five years old. Some families in my neighborhood in Ogaki City planned a bus tour to the zoo. My mother, brother, sister and I joined it.
While we were taking a rest on a bench, the public address system announced that the elephants’ show was starting. We rushed to the show. I was absorbed in the performance. When it was over, my family were not besides me. I saw only a lot of strangers. I looked for them desperately, but in vain. I thought they had returned to the bench. I returned, but again in vain. I became lonely and sad. I went back to the elephants’ house. Still I saw none of them. I was worried. I was on the verge of tears. I looked and looked for my mother. Suddenly I heard over the P.A. system: “Hiroshi Matsuoka-sama, from Ogaki, please….” At that very moment my mother found me. She was screaming, “I’ve found him, I’ve found him!” I still hear her frantic voice.
a chick on the ground
mother bird
a worm in her beak