I still remember a chain of words made up of “last and first,” which I learned when I was a small child. Probably my father or uncle taught it to me. It goes:
surume (dried cuttlefish) →mejiro (white eye)→roshiya (Russia) →yabankoku (a barbarian country)→kurobataki→kinta-- (balls)→makarofu→fundoshi (loincloth)→shimeta (tightened)→takajappo→ponyari→rikugunno (army) → nogisanga (General Nogi)→gaisensu (return with glory)→the first word of surume
I did not know the meaning of kurobataki until recently when I watched an NHK television program of “Sakano-ueno-kumo” (Clouds above the Hill), which featured the Meiji-era Japan focusing on the Sino-Japanese War (1894-5) and the Russo-Japanese War (1904-5). I found kurobataki was the name of the Commander of Russian Manchurian Army, Aleksey Kuropatkin, during the Russo-Japanese War. That is why the chain words include such war-connected words as rikugunno, nogisanga, and gaisensu. I also learned that makarofu was the name of the Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral, Stepan Makarov. If I had not watched the TV program, I would not have found these facts. The program at last revealed the meanings of the unknown words after dozens of years.
Another thing I still remember is the names of Chinese dynasties. I can recite them easily:
Xia―Yin―Zho―Zhou―Western Han―Xi―Eastern Han―Three Kingdoms―Western Jin―Eastern JinーSui―Tang―Five Dynastie―Southern Song―Yuan―Ming-Qing―Republic of China―People's Republic of China
They helped me a lot in various occasions.
According to a website, takajappo and ponyari mean taka-shappo (high hat) and bonyari (absent-minded) respectively, but I doubt it.
the boyhood day
connected with today
★このブログは私が南山中高等学校男子部の英語教員だったときに英語の副教材として発行していた「日英バイリンガル通信」の継続版です。★第1号は2002年11月発行で、当時の生徒は中学1年生でした。通信の最終号(第29号)は2008年3月発行で、生徒は持ち上がってきた高校3年生です。★同年3月に退職してからも同通信をブログで発行し続け、今日に至っています。 This is a continuation of the bilingual bulletin that I published for my students when I was an English teacher at Nanzan High School in Nagoya, Japan. I started the publication when I taught the seventh graders in 2002 and finished it when they graduated in 2008. I published 29 issues during the 6 years.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011

一本松よ ありがとう
心ささえた 九ヶ月
一本松よ ありがとう
7万本の 松林
一本残して 流されぬ
一本だけの 松なれど
多くの人に 元気をくれぬ
300年 共に育った
仲間と別れ 孤高を耐えぬ
「最後の一葉」 少女を救い
一本松は 皆を救いぬ
ひょろ長さんよ ありがとう
お前の事は 我ら忘れぬ
お前の生んだ 松ぽっくり
18本の 若木が育ち
300年後 若木が作る
以前と同じ 松の森

the Tohoku Tsunami
washed away
70,000 pine trees
except one
the beautiful scenery
suddenly changed into
a desolate beach
leaving one miraculous tree
after nine months
you, the last pine tree
you, the guardian deity
are now dying
you have encouraged
thousands of victims
as O' Henry’s "The Last Leaf"
encouraged the girl
you must have been
lonely, too, parting with
the trees that grew
for 270 years together
seeing that
the Tohoku people
are recovering
you are joining your friends
thank you, pine tree
your slender tall figure
all the Japanese people
will never forget you
your pine cones
have given new life
18 baby trees
are now growing
washed away
70,000 pine trees
except one
the beautiful scenery
suddenly changed into
a desolate beach
leaving one miraculous tree
after nine months
you, the last pine tree
you, the guardian deity
are now dying
you have encouraged
thousands of victims
as O' Henry’s "The Last Leaf"
encouraged the girl
you must have been
lonely, too, parting with
the trees that grew
for 270 years together
seeing that
the Tohoku people
are recovering
you are joining your friends
thank you, pine tree
your slender tall figure
all the Japanese people
will never forget you
your pine cones
have given new life
18 baby trees
are now growing
they will make
as large a forest
270 years later
as large a forest
270 years later
from now
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