In 2030 a neuroscientist, Dr. Yamada, invented a device which “read” the human brain. If he pointed the antenna of the device at a subject, the device spoke to him through the earphones in a computerized voice, “The subject is thinking of her boyfriend.” The accuracy of the device was, however, 80 percent.
In 2035, Dr. Yamada increased the accuracy to 90 percent. The machine was able to “read” a fairly complicated matter. When Dr. Yamada got on a train and secretly pointed the gadget in his bag at a man sitting on the seat opposite from him, he heard through the earphones, “The middle aged man with a beard sitting on the seat in front of you is thinking about marrying his girl friend, but the problem is that he is married.” Dr. Yamada worked hard to improve the accuracy to more than 90 percent, but in vain. He said to himself in despair,
“I have improved every part of the machine. There is nothing more to do. How can I upgrade it? How?”
One day an idea flashed in his head while he was washing his chest in the bath. He jumped out of the tub and ran around naked in his house, crying with a loud voice, “Eureka! Eureka!” He realized that the heart played an important role in human thinking. He said to himself, “The expressions such as ‘My heart aches,’ ‘My heart leapt for joy,’ ‘a coldblooded heart,’ and ‘a warm heart’ are the proof that the brain and the heart are closely interrelated. Studying only the electric current in the brain will never reach perfection.”
Dr. Yamada began to study the current in the heart. He discovered that electric current flows from the right atrium, to the right ventricle, to left ventricle, and to the left atrium. After several years’ trial and error, he succeeded in combining the brain and heart data, and lo! and behold, in 2040 he finally invented the device that “read” human brain at 100 percent accuracy. He heard the decoded voice with the ultra-miniature earphones put deep in his ears. No one noticed them.
The day after the completion, he went to a park with the earphones and the machine in his pocket. When he was sitting on a bench, a young man passed by, looking at Dr. Yamada curiously. At this instant, Dr. Yamada heard on the earphones, “The young man who passed you just now has realized that you were his former teacher. He is going to come and greet you. This is 100 percent correct.” As the brain reader predicted, the young man returned to him, and said, “Excuse me, but I presume you are Dr. Yamada. I am Hiroshi Matsuoka, your former student. Do you remember me?”
Yes, yes, of course! What a success!
That evening, Dr. Yamada thought, “This incident alone doesn’t prove that the gadget is perfect. Isn’t there any good way to prove the perfectness of the device?
Three days later, when Dr. Yamada was reading a shogi (Japanese chess) column in the newspaper as usual, his eyes caught a shogi championship. He said to himself, “This is it! Nothing gives a better opportunity to test the machine than a shogi championship because playing shogi requires highly sophisticated and logical ways of thinking.
The All Japan Amateur Shogi Championship was played in tournament by 32 players. Dr. Yamada was one of them. If he defeated five opponents, he would be the champion. During the first four games, he heard the opponent’s strategy through the earphones about how to move the shogi pieces. For example, he heard, “Your opponent will break through your defense line and check your oh (king) by intentionally sacrificing his hisha (rook), but if you do not take the bait, he will attack the line by placing his keima (knight) in the 6-f square.”
He easily defeated four opponents, and reached the final game. If he won the final, his machine would prove to be 100 percent perfect. His opponent’s name was Kazuo Miyashita. He was an old man, around 70 years old.
The championship game started, but his machine did not work well. What Dr. Yamada heard on the earphones was: “Probably your opponent will move his fu (pawn) because he wants to cut off the retreat line of your kaku (bishop). Or probably he will place his kin (gold general) in the 7-e or 3-e square. Or probably….” Damn it! You, idiot! He did not know why the machine went crazy. He lost the game.
After he returned home, he checked the machine through and through, but every part of the machine was all right. He was disappointed and confused. He did not know how to improve the “perfect” machine. He wondered, “Why did the device go wrong? Why?”
Three months later, while he was reading an obituary in the newspaper, he read, “Mr. Kazuo Miyashita, the All Japan Shogi champion, died at the age of 71 because of the malfunction of his artificial heart.”
in the future
everyone will know
what you are thinking about
ある日、博士は風呂で胸を洗っていて、ハッと気が付いた。博士は風呂から素っ裸で飛び出して、「分かった! 分かったぞ!」と、大声で叫びながら家中を飛び回った。
いつの日か 本音が人に 筒抜けに
★このブログは私が南山中高等学校男子部の英語教員だったときに英語の副教材として発行していた「日英バイリンガル通信」の継続版です。★第1号は2002年11月発行で、当時の生徒は中学1年生でした。通信の最終号(第29号)は2008年3月発行で、生徒は持ち上がってきた高校3年生です。★同年3月に退職してからも同通信をブログで発行し続け、今日に至っています。 This is a continuation of the bilingual bulletin that I published for my students when I was an English teacher at Nanzan High School in Nagoya, Japan. I started the publication when I taught the seventh graders in 2002 and finished it when they graduated in 2008. I published 29 issues during the 6 years.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
[52] お化け屋敷とドーナツ

ドーナツを 食べてやらない 怖かった
ドーナツを 食べてやらない 怖かった
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