Wednesday, February 16, 2011

[89] 鼻もちならない男 A SNOTTY-NOSED MAN






  A man around 60 years old entered a barber’s shop. A young barber attended to him and said, “How would you like your hair done?”
  “Just a trim. I’m going to meet a very important person tomorrow, so I want to look tidy,” the man said in such a loud voice that everybody in the shop could hear him.
  The young barber began to cut his hair without responding to the man’s grand words. 
  “You see, the man I am going to meet is one of the top three Buddhist priests in Japan,” the man continued. He sounded as if he himself were an important person. Obviously he wanted the young barber to ask who he was going to meet.
  After a few minutes’ silence, the barber said, “How would you like your sideburns?”
  “I said ‘just a trim,’ didn’t I?” the man said.
  He was dissatisfied because the barber did not show any interest in what he had said. Impatiently he repeated with another boasting air, “I don’t want to look rude in front of him. That’s why I am here. After all, he is a VIP.” He put stress on the word ‘VIP.’ Reluctantly the barber asked,  
  “So, who are you going to meet tomorrow, sir?”
  “Ah, a good question. He is a great dai-sojo* of Eheji Temple.”
  He sounded as if everybody in Japan knew Eheji Temple. Despite his expectation, the barber did not utter a word of admiration, but just said, “Is that so?”
  “Of course you know Eheji Temple, don’t you?” the man said.
  “No. I’m sorry.”
  “Are you kidding? You don’t know Eheji? That famous Zen Master Dogen founded the temple.”
  “Who is Dogen?” the barber said.
  An awkward and endless silence followed.

(Note: dai-sojo is a priest of the highest rank in the hierarchy of monks in Buddhist sects)

      俳文 HAIBUN

       be careful, young barber
         don’t let the man see
                                    your giggle

Saturday, February 12, 2011

[88] コンピューター・ワーム COMPUTER WORM


(中日新聞 300字小説応募作品 日本語訳は暫くお待ちください)

  Recently my notebook computer was malfunctioning: it took too long a time to boot it; Word documents turned into garbled characters; youtube videos did not run; and Internet connection did not work, either. I thought it had gotten some computer worms. So, I tried to remove them by anti-virus software, but failed. Next I tried to recover it, but in vain. I had no choice but to bring it to a home appliance retailer and ask them to fix it.
  A week later, I went to the retailer only to find that it was impossible to fix it for some unknown reasons. Discouraged, I went back home with the machine, opened the lid, and switched it on. Believe it or not, I saw a tiny worm coming out of the side of the return key on the key board. Mercy! The worm had been eating my computer. It was, by the way, an Apple.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

[87] 兄ちゃんの想いで MEMOIR OF MY BROTHER



  One summer day when we were elementary school boys, my brother, Tadakazu, and I had a scientific experiment during the train ride to Komano Station (the nearest railway station from our mother’s parents’ home). We were sitting on a bench seat side by side.
  Before I knew it, I found my brother repeatedly throwing up and catching a ball in the train. He tilted his head every time he tossed and caught the ball. He looked puzzled. He then let me do the same action again and again looking at my hand and the ball simultaneously. He was making sure that I did not move my hand sideways even an inch the moment I caught it. I wondered what he was doing. He said, “I don’t understand why the ball drops in your hand. You see, while the ball is in the air, the train is moving fast. So it must fall on somewhere behind instead of your hand, but it doesn’t. Isn’t it strange?” I understood what he was wondering about. My brother took the ball from me and threw it as high as possible, almost touching the ceiling of the train so that the ball had plenty of time to stay in the air. But try as he might, the ball dropped exactly in his hand.
  The passengers sitting opposite us were curiously looking at us. Some of them might have thought that we were just playing with the ball, but obviously they must have heard our puzzled conversation. However, no passengers dared to interrupt us to ask what we were doing. Maybe they did not have confidence to explain the physical phenomenon easily enough for us to understand.
  Now as an adult who has studied physics in high school, I hope I can explain the phenomenon in an understandable way for the scientific-minded boys.
  I would stand up from my seat, approach the brothers, and say to them, “Hi, boys, I know what you are puzzled about. You want to know why the ball doesn’t fall behind, don’t you? Let me explain. First, you must recognize that while you are holding the ball in your hand, it is moving as fast as the train. Therefore, when you throw it up in the air, it moves not only upward but also forward in the direction the train travels. Suppose a man is standing on the rice field looking at the train. When you throw up the ball, he does not see it go up and come down vertically. Instead, he sees it flying in an arc.”
  Well, it is difficuI to explain the phenomenon  to them. I hope my explanation would satisfy the boys. I should draw a picture of how the ball moves in the train.

  In our childhood, my brother and I played a lot together: card games, sugoroku or snakes and ladders, shogi or Japanese chess, sumo wrestling, top spinning, kite flying, and toy pistols. The most amusing of all was playing with chopstick pistols. All we needed to make one was three pairs of chopsticks and rubber bands. Snap a pair of chopsticks and put a trigger or an-inch-long chopstick between the two chopsticks and bind them with a rubber band. Attach the handle with rubber bands by fixing two 2-inch-long chopsticks in a triangle. That is all, and you can play chopstick pistols. You stretch a rubber band from the gunpoint to the trigger. When you pull the trigger, the band is released and jumps two or three meters forward. Stand a matchbox two meters away from you. Aim at it and pull the trigger. If you are a good shot, you can knock the matchbox down. The winner of the gun-shooting game can collect all the rubber bands that have missed to hit the matchbox and lay around it.