Wednesday, April 30, 2014

763人のポーランド孤児 763 POLISH ORPHANS




The other day I watched a TV program featuring the rescue of 763 Polish orphans by Japan around 1920. It introduced some of the orphans’ children expressing their hearty thanks to Japan. Here is the incident:
Around 1919, when Russia was in the midst of a civil war, about 150,000 Polish political prisoners, patriots and refugees lived in Siberia. They worked hard despite hunger, coldness, and diseases. Many of them died leaving their children orphans.
Mrs. Anna Bielkiewicz organized the Polish Rescue Committee in Vladivostok to save the orphans in October. The next year, however, saw the war between Poland and Russia. Therefore, the committee was not able to send the orphans to Poland by the Siberia railways. She asked European countries and the United States to rescue them, but none responded to her request. She then asked help from the Japanese government. It communicated the request to the Japanese Red Cross Society, which immediately decided to assist them.
The first batch of 56 orphans left Vladivostok reached Tsuruga Port, arriving in Tokyo in 1920. The next year 375 orphans reached Tokyo. In 1922, 390 children arrived in Osaka.
The children were warmly welcomed. New clothes, underwear, shoes, socks, sweets, toys, postcards, fruit were given to them. Hospitals prepared rooms for them. Barbers, dentists, musicians, the Buddhist women’s association volunteered to help them. Many people donated for them. Taisho Emperor’s wife visited the Red Cross Hospital to encourage them.
After staying in Japan for two years, the orphans stood on the ship decks and sang the national anthems of Japan and Poland in the Yokohama Port. They hated to leave Japanese mothers tearfully. When the ship began to leave the port, they shouted repeatedly, “Thank you. Good-bye.”

What a moving story! I didn't know thie event although I have lived for 71 years in Japan. It should be mentioned in the school textbooks.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014



 更地を見て、65年前のことを思い出しました。私は5歳ぐらいでした。大垣市郭町の町内会で東山動物園にバスで行ったのです。母と兄と妹(今では三人とも他界していますが)と私が参加しました。家族で象舎の近くのベンチで休憩していたら、園内アナウンスで、「只今から、象のショーが始まります」と放送されました。私達は象舎へ急いで行きました。ショーは面白く、熱心に見ていました。ところが、ショーが終わると、母も兄も妹もいないのです。あたりは沢山の見知らぬ人ばかり。どこへ行ったんだろう。母を探しましたが見当たりません。多分ベンチに戻ったんだろうと思って、ベンチに行ったんですが、母の姿は見えません。ひとりぼっちで、悲しくなるやら、疲れてくるやら……。象が曲芸していた所に再び戻りましたが、家族は誰もいません。人、人、人ばかり。どうしよう。心細くなってきました。こんな人ごみでどうやってお母さんを探すというのだ。泣き出しそうになりながら、おろおろと一生懸命お母さんを探しました。突然、園内アナウンスが聞こえました。「大垣からお越しの、マツオカヒロシさん、お母さんが……」。 放送と同時にお母さんが僕を見つけてくれました。奇跡です。母は大きな声で、「いました! いました!」と叫びました。(多分、町内会の人に言ったのでしょう) ほっとしました。(わっと、泣いたかもしれません)




  I went to Higashiyama Zoological Botanical garden on April 17. It was a fine warm day. It being a weekday, there were no school children. Instead, I saw a lot of young mothers with their infants.
After looking at some animals such as rhinoceroses, I went to the elephants’ house. It was a new one. The old one had been demolished. I only saw the vacant lot there.
  Suddenly I remembered the incident that had occurred about 65 years ago. At that time I was only five or six years old. Chonai-kai or the neighborhood association in Kuruwa-machi, Ogaki City, planned a bus tour to Higashiyama Zoo. My family members (mother, brother, and sister, now all deceased) joined the tour. While we were taking a rest on a bench near the elephant house around noon, the public address announced that the elephants’ show was going to start. We rushed to the show. I enjoyed the tricks the elephants performed. I was absorbed in the show. When it was over, my mother, brother or sister were not besides me. They had vanished. I saw only a lot of strangers. Where had they gone? I looked for them but in vain. I thought they had returned to the bench where we took a rest. I went to the bench, but my mother was not there. I became lonely and sad and exhausted. I went back to the elephants’ performance ground. I saw none of my family members. I only saw a lot of people. What should I do? I was worried. How could I find my mother in such a dense crowd? I was on the verge of tears. I looked and looked and looked for my mother. Suddenly I heard the public address calling my name. “Hiroshi Matsuoka-san, from Ogaki, please ….” And miraculously at that very moment my mother found me. She said in a loud voice, “I’ve found him, I’ve found him!” How relieved I was!
 I still hear my mother’s frantic voice.

Mom, you were also
on the verge of tears
I understand how you felt
after a long dark tunnel
a bright sun
my mom